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Does Age Matter in a Relationship?................


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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hehehehehe I am coming to an age where the sugar daddy option can hardly exist anymore.......unless they are 100+.......so why bother. Better off to get myself a nice toyboy and I might even share him with Jacquie ;)
facts about sugar daddies over 100 years of age.............


Ventor Petrozza

I'm more popular with the younger ones now than ever before and I'm a 114 years young.


Legend Member
Age don't matter at all, you just be the most awkward looking couple in the room.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Age don't matter at all, you just be the most awkward looking couple in the room.
We have quite a few asian girls in their twenties with Aussie guys of about 60 to 70 around where I live and some of the guys treat them like shit in public


Legend Member
We have quite a few asian girls in their twenties with Aussie guys of about 60 to 70 around where I live and some of the guys treat them like shit in public

They better watch out, these ladies may not be there for love. lol...gullible old men with young Asian chicks who already have family or bf overseas waiting to cum over.


Silicone parts are made for toys.
Gold Member
My missus is quite a bit older than me. We've been married for 18yrs now.
When I signed on for life, I knew full well that that would one day eventually mean grey hairs, wrinkles and saggy bits.
Two kids, years of breast feeding, menopause, all these things come along and impact upon her body.
But that's a part of life together. If you can't handle that, then I would seriously question the validity of your love.

I still see the sexy older woman who shoved me up against a wall, grabbed my crotch hard enough to bring tears to my eyes and then kissed me long and hard before biting my lip till it bled, then as bold as you please said "Your going home with me tonight and your going to f#@k me till I say you can stop."
That was only the 2nd time I'd ever met her. I knew then and there that I was going to love this woman.
19 yrs later and if anything I'm more in love, borderline OCD in my affections for her than ever.
Anyone who has a problem with that can go and get @$^/#!@


Gold Member
Cute baby.

With all that dough, you'd think Donald could afford a more convincing rug up top.

Indeed! Isn't it awful. Looks like it's been sat on a few too many times. "Darling, have you seen my hair?"
"It's At the dry cleaners dear. You left it on the floor of the nursery. Bub done poopoo's in it. You know how much Bub likes to do poopoo's in daddy's hair."


Gold Member
Well I tell you now if I could make a older filthy rich woman happy in her twilit years for the one mighty paid day and live the good life waiting for it I'd be just as happy as a pig in muck to be her toy boy and I'd put in my best efforts every time

I really would struggle. If she were blind, perhaps she would be convinced being vigorously pummelled with a lightly boiled cucumber . Gag


Gold Member
And he shat himself at the same time ! Now that's living !

Sorry Sir. Knowing my luck, you probably fought in the trenches in WW 1, are an expert in armed and unarmed combat, tough as old boots, and more than capable of kicking my sorry arse whilst boxing my ears until they resemble cauliflower. Mercy my good man. Please have mercy. Unlike you, I have never had to fight in my life, sir.


Legend Member
Sorry Sir. Knowing my luck, you probably fought in the trenches in WW 1, are an expert in armed and unarmed combat, tough as old boots, and more than capable of kicking my sorry arse whilst boxing my ears until they resemble cauliflower. Mercy my good man. Please have mercy. Unlike you, I have never had to fight in my life, sir.
Polkam Your scared of Polkam ??


Gold Member
Polkam Your scared of Polkam ??
Polkam Your scared of Polkam ??

No Happy 2, I'm apologising to this gentleman. I accused him of prematurely ejaculating and soiling his underwear simultaneously because I think his bird is red hot and I am jealous.
And yes, I am scared of him because like a lot from his generation he's probably killed people on the treacherous, freezing and bloodied battlefields of Europe.

Each to their own! xxx