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Why Do Guys Never Want To Take You On Dates?



Why no one wants to go on dates ? It might be called autism people spending life alone. People not coping with other people's company. Rates say 17 % women I think 14% men. Makes me wonder quiet relations for a lot as two autistic arent going to overlap much , nothing would be done or said together. A lot the non autism partnered...


Bronze Member
I have read through quite a few of the replies on this thread and reply is what made me want to join the forum. Here is my opinion.

Katrina, you mentioned about guys never wanting to put effort into dates, in my opinion, those guys are selfish and ultimately only after one thing. If someone is truely invested in building and maintaining a solid relationship, 100% effort is put in.

Call me old fashioned or whatever you like, but I believe in the small details. Compliments, actual interest and respect. I will always pay for the first date, I never expect that to go any further and lead to the bedroom. If there isn’t a spark, I have no hard feelings. More money can be earned the next day, it genuinely doesn’t bother me.

People have different opinions about first dates, where they should be, who pays, coffee, dinner, drinks, whatever it may be. Personally, I prefer to have a first date somewhere casual. Have a drink or two, if things are going well order some food and have a few more drinks. Great conversation is key! I, like most people, loosen up after a couple of drinks. Somewhere between the end of my first and halfway through my second I am a lot more confident and am more relaxed. But I will never take things too far and drink till I am a silly mess, that is quite disrespectful to the lady I am spending my time with.

Bringing up the subject of dating working ladies, I never have, but I would like to believe I wouldn’t compromise my morales and values. I have visited brothels and massage parlours, and I am not one to judge what someone chooses to do for a living. Everyone is on a different path and I have no right to pass judgement.

If I do ever date someone working in the industry, all I would expect would be to keep the time we spend together focused on us. I would ask how her day was, I would genuinely take an interest, because I know that she is coming home to me. Over time, yes, I may end up feeling a bit jealous, I don’t know, but I would expect the two of us to be able to talk about it like adults and work through it together.


Sometimes women are on ice, dope, drunk,.gamblers , completely fat, abusive language, dont kiss, dont have sex, spend as much of a guys money, have pets they sleep with than there partner. Boyfriends hanging round or rooted guys and come back to a guy. I even met a aomeones friend, who she said always scums money, that said she killed someone defending her mum from her violent mums boyfriend and wasnt being violentat the time, and didnt go to jail. She even told me, the other person I know was surprised she told me. Men have told me there ex wives gambled and lost all there money .Sometimes men dont want to take women on dates for many reasons. Try talking to a drunk in the evening. On top of that parents and mums can coming first in relations. Add suicidal, chronic depression, Anxiety
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Taylor Tara

Authoress of Tara Memoirs
Gold Member
Sometimes women are on ice, dope, drunk,.gamblers , completely fat, abusive language, dont kiss, dont have sex, spend as much of a guys money, have pets they sleep with thsn there partner boyriends hanging round or rooted guys and come back to a guy. I even met a aomeones friend, who she said always scums money, that said she killed someone defending her mum from her violent mums boyfriend and wasnt being violentat the time, and didnt go to jail . Men have told me there ex wives gsmbled and lost all there money .Sometimes men dont want to take women on dates for many reasons. Try talking to a drunk in tbe evening. On top of that parents and mums coming first in relations.
Sad but true, I have heard and saw a lot of this myself. Would hate to be looking for a partner in this day and age no matter what gender. I have found that's were we come in.

Ciao Baby

Sad but true, I have heard and saw a lot of this myself. Would hate to be looking for a partner in this day and age no matter what gender. I have found that's were we come in.
Yes that is very true & it gets more & more difficult the older u get & then 1 day it dawns on u that the reason she or he is still avail / still in the dating pool is becos he or she is a raving fucking lunatic 🤪🤪🤪


Diamond Member
It has always been far easier for women to find dates and relationships than men.
Men have to be perfect and go through a bunch of hoops to attract and maintain a woman's interest. A woman merely has to exist and there will a number of male suitors.
Women have near unlimited options all thanks to social media and dating apps providing easy access to the best male suitors.
The past was hard for men to find dates and relationships with women but modern technology makes the dating game harder for men and easier for women.
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Ciao Baby

It has always been far easier for women to find dates and relationships than men.
Men have to be perfect and go through a bunch of hoops to attract and maintain a woman's interest. A woman merely has to exist and there will a number of male suitors.
Women have near unlimited options all thanks to social media and dating apps providing easy access to the best male suitors.
The past was hard for men to find dates and relationships with women but modern technology makes the dating game harder for men and easier for women.

Unless of course the man happens 2 b hung like a rogue elephant 😊


I once got asked on a date with a friend, well jump in the bed and told I would probably get Herpes as she had it ? Yeah I said no....Funny her and two other male friends seemd to want to tell me they had herpes.......only three times ive discussed sexual diseases with others. Ones wife now wont have sex with him the last 2 years......why would he stay.......he says she wont take a condom even
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mine medic

Bronze Member
I think it's because the world we live in, its hard to get it right. You ask a girl to date she rejects you, you ask a girl to meet you for coffee she wants wine or you ask to hookup and she wants to date.

So getting the combo right can be a challenge ha ha. I personally have asked a few people on dates of recent as I am newly single. All rejected the offer, so still waiting for an acceptance. Until that time upward and onward.

Taylor Tara

Authoress of Tara Memoirs
Gold Member
I think it's because the world we live in, its hard to get it right. You ask a girl to date she rejects you, you ask a girl to meet you for coffee she wants wine or you ask to hookup and she wants to date.

So getting the combo right can be a challenge ha ha. I personally have asked a few people on dates of recent as I am newly single. All rejected the offer, so still waiting for an acceptance. Until that time upward and onward.
Would hate to be dating this day and age.

Xavier Jung

Yep got my degree in 2019.... Now looking for a job, can't seem to find anything may stand at the next federal election.. :)

No comment.

Back on topic....I feel happy that I will never enter the dating scene/experience and keep my focus on the professionals.

Down boy

Gold Member
I must think differently.
I reckon dating now would be great fun. I like women who know what they want and don’t mind telling you. Hazy recollections from 1827 when I last dated involved not a lot of communication and were often very conservative events. Now that I’m older my prime focus wouldn’t be wether we hooked up at the end of the night, it would be about having a good time.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
I must think differently.
I reckon dating now would be great fun. I like women who know what they want and don’t mind telling you. Hazy recollections from 1827 when I last dated involved not a lot of communication and were often very conservative events. Now that I’m older my prime focus wouldn’t be wether we hooked up at the end of the night, it would be about having a good time.


John Smithl

Legend Member
I must think differently.
I reckon dating now would be great fun. I like women who know what they want and don’t mind telling you. Hazy recollections from 1827 when I last dated involved not a lot of communication and were often very conservative events. Now that I’m older my prime focus wouldn’t be wether we hooked up at the end of the night, it would be about having a good time.
Agree!.. and finding someone to share life with