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Rochelle's Interesting Topic Thread



Re: Aliens


You could not be more wrong...aliens have visited eart many times before & will continue doing so and will reveal themselves to all when they determine the human race can handle the truth. That will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that pseudo~intellectual naysers/thought bullies such as yourself are nothing more than fools.


Legend Member
Re: Aliens

Aliens visit the US every day.

Under US law any non-US citizen visiting the US is an alien. That is why the US has so many alien sightings.


Re: Aliens

I wonder if aliens are asking the same question about our existence.


Re: Aliens

All countries refer to their visitors as alien in legal literature, Demon.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Heat, heat and more heat

How do you guys survive the heat? Any good ideas than being glued in front of the air-con?
I actually can handle the heat better when I am not sitting in an airconditioned room (I am serious).....open windows and ceiling fans....lol and tonnes of water.
Other suggestions????



Legend Member
Re: Heat, heat and more heat

Hanging out in the huge fridge section of the bottle shop-you have everything you need there to ride out this heatwave. They even have an assortment of potato chips and peanuts when you get hungry. Perfect to go with all the lovely alcoholic beverages you will be consuming. Remember you need to keep those fluids up in this heat!!


Re: Heat, heat and more heat

Beach :)

Tan then when it gets hot, swim or even go for a snorkel. Rinse and repeat. Add your iPod and a good book / latest gossip mag and life is sweet

Aztec Monkey

Silver Member
Re: Heat, heat and more heat

I like the summer here, though the dry heat easier to deal with than when it's more humid. I prefer a fan or evaporative airconditioner rather than the condenser style air con, but in general the heat doesn't bother me.
I can get to the beach for a quick dip on most days, and a couple nice cold drinks at the end of the day with some spectacular sunsets (with a gentle sea breeze when it happens) rounds off the day. Of course by this stage, i'm in my thai fisherman pants and a tank top.

Now European winters I cannot stand.


Re: Heat, heat and more heat

Go to the beach, grab some fruit shake and soak up in the water for a few minutes...;)


Re: Heat, heat and more heat

Out where I live, beyond the black stump, it's a bit far to go to the beach and there aren't many pools around. You just have to tough it out and find a shady tree.


Re: Heat, heat and more heat

Going to the cinema on a stinking hot evening....Choc top and water to complete the trio.
Saw a great film last week..The girl with the dragon tattoo. Rooney Mara fantastic.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Heat, heat and more heat

Going to the cinema on a stinking hot evening....Choc top and water to complete the trio.
Saw a great film last week..The girl with the dragon tattoo. Rooney Mara fantastic.

Which version do you prefer.........the Swedish one or the American one?



Re: Heat, heat and more heat

Which version do you prefer.........the Swedish one or the American one?


Just read the book (over the weekend) and then watched the Swedish version, which was very good subtitles and all.

I hope to see the American version next week - so will report back then!!



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
After getting all of Pope John Paul's luggage loaded into the limo the driver notices that the Pope is still standing on the curb.

'Excuse me, Your Holiness', says the driver, 'Would you please take your seat so we can leave?'
'Well, to tell the truth', says the Pope, 'they never let me drive at the Vatican, and I'd really like to drive today.'
'I am sorry but I can not let you do that. I'd lose my job! And what if something would happen?' protests the driver.
'There might be something extra in for you," says the Pope.

Reluctantly the driver gets in the back as the Pope climbs behind the wheel. The driver quickly regrets his decision when, after exiting the airport, the Pontiff floors it accelerating the limo to 105 mph.

'Please slow down Your Holiness!!!!!!' pleads the worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to the metal until they hear sirens.
'Oh dear God, I'm gonna lose my license,' moans the driver.

The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the cop approaches. The cop takes one look at him, goes back to his motorbike and gets on the radio.

'I need to talk to the Chief', he says to the dispatcher.
The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him that he's stopped a limo going 105 mph.
'So bust him', says the Chief.
'I don't think we can do that, he's really important,' says tha cop.
'All the more reason,' exclaimed the Chief.
'No, I mean really important,' says the cop.
'Who ya got there, the Mayor?' asked the Chief.
Cop: 'Bigger'
Chief: 'Governor?'
Cop: 'Bigger'
Chief: 'Well who is it???????'
Cop: 'I think it's God'
Chief: 'What makes you think it's God?'
Cop: 'He's got the f***ing Pope as a Chauffeur!!!'


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
open 'everything'.........

Open marriages.......open relation-ships........can it really work or is it just a myth.......something some people try to work out with their partners. Even if humans are not monogam creatures (western) society rules and morals preach monogamy for over 2000 years. Here inlays the conflict.
What are your experiences with open relation-ships?



Re: open 'everything'.........

In my experience humans are jealous creatures even if they liket o admit it or not...It takes great, strength in your relationship, trust and self assurance for it to work long term...it works for some and not for others. I have always found ifyou set up ground rules and and keep lines of coommunication open...also awareness of your partners feeling s and emotions if someting looks like its not right then it prob isnt!

Farm Boy

Re: Holy Shit

The Pope Addressed A Large Crowd From His Balcony About The War And Fighting That Were Threatening To Destroy World Unity,he Urged Everyone To Pray For Peace.then He Followed This By Waking Amongst The Crowd.
Gino,a Wealthy Businessman, And A Devout Catholic Who Greatly Amired The Pope. Stood There In His Most Expensive Armani Suit Hoping That The Pope Might Say A Few Words To Him.
however, The Only Person That The Pope Spoke To Was A Man Dressed In Dirty,threadbare Clothing,then He Walked Off.
Geno when questioning a priest in the crowd learnt this was not unusual-as the pope always spoke to this same man.

A Subsequent Announcement Said That The Pope Would Make Another Speech Tomorrow About Poverty.Gino Approached The Tramp And Asked Him How Much He Wanted For His Clothes.the Tramp Could Not Believe His Luck And Said He Wanted 500 Euros, Gino Gave Him The Money Gladly.

The Next Day The Pope Gave An Impassioned Speech About Poverty And How Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Were Dying Each Year Because Of This,he Asked All Catholics To Help As Much As They Could.
afterwards,he Walked Amongst The Crowd Again. Gino Stood There Dressed In His Shabby Attire,his Heart Skipped A Beat As The Pope Walked Towards Him.the Pope Leaned Across To Gino And Said, If I tella you once I tella you a thousand times you a dirty old tramp a fuck off.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Re: open 'everything'.........

In my experiences some of which were profound while other were painful (my own and the hine sight wisdom of others), well earned and justified trust is the corner stone.

In a relationship where this trust exists, any degree of openness will not rock the foundations.

Where there is a lack there of, restrictions and rules to any degree will only reinforce the distrust.

An open or closed relationship is only an external choice 2 people make or tolerate. What's internal and what matters is how 2 people treat each other.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Holy Shit

Four old Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee in St. Peters Square.

The first Catholic man tells his friends, "My son is a priest, when he walks into a room, everyone calls him 'Father'."

The second Catholic man chirps, "My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room people call him 'Your Grace'."

The third Catholic gent says, "My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a room everyone bows their head and says 'Your Eminence'."

The fourth Catholic man says very proudly, "My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him 'Your Holiness'."

Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, The four men give her a subtle, "Well....?"

She proudly replies, "I have a daughter, TALL & SLIM, 40 D Breasts, 24" WAIST and 34" HIPS. When she walks into a room, people say, "Oh MY God".



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Who if you could.......

Flicking through all the gloss mags in my GP's waiting room and "admiring" the rich and beautiful and some useless celebrities I was wondering how it would be to swap 24 hours with one of them.
Who would you like to swap life with for a day?



Gold Member
Re: Who if you could.......

No thanks......... I would not want to have to constantly be on the look out for a bloody cameraman or other that gets their kicks out of reporting everything one did. And girls, you wouldn't get to see me as I like to keep my life private thanks.

Farm Boy

Re: Who if you could.......

Kevin Rudd and Kev would then spend the day at Langtrees


Gold Member
Re: Who if you could.......

I wouldn't like to 'be', but I'd like to 'do' Kim Kardashian, Kirsten Stewart and... not a celebrity as such: Christine McQueen oh my she looks divine! :la:


Re: Who if you could.......

Vin diesel or the good looking bloke from the Hangover.

FWIW, I'd love the celebrity lifestyle. All the gossip, make believe stories and Pap's following me around. It'd be a real life entourage!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Re: Who if you could.......

*To change place with a celebrity it would have to be with someone who is actually awesome and not just awesome in fictional motion pictures.* Say Anthony Robbins would be fun to be for a day.


Re: Who if you could.......

Fame has never interested me. So I wouldn't really be interested in swapping lives with a celebrity.

Something which would be life changing would be to swap lives with someone far less fortunate. Perhaps then I would truly appreciate the blessed life I live now.