• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Resident good vibes lover
Diamond Member
I dont think she would have the stamina for a tenth of that haha


Legend Member
Why post the roster at 4pm? Also i texted multiple times today with no reply

I'll copy and past my earlier post and I know sounding like a broken record ...

Which is exactly what I've said a number of times about Comfort Massage in Osborne Park.
Some very nice ladies, very nice real photos of girls, clean premises with large rooms, plus rear entry is available.
They seem to have the same sub forum thingy here to advertise their wares, yet it is very ad hoc, random, and seemingly little interest in promoting their gorgeous ladies.
Each to their own I guess, it's only money.


Silver Member
I'll copy and past my earlier post and I know sounding like a broken record ...

Which is exactly what I've said a number of times about Comfort Massage in Osborne Park.
Some very nice ladies, very nice real photos of girls, clean premises with large rooms, plus rear entry is available.
They seem to have the same sub forum thingy here to advertise their wares, yet it is very ad hoc, random, and seemingly little interest in promoting their gorgeous ladies.
Each to their own I guess, it's only money.
Good to hear that "Rear Entry is available"...nice :)


Legend Member
Good to hear that "Rear Entry is available"...nice :)

Thank you.
It was a deliberate and subtle fishing exercise to see if that was the only point that got picked up on and would be of any relevance to anyone.
I however have no knowledge of this availability you speak of, nor have any interest in it.

BUT ... it is a huge plus for this place, that there is a car park 'at the back' of the premises, it is very easy to park there by entering a lane way, and easy to access the building from an 'at the back' door, because the front car park sitting on Main Street is way to visible for many who may wish to visit.


Legend Member
Thank you.
It was a deliberate and subtle fishing exercise to see if that was the only point that got picked up on and would be of any relevance to anyone.
I however have no knowledge of this availability you speak of, nor have any interest in it.

BUT ... it is a huge plus for this place, that there is a car park 'at the back' of the premises, it is very easy to park there by entering a lane way, and easy to access the building from an 'at the back' door, because the front car park sitting on Main Street is way to visible for many who may wish to visit.

Is the lane way on your right or left if you are facing the building? I couldn't find my way to the back entrance at one time and have since given up going to the establishment. It is too exposed parking in front of the building.


Legend Member
Sorry, probably a bit misleading with how the term lane way is usually used.

Cruickshank Lane is the 'lane way' I was referring to, but it is basically a single lane road running parallel to Main Street.
So Comfort fronts Main Street, and it's, to stay politically correct, car park at the back of the building has access off Cruickshank Lane.

Stay on Main Street, drive about 150 metres past the Comfort building/big Sewing machine sign!, immediate left turn into McDonald Street.
Down McDonald Street 80 metres or so, left turn into Cruickshank Lane, and the same 150 metres or so back along.

(Some may see that as me having auto pilot on, and perhaps a bit of truth there)
Yes, the front very exposed, but the back a godsend when wishing to visit such an establishment.


Diamond Member
Is the lane way on your right or left if you are facing the building? I couldn't find my way to the back entrance at one time and have since given up going to the establishment. It is too exposed parking in front of the building.
look for the big aerial tower in the carpark.
at the back door, there is usually a load of washing on clothes horses.
the back door may be open, but ring the bell.


Silver Member
Thats great dan60....Lucky that StreetView blurred out that BMW's plate number :)


Silver Member
Thank you.
It was a deliberate and subtle fishing exercise to see if that was the only point that got picked up on and would be of any relevance to anyone.
I however have no knowledge of this availability you speak of, nor have any interest in it.

BUT ... it is a huge plus for this place, that there is a car park 'at the back' of the premises, it is very easy to park there by entering a lane way, and easy to access the building from an 'at the back' door, because the front car park sitting on Main Street is way to visible for many who may wish to visit.
Ha ha Thanks Channelle....The main road side is very exposed, so nice to know about this...very helpful


Legend Member
Definitely impossible from the back carpark as too many steps ... do not know with the front as never been at front door ... management best answer.


Legend Member
Dear Management when you are posting the roster ...
... a prospective customer, ie. A customer willing to pay money, would like to know if your premises are wheelchair friendly.

Please, it would be handy for some to know.

Info is not just for those confined to a wheelchair, but some of us may use a walking stick, have a limp, dodgy knees, crook legs, etc.
Thank you