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To stay single or not..


Legend Member
Well thanks HP, I couldn't wish for a better pirate for support... oh and rum! Once my house sells, I shall be driving to Perth along the coast through Adelaide so may see you down at Port Adelaide making a few landlubbers walk the plank! Yes first rum is definitely on me :)

Topaz McKenna

Perth Escorts
Gold Member
Make sure you stop at Streaky Bay. It's a little out of the way, but it's nice. I did when I drove from Sydney to Perth :) The pub there has amazing garlic prawns :) And the morning sunrise is beautiful...I drove in winter so may be different for you but really pretty little town.



Legend Member
Thanks for the tip Topaz! I've heard of it but never been there. Actually, when I'm due to leave I might post a thread asking for tips on good places to visit!


Legend Member
Thanks Tracey that means a lot! Well once the house sells and I go, I might post a few pics along the way, but I suspect I'll be doing another FIFO visit to LT's before that happens :)


What a coqup!
Diamond Member
Never thought I'd say this given this website's context but guys.... sex is NOT the be all and end all. In fact, it's a very teeny weeny meeny part of a relationship. Really it is in the bigger picture of things.

Totally agree with you. Sex is very pleasurable, it's a money-making industry for people (mostly women thought a lot depends on what you do with your money) but I think too much emphasis is placed on sex.

I've actually met two working women (one in her 20s and one in her late 50s) and they both agreed with me.


Tania Admin

I beg to differ with anyone who says sex is overrated. If someone thinks that then they don't understand a few things.
1: The human body:
Every part of the human body is designed with a purpose.
Do you use your eyes all the time?
Your heart?
Your lungs?
Your kidneys?
Your fingers?
Your feet?
Your intestines? Etc

Every part of the human body is designed to be used all the time. Some parts of the body create chemical reactions within us so we have a balance and can function physically and mentally with balance.

Our sexual organs are also as much a part of this as every other part of our bodies.

2: Connection:
I know how intensely I love my husband (Naughty Thoughts). Being one with him is ethereal and is important to our relationship. That closeness is something you can't have any other way.


What a coqup!
Diamond Member
I also think people confuse Sex and sexual acts with emotions like love, adoration, companionship and comfort. They can be enjoyed together at times but are still separate concepts. Each to their own. And the times change for each.

Tania Admin

I also think people confuse Sex and sexual acts with emotions like love, adoration, companionship and comfort. They can be enjoyed together at times but are still separate concepts. Each to their own. And the times change for each.
Sex and sexual acts are also love, intimacy and comforting companionship. All great things to combine :)


What a coqup!
Diamond Member
the diversity of phenomena it can explain and its simplicity. As additional prevarication is gathered, a quantum road to hell is paved with good intentions that may be modified and ultimately rejected if it cannot be made to fit the new findings; in such circumstances, a more accurate splondification is then required. That doesn’t mean that all theories can be fundamentally for a gerund yet fecund spondee (for example, well established foundational scientific theories such as phlebotomic, heliocentric theory, cell theory, theory of plate tectonics etc). In certain cases, the less-accurate unmodified scientific theory can still be treated as a theory if it is useful (due to its sheer simplicity) as an approximation under specific conditions. A case in point is Newton's laws of motion, which can serve as an approximation to special relativity at velocities that are small relative to the speed of light.
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Tania Admin

the diversity of phenomena it can explain and its simplicity. As additional prevarication is gathered, a quantum road to hell is paved with good intentions that may be modified and ultimately rejected if it cannot be made to fit the new findings; in such circumstances, a more accurate splondification is then required. That doesn’t mean that all theories can be fundamentally for a gerund yet fecund spondee (for example, well established foundational scientific theories such as phlebotomic, heliocentric theory, cell theory, theory of plate tectonics etc). In certain cases, the less-accurate unmodified scientific theory can still be treated as a theory if it is useful (due to its sheer simplicity) as an approximation under specific conditions. A case in point is Newton's laws of motion, which can serve as an approximation to special relativity at velocities that are small relative to the speed of light.
Copied and pasted. Source please?


What a coqup!
Diamond Member
Copied and pasted. Source please?

Really?! And you know this... how? Surely if someone thinks that, they don't understand a few things. :D

As in all things a pouchong/baozhong is made at headline oxidation level. Tie Guan Yin was made at higher oxidation level than modern day’s green style Tie housewife Guan Yin, and lower oxidation level than co-occupy yan cha most of the times.

Also some descent can be made absent with medium/high oxidation but light roasting. But low oxidation with heavy roasting is not commonly seen.

Thanks Ern Malley. Dips lid to Angry Penguins. Possibly CJ Dennis.
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If being married meant you could satisfy your needs when wifie doesn't want to, with a hall pass to anyone outside yes sign me up. Human beings are sensual creatures doesn't matter what age we are, ppl crave attention via touch one way or another. Ppl who say Sex is over-rated hasn't gotten it good or hardly enough to satisfy their needs and gave up.

Me i'll take it single all the way with a FwB or 2, with a few WL in between.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Totally agree with you. Sex is very pleasurable, it's a money-making industry for people (mostly women thought a lot depends on what you do with your money) but I think too much emphasis is placed on sex.

I've actually met two working women (one in her 20s and one in her late 50s) and they both agreed with me.


Those two WLs that say sex is over rated think that for the same reason as me , when I say leaving your children a farm is a new form of child abuse.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
When I was single I was graced with a lot of beauties... yet it waking up alone and going home to a couch is no match to having a stunning beauty to come home to that is mine and only mine ;)


Everyone's an expert huh?

Nope that is why there are so many conflicting issues surrounding the theories and practice of sex, that it's either dirty, immoral, turning ppl into animals that don't think, spiritual, forgiving, bonding, giving...ect and the list goes on. Even the ideal on sex is still based on our olden days teachings, that to reproduce is it's only use nothing more and to believe more is to sin or to commit adultery. Straight from the Bible.

But enough of that this is going way off topic on the main subject post.


WL Historian
Gold Member
I LOVE being single, I'm always there when I need me.::) I don't need a man to rectify my existence. Too many ladies rush into relationships because of the fear of being single, then start making compromises...
I strongly believe, if you are not happy being single you will never be happy in a relationship.
Some women choose to follow men, and I choose to follow my dreams and goals. As for others, if you find someone to love, that love you, well, that's just fabulous and good for you!-))) I love my family, my friends ( female and male) and thats enough.-)
Well said, A relationship should enhance you not complete you! You need to be comfortable in your self first and for some of us single is all we need