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What are you reading?

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I am reading Kathy Reichs - Break no bones. my boyfriend is reading
Richard Hammond - As you do


Foundation Member
I'm reading the Costello Memoirs and its interesting stuff. Why did John Howard go back on his word and not hand over the leadership? Why didn't Peter Costello go for the kill when the Liberals were polling badly? Perhaps we will find out in the next book.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I have just finished Billy Thorpe two books. Forget one title the other is most People I know. Very good read..I felt like I was there he writes so naturally.


Gold Member
reading all the new posts while drinking southern comfort :eek:ccasion14
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The Natural Mind - by Andrew Weil MD

A revolutionary approach to the drug problem, written in 70's (so not that revolutionary now) but last revised in 2004.

Miranda Fox

I am reading "Cowboy : A Love Story" by Sara Davidson. Based on a true story.


Bronze Member
Sadly not a big reader.

I could honestly say I have read about 20 or so books all up, and while that is quite sad, after reading this post I may make an effort to read a bit more.

Unfortunately for me a book must just jump out, like the first book I read 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' back in 1982. When I saw the film a few weeks later it was just liked I imagined.

I do like reading more on real peoples lives and history. The book I just read is the 'Pilbara Bushman - the life experience of W.Dunn' by Graham J. Wilson.

This is an incredible read because it is based on fact. It talks about William (Bill) Dunn who died in 2006 at the age of 94. He was an Aboriginal stockman that led a truley amazing life, at one point working with Charles Kingsford Smith on Meentheena station. A great read.


Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
I've just finished reading the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series - hard to really put it in a genre - it has historical romance, war, time travel, bit of mystic via time travel through standing stones in Scotland.

The main 2 characters, Jamie Fraser - Scottish Highlander from 1745 who was a Jacobite and fought at the battle of Culloden, Clare Beecham Randall, wartime nurse in the time 1945 who finds herself transported back to 1745 after walking through a cleft in a standing stone circle (similar to Stonehenge, there are many in Scotland).

They are apparently making the first book into a film.

Be warned though these books are epics, and there are 6 in the series, each one would be 3-4 inches thick.

Great read though, thoroughly enjoyed the story and found it hard to put down each novel.

Something for everyone in these stories - plenty of war action, and fighting with swords and guns for the blokes, and plenty of interaction between the main 2 characters to keep it interesting.

Amy xxx


A couple of books worth reading, Ben Eltons Inconcievable, I laughed so much, gave it to him o read and I read Hell Island by Matthew Rielly, wow. Not into action books but I couldn't put this one down, we still chuckle about Inconcievable.
C ya


I'm currently reading "Dear Fatty" by Dawn French. Will admit I'm a fan which helps but she's also a very good writer. If you get the chance, do read "Hell hath harbour views".


Gold Member
Hell Island is just a teaser, there are about 4 other scarecrow books and they are all as fast paced as hell island and another 4 or 5 featuring other characters, all with a military back ground and fast paced story line.

I also like Ben Elton. He's a very funny man and writes a good book.

Mary Anne PA

I'm currently reading "Dear Fatty" by Dawn French. Will admit I'm a fan which helps but she's also a very good writer. If you get the chance, do read "Hell hath harbour views".

Dear Fatty was very good. I received it for xmas :)


Foundation Member
At the moment I am reading Judy Nunns "Heritage".It is about the Snowy Scheme.
I am about half way through,and a good read.I also read her book "Kal".Being an older Boulder boy found it very interesting.Any one into the old times in Kal should read it.
Also read most of Bryce Courtneys books.I sometimes find his work to be very repetitive though.


The Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc - Mark Twain. She's my heroine


The Natural Mind - by Andrew Weil MD

A revolutionary approach to the drug problem, written in 70's (so not that revolutionary now) but last revised in 2004.
hi melinda i came across a book the other day named "RELEIF WITHOUT DRUGS" by ainslie meares,M,D.,D.P.M..it has some good raves about it by different people...


You like your women hot, thesdrift?

Sure do Ar, but haven't really encountered much of that heat in my partners in my history. The thing that drives my mind sexually is the need for release, and if it's burning in another, it drives mine up further.

Saw Mila Jovovic take the part of Joan some years back, and tho the movie was not sexually driven, apart from an incredibly vicious scene early on regarding Joan's mother, I looked at her (Mila as Joan) and thought, "fuck! now wouldn't that be absolute pleasure" (you know, totally feminine, but physically very strong, and mentally...forget about it)

So, when I saw Mark Twain had written a book about her, even though a fiction work, I had to get it (free off the net btw). I've read half, and I love her...


She must have been quite a lady.

Hi M'nO - totally

The thing that gets me about her, is her power or the power she accessed within herself. At 17, she was a peasant girl who lead the French army to lift the seige of Orleans. The book and the movie both infer a calling from god. But even so, that's not the intrigue for me, rather - Where did that power come from? Does it live in all of us?

That power makes her totally sexually appealing to me. Not the power over a thing, but the power that lives in the organism...the full potential (if it has a limit) in the physical mechanism

Thanks for posting that M'nO, Mark Twain was a pretty smart chap


I didn't know Mark Twain wrote a book about ol Joan (another book for the reading pile!) I saw the movie, and I just couldn't see past the fact that the whole "power" came from a delusion. And the film pointed that out as well. I can't remember it that issue was ever resolved in the film, but it certainly is not resolved for me.

Now the sexiest version of Joan for me is in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Particularly the scene where the she is alone praying, there is a flash of light, the phone box appears and heavy metal music playing. "Miss of Arc" looks up and is speechless by what she sees and hears. A cheerful, long haired, Keenau Reeves reaches out towards her. If you have seen the film, just look at the expression on "Miss of Arc's" face as she takes his hand. Now that is power and sexiness right there in that scene! LOL


Foundation Member
My wife is enthralled with the Stephenie Meyer series ... Twilight!!

She read the first book in 2days, rushed out to buy the 2nd book straight after and is now on my case to let her buy the 3rd edition in the series! LOL :D

Im tempted to pick the book up myself and read it, just to see what the fuss is all about!

Has anyone else read the first book, or the entire series? There are 4 in the series and I think there is a 5th currently being written?

I'll read it, out of protest of course, and report back (probably within a month or 2) LOL! :D

Well, I did say that i'd report back once I read TWILIGHT ... WOW!!!
For a bloke who has never read much more than STREET MACHINE in his life, I not only digested the first novel, but the entire series! I finished reading the last book about 3 weeks ago, and was quite disappointed that my new reality had come to an end! LOL :D

I am now proud to have add to my limited vocabulary 2 new words that this author apparently seemed to love, INCREDULOUS and GRIMACE! hahaha

Now to try something else ::)


i'm reading a book from Wayne Webster , Peter Brock how good is this! The real story.:walk:


Foundation Member
A post to get the members adding there two bobs worth.
I read a lot, and very varied styles.
At the moment I am reading Dawn French book Dear Fatty. Its just come out and I am enjoying it very much.
I bought another at the same time and when I finish this one will start on Glenn McGrathe Line & Strength.
I know very little about cricket, yet I enjoy reading stories about cricketers...and haven't a clue why.
What are reading?

Maryanne...you don't have to be a cricket fan to enjoy line and length I would have thought ;)

Mary Anne PA

I like horror/thriller - Richard Laymon, Dean Koontz, Stephen King

Me too usually. For fun Im reading the 4th Dexter book. For uni Im reading "lockie Leonard" and "2 weeks with the queen"


Diamond Member
I have finished recently "GOD'S CALL GIRL" BY Carla Van Raay. It is an interesting book although the last few chapters she tries to covert you to her new beliefs in life. It is about a nun who left the church and became a call girl. It is an interesting insight of a life of a nun and her family and her experiences as a call girl..


am reading steven kings dark tower at teh moment and eckhart tolls the power of now ..


I just finished reading anthony keidis from the red hot chilli peppers biography i hadnt read a book for ages but once i started this i couldnt stop hes lived a truly fascinating life of heroin, cocaine, booze, women and music.
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