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Requests for natural french and natural sex

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Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
What is happening? Have men's brains recessed to days so long ago. I work as a private WL and have noticed a huge amount of requests for natural french and believe it or not natural sex. Has society become complacent about STD's and HIV?
Oh these guys are adamant they are clean lol and will pay an extra $50. I find it such an insult and my back gets up real quick. I have been known to read the odd one his pedigree. They are prepared to have unprotected sex with a WL. They are certainly not the brightest ae.
So how would you treat such a request? Is it time to put HIV and STD statistics back in the media attention?


Foundation Member
I believe this is due to the fact that girls in a lot of the low-rent Asian suburban brothels routinely perform oral without a condom so the not-so-bright guys would regard this as normal.

You are quite right to refuse to offer it and they need their heads read for asking for it.


Legend Member
It's crazy to request them. I guess some people went overseas and had them natural and didn't catch anything, so they assume it would be ok here. Kwazy. You should just tell them, Bad Requests, Access Denied and then shutdown like a computer. lol


Legend Member
mutual means, she takes one end you take her end, your the clam explorer and she the captain of your ship. Just beware of possibility of poison gas.


Gold Member
Yeah, yeah. Its fine for us all to roll out the PC line and agree that all risk is bad risk. But lets not be too judgemental without any thought whatsoever. Not having liaisons with people is the only way to reduce STD risk towards zero, but lets assume most here are prepared for a bit more risk than that. So ... natural sex? Nope, not for me thanks, but its just a risk, like anything else that each WL and Punter has to look at and think about.

you are silly ? Might be too much risk for some, kissing is also too risky for some. Certain nasties can be contracted by simply brushing up against infected skin and then putting your fingers (or other things) into your mouth if conditions are right.

These requests are going to come because there is demand from punters who are happy enough, themselves, with the risk - I'd have thought that rejection of almost any request ... certainly natural requests, would be well enough received by most people.


How about if you've known the w/l for 20 years... It's more to do with trust than anything else.


Legend Member
I understand where your coming from dude. But your talking about accidental risk and intentional risk. Diseases like SARS is accidental if you don't know that person has it, or brushing against someone with a skin condition, your not intentionally exposing yourself.

Knowing the risks of an act but still proceed without any protection, I'd say that is intentional though you don't wish for the disease to come to you. Then again, every person's tolerance to risk is different. I guess it's fine that 2 parties agree to it knowing the risks. It's a personal choice.


Foundation Member
I also think the "high end" girls started to introduce this into the Perth market a couple of years ago as a point of difference to help justify their $800 per hour fees.

Natural sex - no way its time to leave


Gold Member
This is what I'm saying too. The risk of catching _something_ is always there ... with any contact of the type likely in a sexual encounter. Many folks on this forum were complaining not that long ago about problems with finding WL's who will kiss or who will allow mutual oral ... theres certainly risk with both these activities, risk a condom alone simply won't protect from.

So, we're all of us, WL's and punters both, willing to take some risk - thats obvious by the nature of the game we play. My own risk tolerance is quite high, its a personal choice, there are certainly some things I won't engage in and if they are offered or started without my consent then I bring proceedings to a temporary halt to correct those things. I fully expect a WL to do the same. Anything she's not comfortable doing then I don't want to do either.


Gold Member
It's called safe sex for a reason. I can't stand the degenerates that even ask for a risky service. Have some respect you low life's.


Legend Member
If a punter decides that the risk is acceptable to him, and therefore wants to go ahead with either you are silly or uncovered sex, then he accepts the risk. However, for the WL who sees 5 clients in a day (more or less !), the risk is 5 times greater, and if she sees 100 clients in 20 days, then her risk is 20 times greater.

The punter may be prepared to take the risk, but the odds are unacceptable for the WL.

And there is still no cure for HIV, Herpes, etc. !!


Gold Member
Anyone going to state here they've engaged in natural services with w/l at any part of the "market scale"?

What about, can anyone personally vouch they caught an STI from you are silly, w/l or not?

My intention here isn't to judge the act - we ARE smart enough, all of us, to make our own decisions - I'm challenging this tired often repeated thread for being exactly that. Until someone who's engaged in natural sex with a w/l (or w/l's) comes forward, or a w/l offering these services speaks about her experiences, what point is being served?

Some time back there was a terrific sermon on this forum about you are silly and STI's. I chimed in, asking the question about w/l's use of dams when engaging in bi activities either professionally or privately. Thread ended.

Be safe. Love much. Have fun :)

Tania Admin

Natural is a no no, plain and simple. And I agree with Vivien the media needs to step up the warnings again. It's not scare mongering there are real dangers involved.


Legend Member
If a punter decides that the risk is acceptable to him, and therefore wants to go ahead with either you are silly or uncovered sex, then he accepts the risk. However, for the WL who sees 5 clients in a day (more or less !), the risk is 5 times greater, and if she sees 100 clients in 20 days, then her risk is 20 times greater.

The punter may be prepared to take the risk, but the odds are unacceptable for the WL.

And there is still no cure for HIV, Herpes, etc. !!

Mathematically the risk to a WL is even greater. With 100 clients in 20 days, it is almost certain, and she needs 0/100 to not catch something. Chance of 0/100 is so close to ZERO, as to be insignificant, so risk is as good as 100% (i.e. certain).


Gold Member
Mathematically the risk to a WL is even greater. With 100 clients in 20 days, it is almost certain, and she needs 0/100 to not catch something. Chance of 0/100 is so close to ZERO, as to be insignificant, so risk is as good as 100% (i.e. certain).

hehe. Yes, but luckily population statistics don't work quite this way as distribution is not linear. A working lady might well see 100 clients in 20 days _all_ of whom have an STD, therefore risk to her is extremely high, or, she may see 100 clients in 20 days none of whom have an STD .... If things were not this way then _all_ working girls would be infected with something ... as condoms/dams are simply not enough. With linear STD distribution and large numbers of data points every single WL would bump into a carrier of something and be unlucky enough for it to penetrate her risk defences, and given numbers of clients this would happen sooner rather than later.

I guess good risk management would urge one to assume every client has something ... which is fair enough ... yet you are silly, DATY, DFK, etc are all rampant in the industry either collectively or as singular 'extras' so what does this mean?

Its all very well to get on ones high horse and call people who have different risk thresholds idiots ... anecdotal evidence would suggest then that a vast percentage of the population who engages in any sexual activity are idiots if we use the same measure.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Ohhhh eyeeeeeeeee, have always had a rubber on Myyyyyyyyyy;- PegLeg & Hook
Cheers and Pass the Rum

Pixie O'Malley

Gold Member
I agree with Viv... Protection. Protection Protection.

My very second client ever kept trying to barter me into removing the condom. I told him he couldn't pay me 10K to remove it. He then told me I had rocks in my head and so I smiled sweetly and 'dismounted'.

Sat on the end of the bed and said: 'are you ready to have fun? or would you like to continue being a lonely arsehole?'

He gave me a playful slap on the rump and away we went.

Situation resolved.

In 4 weeks at LT's I've had the request a few times but I've always said no and clients have mostly been nice enough about it. I've never had to end a booking yet.

I don't get guys who ask for it natural... Seriously. Silly boys. Especially the ones who are in relationships or active outside of punting.

Ahh well! Guess some people will always push the envelope.

xx P


to throw a twist on the topic..

what if you were doin things naturally with your girlfriend.. who happened to be a W/L... ?


Full Member
Foundation Member
to throw a twist on the topic..

what if you were doin things naturally with your girlfriend.. who happened to be a W/L... ?

...if my GF was a WL, it would be a problem IF she provided a natural service to her clients...otherwise, I wouldn't give a toss!



Gold Member
He then told me I had rocks in my head and so I smiled sweetly and 'dismounted'.

Sat on the end of the bed and said: 'are you ready to have fun? or would you like to continue being a lonely arsehole?'

And in my view thats exactly the right way to handle these things.

In this case, the punter was 'hunting' for extra's and I reckon thats fine (though I don't agree with natural sex ... but thats my own personal choice), whats also fine, of course, is that there are two people involved and simply asking for extras is no guarantee and shouldn't be that those are acceptable.

When it moves past a hunt for extras into pestering territory its exactly right to stop and see where things are really going.

I ask for extra's myself at times, of varying types (no, not natural sex!), and I'd be pissed off mightily if my lady immediately gave me an ear bashing - a simple no is fine and I never ask twice, nor on any subsequent visits.


Gold Member
to throw a twist on the topic..

what if you were doin things naturally with your girlfriend.. who happened to be a W/L... ?

Well I'm guessing it happens a lot. For a start I reckon its probably fairly common for the 'boyfriend' to not even know his girl is working, so this whole debate is less about STD's and Punter/WL's than it is about sex and safety on a much broader scale.

My girlfriend is an active WL, we've had a serious conversation in relation to things sexual as you might well imagine. Everyone has to find the place where they are comfortable with the risks presented to them. Do I DFK my girl? You better believe I do.


Anytime a client asks for natural French or sex, it makes me realise the lack of respect he has for me as a W/L and as a person.

I generally say to them "well if I say yes to you, imagine every other guy I'm saying yes to!"

After that, they don't really bring the topic up again and are happy to continue the service - safely!

Rough Ryder

Ryder XX
Silver Member
I just assumed men in general are uneducated when it comes to STI's or just have the attitude 'it will never happen to them'.

The amount of times I've been schooled by men that you 'CANT' catch anything threw natural french makes me want to shake some sense into them. Its this ignorant attitude that's causing the ever growing outbreak in curable and non-treatable sexually transmitted infections!!

Safety First!! You cant put a price on your health! And you have to wonder abut people who do...


Gold Member
Anytime a client asks for natural French or sex, it makes me realise the lack of respect he has for me as a W/L and as a person.

Don't be offended, its just an ask for service, like any customer might ask for any service. My girlfriend told me the other day that one of her customers asked her if he could have sex with her (protected) as part of the 'full service' ... hehehe. Some customers just don't know a lot of stuff - no reason to be offended. If a customer asks for anal do you get offended? Maybe you do or don't offer this service, but its reasonable for a client to ask - just so long as it stays friendly.

I generally say to them "well if I say yes to you, imagine every other guy I'm saying yes to!"

After that, they don't really bring the topic up again and are happy to continue the service - safely!

Sure - because they're only asking, and your response is telling them the right answer for you - "no". Its all fine. Everyones wants needs and risk thresholds are different.

I certainly take issue with aggressive behaviour from either WL's or customers - theres no room in my world for that ... but a polite request, even if refused shouldn't be a problem.

When one talks with 'civilians' generally the view held by almost all of them is that WL's and Johns take appalling STD risks simply by being in the game at all. They certainly have a point, but those of us on the inside have found a risk threshold thats comfortable for us, thats all it is.
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