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Rochelle's Interesting Topic Thread


Legend Member
Re: Aliens

Antonov, as well as those which you listed, the best thing from space travel you did not mention:

Commenting on manned space travel, someone said something like:

"We put man into space, and discovered the Earth".

One of the most downloaded photos is a NASA photo of the Earth.

Most astronauts said that the most impressive thing about space travel was seeing the Earth. :notworthy


Re: Aliens

As with sex, its not so much the destination, it's the journey that is important!

So too with space travel. The technology required to get out there is massive and has widespread applications back here on earth. NASA claims at least 1650 spin-offs from their space research into our everyday life. Things like:

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
Infrared ear thermometers
Ventricular assist devices
Artificial limbs
Aircraft anti-icing systems
Improved radial tires
Chemical detection systems
Video enhancing and analysis systems
Fire-resistant reinforcement
Firefighting equipment
Temper foam
Enriched baby food
Portable cordless vacuums
Freeze drying
Water purification - sweat and urine to drinkable water
Solar energy - single crystal solar power cells
Pollution remediation
Structural analysis software
Remotely controlled ovens
Powdered lubricants
Improved mine safety - ultrasonic bolt elongation monitor
Food safety - HACCP guidelines

Nasa or ripping off the aliens? Can aliens patent stuff on different planets?


Legend Member
Re: Aliens

Of course aliens are out there , among us...with us....Theres a docco called Ancient Aliens. The gods we worship, guess where are they from? Not of this earth for sure.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Aliens

Any thoughts about the famous "Area 51"?
Any thoughts about Erik van Daniken? (don't quote me on the spelling of the surname.......could be Danniken?????)
He was pretty famous in the alien research in the 80ies as far as I remember.
And there is another book ( I have to look up the title in English because I did not read it in English and I can't remember the author) which states that we are a the result of a breeding program of an intelligent life form from outer space who crossed their own genetic material with the our apes to breed labour forces used on their own planet. lol so far they did come back to collect us.



Legend Member
Re: Aliens

Any thoughts about the famous "Area 51"?
Any thoughts about Erik van Daniken? (don't quote me on the spelling of the surname.......could be Danniken?????)
He was pretty famous in the alien research in the 80ies as far as I remember.
And there is another book ( I have to look up the title in English because I did not read it in English and I can't remember the author) which states that we are a the result of a breeding program of an intelligent life form from outer space who crossed their own genetic material with the our apes to breed labour forces used on their own planet. lol so far they did come back to collect us.


Don't believe any of the stuff about aliens coming to Earth or having anything to do with life on Earth.

Life on Earth was from chance random chemical reactions which through evolution got us to where we are today (all of life, not just human).

The same with alien life on other planets.


Re: Aliens

Any thoughts about the famous "Area 51"?
Any thoughts about Erik van Daniken? (don't quote me on the spelling of the surname.......could be Danniken?????)
He was pretty famous in the alien research in the 80ies as far as I remember.
And there is another book ( I have to look up the title in English because I did not read it in English and I can't remember the author) which states that we are a the result of a breeding program of an intelligent life form from outer space who crossed their own genetic material with the our apes to breed labour forces used on their own planet. lol so far they did come back to collect us.


This sorta stuff might be taking it a bit too far :p


Re: Aliens

I think it would be ignorant of us to think that we are the only intelligent life forms in this universe. Just my 2 cents worth.:alien:


Legend Member
Re: Aliens

....Chariots of the Gods.......and it got a pasting!!!!.... :)

Read it - a load of crap, and that is giving it a better review than it deserves. I don't think it would help anything to grow.


Foundation Member
Re: Aliens

I remember Mr Van Daniken. He surely made a motza out of it but much of his thesis really stretched the evidence past breaking point.

Of course he got a critical hammering but a lot of that stemmed from the Churches and their acolytes defending their "patch". Can't have alternative beliefs springing up, can we?


Legend Member
Re: Aliens

I remember Mr Van Daniken. He surely made a motza out of it but much of his thesis really stretched the evidence past breaking point.

Of course he got a critical hammering but a lot of that stemmed from the Churches and their acolytes defending their "patch". Can't have alternative beliefs springing up, can we?

Yes, the churches did not like it, but the scientific/evidence based community disliked it even more. His rubbish hurt the credibility of the non-religion based evolution theories/evidence.


Legend Member
Re: Aliens

We all laugh at his hypothesis And it cant be more than a hypothesis Because a theory needs some corroboration (Sorry! a pet hate of mine when people pull supposition out of the air then use the line I have a theory They dont they have a hypothesis)
But it was made into one movie at least and he must have made a bucketload While true scientists and researchers fought and squabbled over the financial crumbs given them by way of grants etc


Legend Member
Re: Aliens

Theres a docco called Ancient Aliens.

Watch this if you can. A lot of unexplainable evident. There are merits in what Von Daniken said. In saying that, please don't flame me....:violent5: lol

There are no right or wrong answers here, beliefs are man made. Science and factual evident are the truth. I'm a :sign4: at this.

Farm Boy

Re: Aliens

Any thoughts about the famous "Area 51"?
Any thoughts about Erik van Daniken? (don't quote me on the spelling of the surname.......could be Danniken?????)
He was pretty famous in the alien research in the 80ies as far as I remember.
And there is another book ( I have to look up the title in English because I did not read it in English and I can't remember the author) which states that we are a the result of a breeding program of an intelligent life form from outer space who crossed their own genetic material with the our apes to breed labour forces used on their own planet. lol so far they did come back to collect us.


Have you had a look at Scientology Rochelle?


Foundation Member
Re: Aliens

Watch this if you can. A lot of unexplainable evident. There are merits in what Von Daniken said. In saying that, please don't flame me....:violent5: lol

There are no right or wrong answers here, beliefs are man made. Science and factual evident are the truth. I'm a :sign4: at this.

Nah!! this is not flameworthy. It is just a fact that there are a lot of unexplained phenomena happening out there. The true nature of life and the origins of the universe are two riddles which will not be solved in my lifetime and may not ever be truly solved.

Even science frequently adopts a theory then dumps it when someone disproves it or comes up with a better one so scientific proof is not absolute.

Wherever there is a gap someone will often invent beliefs to fill in the blanks and this is the traditional role of religion. You also get people like Mr Von Daniken who will string together a series of events/facts/observations to come up with alternative views.

The Svengali philosophy is to happily acknowledge that I don't have the answers and until they are forthcoming I am quite content for a few mysteries to hang around. At least they keep the scientists from getting too smug.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Aliens

...Wherever there is a gap someone will often invent beliefs to fill in the blanks and this is the traditional role of religion....

....spot on Sven...hence why the catholic church got its knickers in a knot with scientists, free thinkers and others of such ilk back in the medival times. No wonder secret soceities like the freemasons/illuminati were formed. Anyone disproving/contradicting the church's stance on a matter were labelled as heretics and excommunicated or, worse still, put to death. It took the church nearly 100 years after Gallileo's death to finally admit that they wrong and allowed his body to be exhumed and put to rest along side his father and other family members in the Basilica in Florence.... :)


Legend Member
Re: Aliens

....spot on Sven...hence why the catholic church got its knickers in a knot with scientists, free thinkers and others of such ilk back in the medival times. No wonder secret soceities like the freemasons/illuminati were formed. Anyone disproving/contradicting the church's stance on a matter were labelled as heretics and excommunicated or, worse still, put to death. It took the church nearly 100 years after Gallileo's death to finally admit that they wrong and allowed his body to be exhumed and put to rest along side his father and other family members in the Basilica in Florence.... :)

The church destroyed Galileo's letters to his daughter (a nun), but we have hers to him. Read Dana Sobels' "Galileo's Daughter" if you are interested. Very moving and interesting, and makes you wonder what he wrote to her. They were a discussion of his ideas. She was very intelligent as well, and rose to be #2 in the convent before she died young.

He lived where he could see the convent she was in.


Re: Aliens


I have seen Alien Craft zooming about the night sky with two good friends 18 years ago in Port Headland.
I think there was a mass exodus from Mars....
Some of us made it and we are only 'remembering now


Legend Member
Re: Aliens


I have seen Alien Craft zooming about the night sky with two good friends 18 years ago in Port Headland.
I think there was a mass exodus from Mars....
Some of us made it and we are only 'remembering now

If you came via Christmas Island You could of availed yourself of a earth government shrink and got your memory back sooner Agent
Martians aren't as smart as Hanna & Barbera had led me to believe


Re: Aliens

Any thoughts about the famous "Area 51"?
Any thoughts about Erik van Daniken? (don't quote me on the spelling of the surname.......could be Danniken?????)
He was pretty famous in the alien research in the 80ies as far as I remember.
And there is another book ( I have to look up the title in English because I did not read it in English and I can't remember the author) which states that we are a the result of a breeding program of an intelligent life form from outer space who crossed their own genetic material with the our apes to breed labour forces used on their own planet. lol so far they did come back to collect us.


One of my blokes at work genuinely thinks area 51 is the base that transports humans to mining jobs on the moon... He's no less wacky than the bloke who believes in god I guess. It's perfectly acceptable that FMG, BHP and rio would mine moon resources given that they'll mine every thing else.

Maybe they left us in earth because were too lazy. They want the Chinese lol.

Ancient aliens is a good series with torrents everywhere