• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Bronze Member
you probably own part of a big company if you have any super!
I think that's where mr average joe is going to cop it as well governments itching to get their hands on it, apparently the Greeks are already using it to pay their debts, and Bill Shorten thinks its Australia's Future Fund
not the contributors fund.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
It may well be Rochelle that you yourself have gained a financial advantage* from tax avoidance.
As I slowly type this the chief executives of Deloitte Australia are before a senate committee you can watch on
A-PAC: Australia's Public Affairs Channel

* Perhaps through shares you own or shares your superannuation provider owns

Sigh, no such luck for me. The only financial advantage I gain is the fact that my killer heels are a tax write off.
Big company or average Jo nobody likes taxes. But tax money provides for the services a modern social society should be able to provide. If we want to have those services we have to pay tax. That's the deal, very simple. Big companies unfortunately think they are exceptions and as Homer said they have the abilities to find the loopholes and get away with it mainly because they are dick-waving "oh if your government does that to us we just take the production line to A, B or C and you will lose whatever thousand of jobs."


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
not to mention the 2 cousins commonly known as the black sheep of the family, last seen alive two months ago

before they ended up like this just recently


Legend Member
It's called estate planning...if you plan well then you gain well...it's education you don't get from school...I see that now.


Diamond Member
It's called estate planning...if you plan well then you gain well...it's education you don't get from school...I see that now.
If only I had a financial mentor in my impressionable years....I'd own massage parlours instead of visiting them.


Legend Member
If only I had a financial mentor in my impressionable years....I'd own massage parlours instead of visiting them.

True that, you me...the same...only if I had Bill Gates as godfather. I don't mind some inheritance right about now...lol


Foundation Member
Its true that many big international companies are moving money off-shore to avoid tax and something must be done about it. Politically the Labor Party and the Greens have been pushing this strongly over the past few weeks to avoid the discussion that the country MUST have. Tax revenues are increasing year on year but they are not keeping pace with government spending. The country has a massive spending problem that's out of control. Rather than increasing personal taxation through bracket creep and levies spending must be cut and if that means reducing middle class welfare so be it. The revenue that can be potentially recovered from the multi-nationals through profit shifting is very small compared to our outstanding debt.

Morgan Sapphire

Diamond Member
I feel like strangling those company bosses now after reading your post Rochelle. And yes, I think these tax avoidance loopholes should be tightened. Our government is now thinking about raising tax for us, the working people of Australia. How far can they strangle us financially before the working class fall into poverty, or have to work even longer hours to keep up ?


Legend Member
Government is not managing their spending efficiently. Social welfare is a middle and lower class mentality. I am not saying ban all benefits. Tighter measures needed for sure.

Though I like to strangle those company bosses too but they do help with the economy. It is Bull$hit for sure, a whole load of it.

Government is not planning for long term, vision = short sighted. The next election is all they are thinking about.

Sure raise the tax, but wages are not keeping up with inflation.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
another earthquake....another human disaster.........my heart goes out to the Nepalese people, over 4300 people are dead, numbers still rising........Kathmandu used to be such a beautiful city..........




Foundation Member
I visited a few years ago for a trekking holiday and the scenery, buildings of cultural significance and people are all truly beautiful. I will return one day soon as well
I know someone who arrived there with great excitement the day before the quake! She's alive and well but can't get out yet. However, she's a nurse so she is doing what she can to help the situation.

Let's all open out hearts and wallets/purses for this wonderful place.


Diamond Member
At least 250 people missing after avalanche hits trekking area in Nepal
Posted 6 minutes ago

Map: Nepal
At least 250 people are missing after an avalanche hit a village in Rasuwa district, a popular trekking area to the north of the capital Kathmandu, district governor Uddhav Bhattarai says.

Foreign tourists may be among the missing in the avalanche, which hit the village of Ghodatabela.

"This area is in a natural park, which is popular with tourists. We are trying to rescue them, but bad weather and rainfall is hampering efforts," Mr Bhattarai said.

A powerful earthquake last Saturday with a magnitude of 7.9 set off many snowslides in the Himalayan state.

More to come.


I visited a few years ago for a trekking holiday and the scenery, buildings of cultural significance and people are all truly beautiful. I will return one day soon as well
I know someone who arrived there with great excitement the day before the quake! She's alive and well but can't get out yet. However, she's a nurse so she is doing what she can to help the situation.

Let's all open out hearts and wallets/purses for this wonderful place.
......my ptayes are for your friend and all in need Funflyer....i have worked there and in was in Bali during the bombings....working in a 3rd world health facility is tough!!! During disaster it is a complete nightmare...

Terces Erif

Silver Member
Its a terrible humanitarian crisis over there in Nepal. The country has suffered a lot for political issues over the last 10 years and when they started settling down in recent years got hit by this devastating earthquake. I have been to Nepal once and it's a paradise. And how lovely and simple people they were! My prayer for them. The people who lived seeing their families, dear ones, homes gone within a couple of minutes of tremor have to go through a very difficult journey. Anyone wants can donate for them even if its a dollar.


Diamond Member
I'm not deliberately playing devil's advocate here, this is a legitimate concern that struck me out of the blue.

I sincerely hope that neither India nor China use this as an opportunity to invade. Both could use the excuse of "annexation as liberation" in some way or another, let's hope the more altruistic side of human nature prevails.

Terces Erif

Silver Member
I'm not deliberately playing devil's advocate here, this is a legitimate concern that struck me out of the blue.

I sincerely hope that neither India nor China use this as an opportunity to invade. Both could use the excuse of "annexation as liberation" in some way or another, let's hope the more altruistic side of human nature prevails.

India has already got a great deal of influence over Nepal. They share the same currency and same language (as a second one though). I don't think there would be any invasion in that sense.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I'm not deliberately playing devil's advocate here, this is a legitimate concern that struck me out of the blue.

I sincerely hope that neither India nor China use this as an opportunity to invade. Both could use the excuse of "annexation as liberation" in some way or another, let's hope the more altruistic side of human nature prevails.

That is a fair comment. I spent some time in Nepal a few years ago and even then the locals were not impressed with the huge number of Indian people moving to Nepal. The fear of an Indian invasion (how ever that might look like) seemed to be more on the Nepalese people's mind (back then) than a Chinese invasion. Let's hope neither will happen.

scarlett lee

Gold Member
My heart goes out to all those affected, not just those killed or injured but their families and loved ones also. It's always awful when there is a loss of life on such a massive scale. Kudos to all the medical and rescue staff who have rallied around to do what they can for the survivors too.:(:(:(