• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Bronze Member
I think i'll start off by saying I regularly go to see tgirls.

I love it...and have for years. I have had quite a few relationships and partners over the years, some were very liberal minded young ladies; often into fetishes, anal, strap-on, mild bdsm, etc.

But nothing turns me on like seeing a young woman in her knickers with that wonderful bulge at the front.

I was initially very nervous about being with a transgendered girl. Maybe that whole aussie thing about men being men etc.

However it changed dramatically when I was at Curtin uni - a pretty young woman I met turned out to be transgenderd; I think I was the only person who knew this.
Slim, feminine, but with fractionally 'boyish' looks. Most of us just put her down as a bit of a tomboy. The fact she had several older brothers and claimed to be from the wheatbelt made virtually no-one suspect.

I was lucky to be in a relationship with her for 3 years. To this day I haven't met another person who has had a good intimate relationship with a Tgirl. We split when she moved to england having landed work there. We are still in contact tho'.

What I really enjoyed was her very feminine lean on things...she would spend a lot on lingerie, toys, and was never backward about having sex when she felt like it.

But what I really enjoyed was her company and her very girliah ways; alright, I really enjoyed our sex life as well. Varied, fun, inventive, and I credit her with really teaching me how to make love with a transexual.

So what do other men say - how did you become attached to transexual sex?

What do you like about it?
Are you passive or active in the sex act?
How often?

Tell us please.


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I may not be a man but i also like transexuals and see them as a parfect partner i think a bit of it has to do with having the best of both worlds and of course you get the not so best as well but i think that most are fine with that idea. My perfect partner would have small beautiful breasts a tight lean arse a beautiful penis and a soft wet pussy. It may seem a bit shallow but everyone can dream cant they.

The One

Silver Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I fantasised about it for some time before visiting a working tranny. I don't consider myself gay or even bi (although i'm sure there are plenty of people who argue that i am!) and don't find men attractive whatsoever. However, i do find cocks attractive and love watching an attractive girl being fucked by a large cock.
From here i started getting turned on by tranny's because they have the shape, curves and feminine good looks of a woman with a hard horny cock.
As i said i was turned on by tranny's and started fantasising about sex with a tranny. I finally built up the courage to go and see one and let me tell you I was nervous!
Because of my nerves the encounter was quite stiff (so to speak!) and didn't last long but i enjoyed it.
Some people will say that a fantasy should stay a fantasy and that you will be dissapointed and lose that fantasy if you actually go through with it. With my experience it was pretty much what I expected. I couldn't quite receive, although i tried because i do like a finger in my ass.
I am looking to have sex with a tranny again.
Oh by the way i do have a partner who i love having sex with. I also love visiting working ladies because i need variety and spice in my sex life.


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

The accounts so far are exactly in accord with how I feel too. I understand myself as an entirely hetero guy; I have loving sex with my wife but explore my fantasies and spice my sex life up by visiting working girls and T girls. Like one of the previous correspondents, I don't find guys attractive.

For me, fantasy sex involves how my woman is clothed.

Many working girls want to get naked quite early on in proceedings. Sometimes they don't want their clothing or lingerie spoiled by a pawing guy; often girls seem to feel more intimacy with me as their client when they're entirely naked.

On the other hand, T girls seem to feel more feminine when their charms are accentuated by clothing. So fantasy sex with a T girl for me generally is more relaxed around the clothing subject.

My experiences I describe here are by no means a rule. Because sex requires two consenting individuals, the experience is as individual as the personalities involved and the nature of the day.

PS, has anyone yet visited new T girl in town Carmen Electrica (Cracker and Gold Coast Escorts Addy). She looks quite lovely but seems V expensive.


Gold Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

This is a great topic and very educational. I'm gonna talk with my hubby about some of the thoughts expressed. I really understand what some of you are saying about being attracted to the feminine and the penis. My hubby is probably what you'd call Bi with a female bias, but when watching porn he loves a good dick to look at.

I do have one question, and I mean no offense or judgement, just for information sake. Those of you in committed relationships who also visit working girls, T girls, does you partner know/approve of this? If so, how did you broach the subject and how did they take it? If not, do you think that they have a right to know or not, what are your reasons for not saying? Again if this question causes offence, please ignore.

With love and curiousity,

The One

Silver Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

My partner doesn't know about either and would be totally shocked and disgusted if she found out, and more than likely leave me. Our sex life is good and experimental to a certain degree, however, she is quite narrow minded with her opinion on working girls, let alone T girls. (To try and put some perspective on this; She doesn't feel comfortable if we watch porn.)
I realise what i am doing is wrong. I guess i am being selfish when i say this but sometimes you have to look after number one otherwise you will not only be unhappy but probaly become slightly dperessed.
Why not try talking to her about it or at least try broach the subject. Well, we both live quite an average, conservative lifestyle. Subject matter such as this just doesn't come close to being acceptable. I would be considered wierd and 'losing the plot'.
Don't get me wrong, i am happy with my/our chosen lifestyle, however, i need a little excitement and spice to keep me sane and happy.
I feel quite good being able to talk about this with like minded people. Thanks for the thread.


Bronze Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I fantasised about it for some time before visiting a working tranny. I don't consider myself gay or even bi (although i'm sure there are plenty of people who argue that i am!) and don't find men attractive whatsoever. However, i do find cocks attractive and love watching an attractive girl being fucked by a large cock.
From here i started getting turned on by tranny's because they have the shape, curves and feminine good looks of a woman with a hard horny cock.
As i said i was turned on by tranny's and started fantasising about sex with a tranny. I finally built up the courage to go and see one and let me tell you I was nervous!
Because of my nerves the encounter was quite stiff (so to speak!) and didn't last long but i enjoyed it.
Some people will say that a fantasy should stay a fantasy and that you will be dissapointed and lose that fantasy if you actually go through with it. With my experience it was pretty much what I expected. I couldn't quite receive, although i tried because i do like a finger in my ass.
I am looking to have sex with a tranny again.
Oh by the way i do have a partner who i love having sex with. I also love visiting working ladies because i need variety and spice in my sex life.

I'll use this as a quote page but I think it seems so far to hold true...for myself as well.
I don't consider myself gay either...and yes, others will disagree. Ultimatly, its how we see ourselves that shapes our identity, not what others think or say.
I also think that no matter what, I'll be attracted to someone regardless of their gender. I have/am attracted to certain trangendered women, but so far have not been attracted to men.
The fact that the tgirls have a penis doesn't appear to effect my perception of them as being female.
I also find that the trans girls are fun in the bedroom. 1 or 2 have initially been reserved (fair enough I think), but after a couple of get to know each other visits, its often a great sex session and a good chat as well.
I'm interested in the female response that was placed on here...perhaps I should have included them in my original q...sorry girls, didn't mean to leave you out!


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

Well, i have not yet been with a TS... find them very attractive though!
Best of both worlds as they say, beautiful feminen mannerisims, lovely perky breats and a penis! what more could you ask for!
I am Bisexual, love women for all they are, as well as men, and to find a good looking package of both, well... yum!


Gold Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

Thanks "The One" for your honest answer to my question. It's a very interesting thread.

To hear men saying that they don't consider themselves gay, yet are attracted to T/Girls, made me think of the Kinsey Report. I am sure that most of you have heard of this, but one of his intellectual conclusions was that Gay, Straight or Bi was far too limiting. Through his extensive interview process over years and years he concluded that if 1 is completely straight, and 10 is completely Gay, that most of the population falls on a sliding scale right through the middle. Just thoughts for you.

If hubby and I were picking numbers, I think I'd only be a 2, maybe a 3. Hubby definitely right in the middle, 5.


PS: Are there any transgered girls who are not working girls, but actively participating in the swinging scene??



Bronze Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

PS, has anyone yet visited new T girl in town Carmen Electrica (Cracker and Gold Coast Escorts Addy). She looks quite lovely but seems V expensive.

No, haven't seen her...looks hot tho', definately the type of girl I'd like to visit.


Bronze Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I do have one question, and I mean no offense or judgement, just for information sake. Those of you in committed relationships who also visit working girls, T girls, does you partner know/approve of this? If so, how did you broach the subject and how did they take it? If not, do you think that they have a right to know or not, what are your reasons for not saying? Again if this question causes offence, please ignore.

With love and curiousity,

No, no offence taken, a good question I might add.

My current partner does not know, altho' she knows I was in a committed relationship with a TS. She also knows that my preferred type of porn to view is TS based.
A couple of times early in the relationship, she told me if anything happened it was 'alright'.
I wouldn't tell her because I am sensitive to the fact she may think she cannot please/satisfy me enough.

Our sex life is very good, she gives me whatever I want, when I want it - tho' she admits she wants the slightly kinkier side of things more often than me (anal, dp, strap-on etc)...so the ts thing is not just about a woman penetrating me. Its a little deeper than that obviously.

Do they have a right to know? Hmm, I don't know the answer there...I'm sure my partner has done things with others and I don't really 'know' (as in the details etc). So maybe we all have our secrets.

BTW, haven't visited Carmen Electra...but she does look very hot. Anybody with recomendations for a visit I am sure we would all be interested.


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

Wow! this is turning out to be a great thread.

As one of the guys who visits working natural girls and transsexual girls I could not/ would not talk to my wife about this.

Maybe this is not especially good for my mental health but I feel that, as a man (however "manly" that might be - thanks SwingingStories for your Kinsey account) there's two sides to my sexual relationships:
There's a loving side where romance is precedent to lust - Soft sheets, candlelight, delicate lingerie (on her!) wooing, kissing, foreplay and then sex. That's the nature of the sex I enjoy with my wife. It's more than just missionary but quite vanilla otherwise. Nevertheless very satisfying to that side of my psyche.

On the other hand there's the riskier, experimental & fantasy side which I enjoy by visiting working natural girls and T girls. Uber-feminine, extravagant clothing, sexual theatre and - most importantly - both way anal sex. I adore giving it and receiving it up the XXXse. In another age we would talk about this as dirty or taboo. I would never go this way with my wife.

In the unlikely event that I discussed it with her and she consented (however unlikely that might be) it would forever change the way in which I see her. More probable is that she would be so disgusted in me - it would be such a different "me" than the person that she thought she knew - that our relationship of nearly 28 years would finish overnight.

For me, that's the reason why I wouldn't be open with my wife about this. On the one hand my desires are satiated as I'm able to enjoy my fantasies in a secret world of which she is unaware my particpation. On the other hand I have a loving, stable relationship that is too precious to risk to "openness".


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I completely understand what all partners on here are saying about not wanting to share that side with their partner because they wouldn't understand. I guess the way i see it is i repressed a lot of the things i like sexually (what my ex would call "deviant behaviours") for years because i loved the "loving side" of our relationship even if the sexual side just didn't work.

I could never bring myself to seek satisfaction elsewhere though and that was ultimately the end of our relationship - there is only so much sexual un-gratification a persons psyche can take.

I agree with the idea of a sliding scale :) accounts for all peoeple in the big, wide world.


Gold Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

Dear latexbob,

Thank you so much for your frankness, and the articulate way you described your relationship and why you don't want it to change. I truly understand that sometimes even if you want to do something, you don't want to do it with your partner.

I was talking with a currently vanilla, but curious, friend on the weekend and I was explaining that whilst I love and can't get enough emotionally charged lovemaking with my hubby, there is something to be said for unbridled physical release without emotion.

Thanks for helping me understand better a complex issue.

Best of luck,


Bronze Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

latexbob;64058 On the other hand there's the riskier said:
A good call Bob, you have summed it up well I think. I love the wonderful, no holds barred, 2 way anal I have with transgendered girls...they have - well, almost an aggressiveness in giving anal that I don't get from my partner and her strap-on.

My partner does give me that loving stability and I would not risk losing it in any way; maybe therefore its genuine fear that stops me from telling her what I am about?


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I'm intrigued that we haven't had a post here from a transsexual member of Talkinsex.com.au. I know you're out there and would love to hear from you.


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

If anyone would like to have a visit from me sometime - just check out my recent post. Mind you I am what you could call a 'mature' CD !!! and may not appeal to anyone looking for a real 'honey' !!
Amy xx


Bronze Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

The fantastic thing about this thread is that I am realising that I really am not alone. I love the occasional transexual adventure. Sadly my other half is too "straight-laced" for this and I know it would freak her out. Like others I am not sure that I am strictly bi, I have tried being with guys and there was just nothing there, but a good looking t-girl and I am going off like a frog in a sock.


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

Hi All,
I'm a 50 YO male,married having a good sex life at least 3 times a week.

A couple of years ago we went to Phuket and I kept on meeting this girl on the street while I was waiting for my wife in an adjacent shop.

The girl although obviously working was in no way pushing or even suggesting I use her services,seeming to genuinely enjoy our chance meetings and happy to just chat for a few minutes until my wife came out of the shop then exchange pleasantries with her before we carried on shopping.

The only thing was that whenever I met her I instantly had a powerful erection!!

O.K. she was attractive but no more so than 100's of others around and she was casually dressed in Jeans and top which just showed enough cleavage, but nothing to explain her incredilbe effect on me.

As my birthday approached m, my wife suggested I might enjoy the 3 of us spending the evening seeing the sights and finishing up at the girls place.

My wife found the girl and agrred price etc.and we went for a night on the town.

My wife had sugested she may be a Lady-boy but I didn't mind that idea although I had no idea what I was going to do with her,so after an evening of gin and tonics and a lot of fun being shown a diferant side of Phuket we ended up in a small but clean bedsit with no time limits,and we went to shower together.

Undressed she was even mor beautiful,and this small brown penis wasn't really a problem and she made sure we were both clean.

We adjourned to the bed with my wife also naked and I receiveda headjob which went on for ever then we kissed some more as a threesome as I achieved another erection which was lovingly played with.

I started to play with her penis which rabidly became erect and I enjoyed slowly bring her to an orgasm which filled my hand as I gently played with her anus which felt as though it was trying to suck my finger in although it didn't succeed.

Altogether I had 4 climaxes and she had 2 in the space of 3/4 hours of almost continuous touching and caressing,but with no penetrative sex and I didn't use my mouth except for kissing the rest of her body.(I've always regretted that,as I can happily go down on a woman for hours or as long as it takes.

Since then we've had a play with other people as we've always done and one of our oldest friends was entering my wife from behind whilst I was licking her clit and I discovered that that I didn't mind the feel of his penis in my mouth especiallly when it tasted of pussy.

Since then I've discovered a real liking for his penis especially at that early stage when it's not hard and I can feel it firmng up in my mouth.I also just like to paly with it and make him come which I sem to be able to do very easily.

Neither of us seem to have any inclination for anal although we both enjoy it with women,and I think we both the the emotional link we have to make it work as opposed to waliking around finding men attractive.

Having never used the services of Langtrees or similar in Australia and not knowing if there are woman in Perth as beautiful as my girl in Phuket I don't know how I'm going to be able to experience another session with a woman with a bonus and if I do there's going to be some major 69ing going on but not through a condom.(I'd appreciate advice on that point,but I want to feel skin in my mouth not rubber)


Silver Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I get really turned on about the thought of a nice transsexual. Unfortunately unlike you I have never had the pleasure of actually meeting one. More than once I have thought about how I could go about it but so far nothing. It has been suggested that I pay for one of the nice “girls” like Iya however I the thought of paying for a quick hour or so and just “getting it on” doesn't really appeal to me. Not to mention that the wife would like to get to know someone first before we engaged in any activities.
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Silver Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I get really turned on about the thought of a nice transsexual. Unfortunately unlike you I have never had the pleasure of actually meeting one. More than once I have thought about how I could go about it but so far nothing. It has been suggested that I pay for one of the nice “girls” like Iya however I the thought of paying for a quick hour or so and just “getting it on” doesn't really appeal to me. Not to mention that the wife would like to get to know someone first before we engaged in any activities.
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Silver Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I can't imagine why any non homophobic male could not be turned on by many of the beautiful transexuals who erotically display their sensuous bodies online. I am like most hetro men aware of my bisexual tendencies but increasingly get more turned on by transexual girls. I have no fear about following this desire as everything that makes me feel good is open for exploration


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I can't imagine why any non homophobic male could not be turned on by many of the beautiful transexuals who erotically display their sensuous bodies online. I am like most hetro men aware of my bisexual tendencies but increasingly get more turned on by transexual girls. I have no fear about following this desire as everything that makes me feel good is open for exploration

I'm not homophobic,it's a lifestyle that doesn't appeal to me,and with the exception of some penis's I don't find the male body attractive and don't want to caress it or play with it.If finances allow book yourself and your wife into Phuket and follow a dream.trouble is trying to bring the dream home.


Silver Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

Sorry to provoke you into being defensive Petlin. I was trying to make a general statement and wasn't suggesting that you or anyone who is posting here is homophobic.I was just reflecting on comments against transexuals by people who are. I agree that holiday dreams are often impossible to follow up when we are home and constained by a different set of circumstances. However there are some beautiful people around us here too and without fully entering into a 'lifestyle' we can choose to walk on the wild side.


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I have developed quite a fetish for transexuals! I love beautiful, feminine girls with a nice surprise. I'm not attracted to men, but love to suck a t-girl's cock. Now I'm always looking for new girls and trying to find time to engage in my fetish. There is nothing sexier! I find that transexuals seem to love sex (must be the man in them) and are as kinky as I am. It is never just to get it over with and collect a buck, but a true love of sex and kink. I'm ruined now!


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

i must say ive been with trannys since a young age . and now still find myself totaly atracted t othem . have dvds with them and just cant stop wanting to find the perfet one .

i love girls and also t-girls...... you are all hot.......


Foundation Member
Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

I have had i long time fantasy about being with asexy trans,i would love to wheel up to a sexy lady in short skirt and lingerie and find that some extra to have fun with.

Any special ladies in perth interested?


Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

In my own personal experience(im a transsexual woman myself) the majority of males are attracted to the idea of a transsexual girl for numerous reasons although almost all of it ultimately boils down to fantasy. Ask how many males would be keen to get it on with a transgendered girl and alot would come out of the woodwork. Ask the question then to the same guys how many would be prepared to have a relationship with a transgendered girl and the number dramatically declines.

The best of both worlds appeal, the sexy curves and all things feminine until the panties come off or the ability to engage in an erotic fantasy whereby the guy can completely divulge within the safetynet of his
pre-conceived "heterosexuality" are powerful lures for even the "straightest" of men.

I think alot of men seeking transgendered women have it in their heads that transgirls have a fully functional penis and can't wait to bend them over at a moments notice but sadly in the majority of cases this fantasy is misplaced. Sure there are transgirls who love having their penis and staying pre-op and who stay off anti-androgens to be able to maintain erections and ejaculate but they are few and far between. There will be many pre-op girls who will never be able to afford surgery and thus are stuck living the rest of their lives with their penis and make do and my hat goes off to them.

In most cases though, female hormones do a complete number on a male to females sex drive and completely re-programs it to be more in sync with a normal woman's. As testosterone is suppressed through hormones, suddenly things that genetic women desire like touch, intimacy, connection, companionship, affection become alot more prevalent to the t-girl suddenly becoming a woman. The result of this also leads to a different sex drive driven by oestrogen and new experiences are had. This often leads to them wanting to be more submissive and treated like any other woman and not wanting for their penis to be involved in the lovemaking process. The ability to maintain an erection is harder and therefore any thoughts most males had of having one of these girls take them from behind are out the window.

At the end of the day, most transgendered women are simply looking for the same things other women are, love, respect, a nice sex life with a great guy and someone who will treat them on the same level as any other woman. They go through a process whereby they are simply trying to align their mind and body and surgery helps them achieve this to be able to blend in. Just remember next time you are with a true transsexual woman, she is seeking the same validation and attention youd pay to a genetic woman so treat her right and you never know what you might find in return.
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Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

In my own personal experience(im a transsexual woman myself) the majority of males are attracted to the idea of a transsexual girl for numerous reasons although almost all of it ultimately boils down to fantasy. Ask how many males would be keen to get it on with a transgendered girl and alot would come out of the woodwork. Ask the question then to the same guys how many would be prepared to have a relationship with a transgendered girl and the number dramatically declines.

The best of both worlds appeal, the sexy curves and all things feminine until the panties come off or the ability to engage in an erotic fantasy whereby the guy can completely divulge within the safetynet of his
pre-conceived "heterosexuality" are powerful lures for even the "straightest" of men.

I think alot of men seeking transgendered women have it in their heads that transgirls have a fully functional penis and can't wait to bend them over at a moments notice but sadly in the majority of cases this fantasy is misplaced. Sure there are transgirls who love having their penis and staying pre-op and who stay off anti-androgens to be able to maintain erections and ejaculate but they are few and far between. There will be many pre-op girls who will never be able to afford surgery and thus are stuck living the rest of their lives with their penis and make do and my hat goes off to them.

In most cases though, female hormones do a complete number on a male to females sex drive and completely re-programs it to be more in sync with a normal woman's. As testosterone is suppressed through hormones, suddenly things that genetic women desire like touch, intimacy, connection, companionship, affection become alot more prevalent to the t-girl suddenly becoming a woman. The result of this also leads to a different sex drive driven by oestrogen and new experiences are had. This often leads to them wanting to be more submissive and treated like any other woman and not wanting for their penis to be involved in the lovemaking process. The ability to maintain an erection is harder and therefore any thoughts most males had of having one of these girls take them from behind are out the window.

At the end of the day, most transgendered women are simply looking for the same things other women are, love, respect, a nice sex life with a great guy and someone who will treat them on the same level as any other woman. They go through a process whereby they are simply trying to align their mind and body and surgery helps them achieve this to be able to blend in. Just remember next time you are with a true transsexual woman, she is seeking the same validation and attention youd pay to a genetic woman so treat her right and you never know what you might find in return.

Well you are absolutely right . in what you are saying the best girl ive ever meet was a girl i first met was still a pre-op . and i absolutely fell for her she was stunning . then she went away and had the full surgery and about one to two years latter i meet her again . and she was even better then befor she was the best female ive ever meet and still i wish to this day that i keeped in contact and had a relationship with her . as ever since then all ive wanted to do is meet a full sex change female ( as thay are to me real females ) and have a relationship with them . as like you sead befor these girls are real girls and realy thay appreciate who thay realy am and i find them the most comfortable girls to be around.

Steven Seagal

Re: Men who visit transexuals...why???

Hi All,

For me the lure of the transexual is the curosity of how 'she' views herself and also a taste of the forbidden.

Since I am active, I find passive transexuals provide and are more adept at anal intercourse than their female conterparts.

(Note: I am heterosexual, but occassionally take a walk on the wild side)