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How to stop smoking !!



I am not a smoker and cannot even imagine what you are going through but am full of admiration for your strength, keep it up guys.

just a nice guy

Hows it going

Hi guys hows it going . What patches did you use and did you get the dreams


Nice guy, we are using QuitX (I think that's the label name) And yes, we did have HEAPS of wacky dreams.

WE were actually sleeping with the patch on for the first two weeks as reccommended by the doctor so that we could try n cut out the early morning breakfast ciggies. After about 2 weeks of restless nights though we just took them off before going to bed and even from that first night of sleeping without a patch... no more vivid dreaming.

Mind you, was quite an interesting experience having all those dreams... kinda told us a lot of things... if u are into dream analysis as we are... ::)


Woooooooohoooooo congrats, i dont smoke either but good on yas for giving it up im sure it must be hard work welldone!!! :)


Well done guys......next saturday I will hit 5 weeks without a smoke....I am so proud of my self,never thought I could do it.I just came back from a nice holiday with my son,cig were very cheep over there and you could even smoke in the Hotel but I didnt have a problem at all...gained a bit of extra kilos ...but I feel awesome...so my next step will be....EXERCISE lol....tomorrow morning I am going to join the CURVES club...here just around the corner in Midland...do my 30 minutes lol...please dont forget...it only takes one cig to start again!!!...Good luck everyone xx


serena said:
yes.. but where do they put the laser? and where do you get it done astrid..... I think this post should encourage those wanting to give up and thinking about it to take it on as a personal challenge using this thread for support.

You can always call me Serena,you have my number.
For all who are interested in the name of the doktor ... send me a private message.
But take in consideration that you have to see the doktor every third day ( in Langford )...to get your laser treatment...for me personaly it took only two weeks......and it is not for every one...and dont forget that you still need the will power!!!

just a nice guy


Ive tried them and true about the wacky dreams but i liked the dreams.


astrid said:
Well done guys......next saturday I will hit 5 weeks without a smoke....I am so proud of my self,never thought I could do it.I just came back from a nice holiday with my son,cig were very cheep over there and you could even smoke in the Hotel but I didnt have a problem at all...gained a bit of extra kilos ...but I feel awesome...so my next step will be....EXERCISE lol....tomorrow morning I am going to join the CURVES club...here just around the corner in Midland...do my 30 minutes lol...please dont forget...it only takes one cig to start again!!!...Good luck everyone xx

We're sooooooo proud of you too!!:headbang: Keep it up girl, as you know it's all worth it!!!


Thanks for your great support Latina.....by the way how is Wildfire going with the accupuncture?


Accupuncture is going fantastic for him!! Thanks for asking.
I'm even getting treatments now too but we are both now using it for different health reasons... we're on a massive health kick and its well worth it! Next... lose these extra kilos we've just put on from quitting smoking & Easter :blob3: pig-outs LOL


Wildfire&Latina said:
Next... lose these extra kilos we've just put on from quitting smoking & Easter :blob3: pig-outs LOL

Thats the best thing about Easter - I get to eat the kids Easter eggs after they are put to bed.

Just so they don't get overweight - it is for their own good.


Well of course.... that is just the right thing to do, the 'responsible' thing to do.... tell that to Latina! LOL



12 months, still not smoking. Motivation cancer (tumor) on the brain. It was scary waking up in RPH emergency room, having my wife explain what was in my head(at least she said there was something there to operate on not like before)If you want motivation go and see the people in the cancer wards. The nurses were wonderful, I cannot praise them enough. How about a nurse night at LP's


WOW 485 ... Glad ur here to tell the tale!!!! xx We are doing great-guns!!! We are certain that we're never going back to smoking again!! So certain we just went & bought a new car!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! We picked it up yesterday!!!! WooHoo ... Drivin in style now!!!!

Nurses night at LP's?? Mmmm I love dress-ups!!!! ;)


Foundation Member
its great u have quit its a 2 dangerous habit 2 have.. congrats u'll end up healthier and fitter had have more stamina and we all know thats a great thing right latina ;)


This one is directed at those who have given up the dreaded weed and not gone back to it , Its not a debate on whether smoking is good or bad just how did you give it up for good and what method did you use , and if you are off it for good , are you glad and why , what are the benefits , obvious or not , and finally we are talking about the winnies not the wacky backy , cheers , The Bear :violent5:

Miranda Fox

Howdy The Bear,
Now are you talking about smoking "grass or mull or weed" ?

If you are, then I personally can't stand the smell of it and do not smoke it.


check out the Bears last sentence , I'm pretty sure he means the Winfields , B&H , Marlboro , camel etc not the tomato plants ! R.R. :police::police::police::police::police::police:

Mary Anne PA

Give me the money !!

Dont smoke , never have so cant give advice on giving up or make comment , but would dearly love the cash the average smoker blows in the air each year , my other half smokes a wide screen tele each year and next year is going to smoke my holiday to Bali away , bugger I made a comment , now I'm in the S.H.I.T. :violent4: TheBoss


Gold Member
Both of us smoke (only cigarettes) reading the boss's comment is so true.
But as for the weed smoke we don’t take it.
My work commitments it’s a no no to many lives at stake.
As for Stacey it makes her goto sleep lol

nothing against weed smoking we have been to parties where it has been smoked and it's past around and asked if we would like to try some its like yes but no thanks grrrr there has been the times where I would really like some but cant.

If i was to have a random drug test at work i would be shown where the door is (like i know where the door is, it's been in the same place for years) and dont come back till i can have a drug test to prove i am clean

But as for giving it up its hard,, 2 choices 1 is cold turkey and the other is seek advice

Many years ago I could smoke it when ever I liked till one night I had just that little bit too much. Making love to trees and leaving a deposit wasn’t much fun.
Just like the same as drinking too much and making love to the porcine bowl.


No , my post is strictly about the Fags , the old cigs , yes the good old buy em at the ciggie counter winfield blues etc , not the old weed you buy at the pub , well at least in the laneway out back of the pub , nah just the old fags .....The Bear..:walk:

Rhett and Scarlett

Virginity can be cured!!
Foundation Member
I ( Rhett that is ) have finally given up!!
And there is only one way....... COLD TURKEY

Over many years I have tried any and every quit aid you can get and all they did was stop me smoking whilst taking them, I would finish the course and then light up lol

Hope this helps

Regards Rhett



Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Good luck quitting! I am only a light smoker (less than 5 cigs a day) and still cant quit! I have stopped many times, sometime for 6 months or more at a time, but as soon as something comes up in life that stresses me, first thing i do is buy some more!!!
Hubby is a non smoker... poor guy! he lived with a smoke filled house growing up, then i move in with him! at least i dont smoke in the house... the only time a smoke is whilst driving between jobs for work! SUCH A HABIT! arg! if i take a few days off work, i dont smoke! maybe i should sell up business! haha.

did quit for about 12months once... that was through hypnosis! it actually worked for a while, i didnt even think about smoking for ages. but as usual, i got stressed and lit up again :(

Mary Anne PA

My hubbie tried diversion therapy. Every time he fancied a smoke hed say "Im craving, how about you take my mind off it;-)"
so hed get a shag (or at least some head) instead of a smoke, which he ultimately preferred.
He doesnt seem to have cravings anymore, its been maybe 6 years since he stopped.


Gold Member
Hey Bear,

First off Good Luck. I don't have any specific advice for you, but can tell you my story.

I have never smoked cigarettes, not as a teenager, not as an adult, until I was 36, then I leapt out of the box I had been living in and through a certain circle of friends began indulging in all manner of chemical wonderments. This behaviour went on for a couple of years and then I kind of got over it. However I found that I would smoke cigarettes when also otherwise affected, however during the week I did not smoke at all.

I couldn't smoke a cigarette without a chewing gum in my mouth as I couldn't stand the taste. My partner hated me smoking as he hated the smell.

Then we went to Bali for our honeymoon earlier this year (after having been married for three years) and discovered the sweeter tasting clove cigarettes. Well it had ended up that my hubby now smokes more than I do, and I'm really hating it.

I have been talking to him about us cutting down, maybe only being weekend smokers (I could do it, don't know if he could) or even giving up completely.

Monday morning I woke up with the worst flu. Every molecule of my body was screaming in pain, the glands in my neck and along jaw line are so swollen that I look like I've got mumps, throat feels like I'm swallowing razor blades, head aching, and so tired, have hardly been awake for the last two days. Today still feel like shit, but slightly warmer than before. So I have not smoked since Sunday night, and will not smoke another cigarette until I am sure I am over the addiction side of it.

If I could go back to having a few with a drink or two on a saturday night, that would be fine by me, but until I know that it will stop at that, there won't be anymore cigarettes for me.

I tend to think whatever quitting technique you use (cold turkey, gum, patches, hypno etc) the single most important factor is your singular decision to succeed. You have to want to do it for your own reasons and then just decide and do it.

I'll let you know how I go, good luck, let us know how you go too.


PS: One technique someone once told me about was to chain smoke until it made you feel sick and then you would give up easily. Hmm, don't know.


My hubbie tried diversion therapy. Every time he fancied a smoke hed say "Im craving, how about you take my mind off it;-)"
so hed get a shag (or at least some head) instead of a smoke, which he ultimately preferred.
He doesnt seem to have cravings anymore, its been maybe 6 years since he stopped.

Haha. I like this one. It would work for me, but I'm single.

Here's my 2 cents:

I think that quitting is a private affair. Support from people close to you is good but don't go telling everyone you are about to quit. It just adds pressure and most people crave cigarettes when under pressure.
Gently extract yourself from the smoking environment. No more hanging out with other smokers whilst you are quitting.

1st, you really have to want to quit. We all have our reasons for smoking.
Decide on your top 3 or 5 reasons why you want/need to quit and take your time to convince yourself. This could take a few weeks or a couple of months.
I found that just forcing myself to quit just turns the monkey on my back into a Gorilla.

2nd, start cutting back on the amount you smoke but more important the nicotine strength. If you smoke 8's then buy 6's. 2 or 3 packets later buy 4's, etc. Every time you go to lighter cigarettes you'll notice that you might smoke more per day initially but that's only for 3 to 10 days.
Do this on how you feel. DON'T pressure yourself with deadlines, this just empowers the Gorilla.
Keep reminding yourself why YOU want to quit, not what other/media say.
Also postpone having your first cigarette of the day. The later in the day you light up the longer it has been since your last one the night before.
Spread over 4-8 weeks you'll notice that the cravings are much milder and easier to deal with.

3rd, satisfy the cravings with only a little bit at a time by putting out cigarettes halfway or sooner. Again this way you smoke less and less.(Keep the half siggie and light it up next time. This tastes so bad it will help put you off)
By now you'll notice that you are smoking less than half or a quarter of what you used to smoke without much effort.

End result. Now you are smoking 1-3 2mg cigarettes late in the evening or maybe not even every night.
At this point it feels silly to still smoke and you almost just forget about it.

This worked of me. Nobody starts as a one packet a day smoker, this happens over time hence reversing the cycle.

Remember that there will always be times you'll have a craving. I believe this never goes away so try and find some sort of diversion. (see quote)

Good luck and be strong. You will relapse a couple of times but stick with it.



Foundation Member
Funny thing, I grew up in a house full of smokers - two parents and two older siblings - but, beyond a furtive puff behind the bike sheds at school, neither my younger sister nor I even thought about taking it up.

My Father smoked rollies and only the time it took to roll them kept him from being a chain-smoker but, after 30 years, he just quit cold turkey. He never made any big announcements but I noticed he didn't buy his weed one Saturday morning, or the next and when questioned about it he said "I didn't want it to become a habit"

Years later, he revealed that he had developed a bad smokers cough, (as if we didn't notice) and decided enough was enough. He always carried his baccy tin with him but whenever the urge to smoke came up he would get stuck into his work instead and avoided "smoko breaks". He was probably the most productive Government worker of all time until he got it under control.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
svengali : my father was the same , in the late 60s my dad smoked Rothmans , im guessing 1 packet per day for about 20 years ( sorry for being vauge as i was about 9 or 10 @ the time )

1 day he bought a new packet of smokes, and on the drive home he opened the packet and lite the 1st smoke , he then tru it out the window and then followed by the packet and matches .

that was the last time he smoked



I've never smoked so can't speak from personal experience.
But I have a friend who gave up for 15 years, then went back to it. She is an intelligent woman, well aware of the health & financial benefits of not smoking ... but, in her words, she "just loves" it. She said she missed it and craved it for 15 years and said she won't even try quitting again.
I think that's a major part of it - if you really like it (rather than just hooked), you're going to struggle to quit.