• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Diamond Member
Put aside the politics n who is king pin or who is a drug mule or corruption or who is hypocrite ......

Capital punishment is a deterrent especially in a developing n under develop country ... And I think they need it, especially when population are large, it would be harder to control the spread of drug usage. Report say up to 4 million people is in rehab in Indonesia, imagine if there is no heavy punishment for drug use n trafficking. Thats like 20% of Australian population ..... There will always be some people who will take the risk and pulled it off previously and will try again.

Geez I wish there is canning in Australia .. amount of Juvenile who keep re-offending .. the graffiti .. nuisance anti social behaviour ..... even seeing the glass smashed at bus stop around my suburb ... I am sick of it. Even canning for adults might help. A lot of idiots around without respect in this country. Bloody schoolies going nuts at end of year .... haven't even achieve anything yet, using high school graduation as excuse to trash around. Juvenile detention is like a camping trip, that's not punishment.

The one off cane from my parents when I was young left an in print forever in me to think n show some respect, i.e. kids at party hurling bottles at police. I wouldn't be a teacher or police in this so called free democratic country.

I feel sorry for their parents who gave birth to them , raised them n then to see them die before them.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
Can't argue with you on that. And the one I could never understand - the tooth fairy - by all accounts a hot girl with wings that sneaks into your room at night looking to pay you for extracted teeth rather then get into bed with you and take your money as a reward for good dental hygiene..... ikr totally weird.


Silver Member
I wouldnt be complaining if she sneaked into my room ;)

Can't argue with you on that. And the one I could never understand - the tooth fairy - by all accounts a hot girl with wings that sneaks into your room at night looking to pay you for extracted teeth rather then get into bed with you and take your money as a reward for good dental hygiene..... ikr totally weird.


Can't argue with you on that. And the one I could never understand - the tooth fairy - by all accounts a hot girl with wings that sneaks into your room at night looking to pay you for extracted teeth rather then get into bed with you and take your money as a reward for good dental hygiene..... ikr totally weird.
Ill sacrifice a tooth if she comes visit..:)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
........the never ending tale. It is hardly new but still so b----y annoying. It is just unbelievable what big companies get away with. Billions!!!!!!!!!! Australia is missing out on, education, health system, infrastructure you name it. I wish I could have jumped through the TV screen last night and strangled a few of those self righteous representatives of big companies. No wonder you feel like that when you get told that the average tax payer pays more tax in a dollar than those multi billions companies. How dare they.
I am aware of the fact that this problem can only be solved on internationally but maybe Australia should look at the UK solution to start with. Don't let them get away with it and yes please.....name and shame them.




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Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Well..... if all the rich dissappeared....most would be up shit creek.

Things are not ideal.... but new balances are constantly being adapted.....as times change. ....

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
........the never ending tale. It is hardly new but still so b----y annoying. It is just unbelievable what big companies get away with. Billions!!!!!!!!!! Australia is missing out on, education, health system, infrastructure you name it. I wish I could have jumped through the TV screen last night and strangled a few of those self righteous representatives of big companies. No wonder you feel like that when you get told that the average tax payer pays more tax in a dollar than those multi billions companies. How dare they.
I am aware of the fact that this problem can only be solved on internationally but maybe Australia should look at the UK solution to start with. Don't let them get away with it and yes please.....name and shame them.

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It may well be Rochelle that you yourself have gained a financial advantage* from tax avoidance.
As I slowly type this the chief executives of Deloitte Australia are before a senate committee you can watch on
A-PAC: Australia's Public Affairs Channel

* Perhaps through shares you own or shares your superannuation provider owns


5 Star General
Foundation Member
yes all us low income workers are up shit creek without a paddle no matter who pays the most tax


Diamond Member
It's all about transfer pricing, so in the US you make something for say $100, but then you load all sorts of furphies like exchange rate risk, freight, cost of doing business in Australia etc etc and then you think up a number like $200. Have a look online at what if costs to make an iPhone and then compare it with the selling price. Take off the GST and the only other levied tax is 5% import tax on cost of goods plus freight. Pretty quickly you get an idea of the profit margin, but then you have to pay all those high powered execs plus normally a head office cost for your "support".

Then when there is bugger all left in Australia, all the money ends up in the US where you lobby the Senators in Washington to make sure you get some dodgy deal to build a factory for bugger all in an area of deprived economy.

And so it goes round....

At least we don't have the gun lobby here...thanks to them Collambine and Sandy Hook have gone from obscurity to the world for all the wrong reasons.


Foundation Member
Big business should be taxed on turnover not profit, and they hate that idea with a rabid ferocity, because it would halt the ripping off of billions in tax.

To many western governments including Australia are effectively corrupt and on the take,
It is the only logical reason why they allow big business to dodge paying tax destroy the environment and stuff the future, because all those things might interfere with short term profit,