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What are you reading?

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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
A post to get the members adding there two bobs worth.
I read a lot, and very varied styles.
At the moment I am reading Dawn French book Dear Fatty. Its just come out and I am enjoying it very much.
I bought another at the same time and when I finish this one will start on Glenn McGrathe Line & Strength.
I know very little about cricket, yet I enjoy reading stories about cricketers...and haven't a clue why.
What are reading?


Resident kinky pervert
Foundation Member
I've recently reread Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth series
Starts with Wizards First Rule

And I have a couple of bondage books here I'm glancing thru too

Mary Anne PA

Im a Terry Pratchett freak. The social commentary is fantastic.

Other than that I like horror/thriller - Richard Laymon, Dean Koontz, Stephen King.

Mary Anne PA

I am indeed reading the first testament again for the 40th time. It is amazing how prohetic it is with the second testament.Praise the lord....


Tantalizing Temptress
Gold Member
I am reading a book called "Dewey" by Vicki Myron, about a wonderful ginger cat named 'Dewey Readmore Books',that got abandoned and adopted by a small town library... hmm writting it like that makes it sound like a kids book! haha.
It is written in a similar style of the book "Marley and Me" by john grogan... (being made into a movie starring owen wilson and jennifer aniston! cant wait!)
based on a true story its all about the antics this kitten gets upto, warming hearts of people in Iowa during economic hardtimes...
Easy read, warm, cute, makes me laugh... great buy! cant wait to finish it... not that i have time! argggg!!!!


Gold Member
In the Footsteps of Private Lynch by Will Davies.

Davies found and edited a manuscript by Edward Lynch called Somme Mud, it became an instant best seller. Edward had written the book in the early 20's after his experience of WW1, but couldn't get it published.

In the footsteps gives a bit of background on the 45th Battalion and it's time at the Somme. I'll be reading Somme Mud next.


I am reading 'Great Flying Doctor Stories' which sure beats reading text books for a change....

Rhett and Scarlett

Virginity can be cured!!
Foundation Member
Rhett just finished reading The Legend of Kevin the Plumber an absolute classic lol
And Scar just finished Kaitlyn by Kevin Lewis ( no he isnt Kevin the Plumber )
Much more cleverer than Rhetty boy......

Now Rhett is movin on to Mayfair and Penthouse

CYA xx


Reading the seventh and final book of Stephen King's Dark Tower series.


I read all the darktower ones and then lost interest halfway through the last book!! I think i was over=stimulated.

I am currently reading "secret diary of a london call girl" by Bella Du Jour (pen name) and i am also getting ready to start Brsinger (i think that is spelt right) by christopher paolini. Very good for such a young author.

At school i am reading "toad rage" by Morris Gleitzman, i have never read it before and i love it! So do the kids.


Hi Spunky
How could you read so much of it and then put it down before you know how it ends?!!! How about I let you know when I've finished lol

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I found a copy of my second favourite book on my way to Sydney the other day.
The book is "four fires" by Bryce Courtenay.
It's over 1000 pages and I finished it last night. I feel I understood AUSTRALIAN HISTORY for the 50's & 60's more from this book than any other source.
Has any one else read this book.


I love four fires! I love that it keeps telling the story and doesn't end where you think it will....i also really enjoy his book "April Fools Day" about his son. Very sad but very, very good.


Gold Member
I think 4 fires was the last book of Bryce's that I enjoyed, or Brother Fish (about a Korean War Veteran from Tasmania), I think they came out after one another.

I'm reading Somme Mud now, a fantastic read.


The last book I finished was "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger.

I'm currently reading "The Da Vinci Code"..... yes I'm a little slow for catching on. I find that Dan Brown sometimes shows off his knowledge of the French language a little too much and there's a large part of a chapter that names too many monuments and buildings for me to care for. It's not exactly the best written book but I do love the way the chapters flow on and for some reason I can't stop reading it! Hope it ends well.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I enjoyed both books Kevin, I think you will enjoy the ending..
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Argh! I've misplaced the book lol. Red wine + book + sleep = missing book. At least it's late night shopping tomorrow.


There is a new Bryce Courtenay book out.....cant remember what it's called but saw it in Northam Target today so it should defenitely be available in Perth book stores!

I am reading Native Tongues by Carl Hiassen and his books are so funny! They seem to have all these random things in them then BLAM they all tie togethor.


At the moment I'm reading a couple of good books.
First one is "The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency" By Alexander Mcall Smith,It's about a woman in Botswana who sets up a detective agency,great fun reading,and I'm also reading the biography of Richard Hammond,the guy from the Top Gear program who almost died a few years back in an accident.
it's also a great book.


Terry Pratchett is always a fave, and Terry Goodkind too for the Sword of Truth series. But still Tom Clancy is my favourite author and has been for 10 years.


i did and i do read a lot, i love books ! Also i am very selective with my reading, no time to waste with supperficialty i suppose....
However, i recomand one of the most beautifull books i had a chance to read, probably second to "Little Prince" only: "The Alchimist" by Paulo Coelho


Foundation Member
Well, I waded through "One Hundred Years of Solitude", so I've rewarded myself with some lighter reading - Matthew Reilly is a fabulous Australian author, and I've just finished The Six Sacred Stones. (Loved it, loved it, loved it!)
I'm reading Terry Pratchett's Going Postal at work, and Alexander McCall Smith's Tears Of The Giraffe at home.
(I'm on uni holidays at the moment, so I'm laying waste to the local library. =)


Foundation Member
My wife is enthralled with the Stephenie Meyer series ... Twilight!!

She read the first book in 2days, rushed out to buy the 2nd book straight after and is now on my case to let her buy the 3rd edition in the series! LOL :D

Im tempted to pick the book up myself and read it, just to see what the fuss is all about!

Has anyone else read the first book, or the entire series? There are 4 in the series and I think there is a 5th currently being written?

I'll read it, out of protest of course, and report back (probably within a month or 2) LOL! :D


well there must be 100s of books in my house,probably more.though i just never get that feeling to want to sit down and read one..that probably comes bac to my schooling,i could never read very well so just went surfing instead.in all honesty it would take me forever to read a book.still couldnt do it when visiting H.M.S. though my ex used to always tell me to read and learn,she was probably right...


Gold Member
I've just finished reading the five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albion. It's a fantastic read, only about 200-250 pages, it's not at all religious. I'm a 31 year old ex Infantry soldier and miner and I had a little sook at the end. An outstanding read.


I have alot of books to read! :(

Though i dont have enough time to read them... I am still readin a book that I bought in 2007!!! :|
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