• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Coronavirus predictions...


Diamond Member
16 million people in Northern Italy have been locked down under house arrest and quarantined.
More countries will face being locked down under quarantine and travel bans will increase.
This is one of the darkest times in human history and let's hope we make it through.
Shame life is not like a Hollywood movie with a predictable good ending.

Night Owl Ciao

That’s shit fight right now at coles and woollies
Ain't got fuck all to do with toilet paper anymore. The World Health Organisation is predicting the first wave of CV will infect 60% of the Entire world population & there will be 45 - 60 million deaths. There will be many more CV waves to follow until a successful vaccine is developed & mass produced.

Night Owl Ciao

16 million people in Northern Italy have been locked down under house arrest and quarantined.
More countries will face being locked down under quarantine and travel bans will increase.
This is one of the darkest times in human history and let's hope we make it through.
There is a very good chance that at the very least 45 million of us won't even make it through the first wave of infection.


Legend Member
Ain't got f**k all to do with toilet paper anymore. The World Health Organisation is predicting the first wave of CV will infect 60% of the Entire world population & there will be 45 - 60 million deaths. There will be many more CV waves to follow until a successful vaccine is developed & mass produced.
Never had anything to do with toilet paper anyway. People just panic buying. Virus is coming. Time will tell


Diamond Member
Corona Virus vaccine only available to those who can afford it and it takes years to develop.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ain't got f**k all to do with toilet paper anymore. The World Health Organisation is predicting the first wave of CV will infect 60% of the Entire world population & there will be 45 - 60 million deaths. There will be many more CV waves to follow until a successful vaccine is developed & mass produced.

How to wipe you business competition off the face of the world, without firing a single bullet or can blame any world leader also, BUT some arse hole that wanted to neck a bat well gets all the blame....... mean while all the other news is well who cares.... Companies / Politicians are loving this..... so are central bankers...

Night Owl Ciao

How to wipe you business competition off the face of the world, without firing a single bullet or can blame any world leader also, BUT some arse hole that wanted to neck a bat well gets all the blame....... mean while all the other news is well who cares.... Companies / Politicians are loving this..... so are central bankers...
You cannot be fucking serious? 😡

Goodstuff36 Bon truc in french

Goodstuff. Bon truc in french
Legend Member
Was at woolies today place was empty staff were repacking empty shelves when the assistant manager who I know come over and says hi were just unloading the truck they had a few pallets of toilet paper do you want any I got what I needed he said watch before you go the store will be packed as I was going the the checkout it was like one of those stocktake sales must be on facebook or instagram families came flooding in for that toilet paper but woolies also had liquid detoll soap for $2 bucks they were even fighting over that unbelievable seen it with my own eyes.


Diamond Member
I wonder how much better the Government would have handled the bushfires and now Corona Virus if Labor won the Federal Election. Coalition are all about the promotion of greed, selfishness and every man for him/herself. It may have been a better response if Labor won the Federal election. We will never know and we have to endure the nightmare of a lack of response by a dithering ScoMo as our PM.
Aussies are just like Americans we lack the community spirit of Europe and Asia. Instead of working together we fight each other.
United we stand, divided we fall!


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Was at woolies today place was empty staff were repacking empty shelves when the assistant manager who I know come over and says hi were just unloading the truck they had a few pallets of toilet paper do you want any I got what I needed he said watch before you go the store will be packed as I was going the the checkout it was like one of those stocktake sales must be on facebook or instagram families came flooding in for that toilet paper but woolies also had liquid detoll soap for $2 bucks they were even fighting over that unbelievable seen it with my own eyes.



Gold Member
People die of the flu every year! They're just trying to manage the load on our medical system.
Last year i was hospitalised with the flu (A) and while my life was never in danger, life was really shit for 6 or 7 days and then about 2 weeks until i recovered properly. Previously i've had dengue fever and the flu was far worse. If people with coronavirus are able to go to work, WASO etc i don't think it's that bad for the majority of us. It's the elderly who will sadly suffer.

It's highly infectious nature is what makes it really bad, it will fuck things up for us all and make life very difficult in the short term.


Its all a guess.

Varying opinions.

Too many variables like vaccines, 'persons gaining immunity' .

I cant really guess, time tells. I think its dependent on vaccine which should be soon having thousands and thousands of scientists working together and advanced.technology.

I dont agree with Governments curent containment. Let it run, …keep economies going

I think a bad virus spreading well weakening with time.

Most governments of bulk of worlds estimated 7 200 000 000 people, wont give too much bother, just a respiratiry disorder weakening killing those in last stages of life 85 plus or sick already.

Telling people to stay at home wont work the bulk of 7.2 biliion wont give a hoot about a respiratory virus
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Diamond Member
Health crisis exposes the lack of funding in the public health system.
Tax the rich and companies more and increase spending on public health services.
In America they care too much about getting thousands out of you than offering decent health care.
Health care should be publicly funded and paid for by the rich and companies via taxation.


Diamond Member
It is a good thing Australians do not have easy access to guns like they do in the US.
Imagine if we had gang shoot outs over toilet rolls?
Instead of drugs and territory it was a fight over access to toilet rolls.
Australians are amongst the most dumbest, uneducated, illiterate twits on planet Earth and images of us fighting over toilet rolls says it all.

Night Owl Ciao

It is a good thing Australians do not have easy access to guns like they do in the US.
Imagine if we had gang shoot outs over toilet rolls?
Instead of drugs and territory it was all about controlling access to toilet rolls.
Australians are amongst the most dumbest, uneducated, illiterate twits on planet Earth and images of us fighting over toilet rolls says it all.
Uncouth uneducated heathens is an understatement 🤬

Down boy

Gold Member
death rate predictions are extreme by some. For a virus with no vaccine the death rate is astonishingly low. If they manage to figure one out watch the panic subside. China already has its courier sector back up over 80%. They are starting to live with the fact that the virus is going to be around for a while. The old chicken pox style parties might become fashionable again. If you’re healthy just get it and get on with it.
anyone with some coin now is the time to start looking at buying shares.Regardless of the final death toll, some people will get rich or richerbecause of this virus.


Diamond Member
Corona Virus should help governments shift away from globalisation and focus on building national economy.
Australians should boycott China made goods and buy local made goods.
We should have governments building national economy, manufacture local and create more jobs locally.
Too many jobs these days are shifted overseas and our markets are flooded with cheap imports mainly from China.
Manufacturing jobs have been disappearing for years by governments policy failures.
Tariffs should be imposed on imported goods and more protection for local businesses.