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Nobody knows I'm a prostitute

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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ok, what about these working ladies that use twitter to advertise and I am all okay with them posting images and texts on these sites to drum up business for themselves after all that's what they use it for, but what about personal posts eg taking gym photos or pictures of at home eating food, or just relaxing or trying on a new dress etc etc, where do the lines get drawn as to what is a working girls professional life and her personal life begin and end, as some clients must be confused about this, as years ago, you only had dealings with a working girl when you called her up made a booking or went to a parlor and saw her, then you left and that was that, no with the advent of social media this is making the lines blurred somewhat is that a fair call.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
I agree with Rochelle and Morgan that unfortunately protecting your identity as a WL seems to be the best option in the society in which we live. With my girlfriend she is very careful to protect her true identity. Her friends that know she is a WL are all in the industry. She is concerned that someone that knows her could book her not knowing it is her because her working name is different. It only takes one post on facebook and things can go viral! Social media can make the consequences much worse!! It is her choice as to who should know, so I would never reveal it to anyone without her permission. It does limit her socially. However, we do all the things a normal couple do despite the risk that we could encounter someone I know that may have seen her. We have met people I know when we are out and I introduce her as my girlfriend. Up to now none of them have been clients. However, we can't remain locked up! From my perspective I won't let any risk of people I know having seen her alter how I treat her and where we go as a couple. I am proud to have her by my side. I just wish she didn't have to be affected so much by her choice of work. At least we have each other.
Good on you, stay proud and happy


Gold Member
Smart, avoid the CC surcharge. That can really add up when dropping a few hundred dollars.


Diamond Member
I am married and no one knows that I visit WL , so I have a secret life too.
Yep, a married punter leading a double life and dealing in cash only and only two friends know my secret, and they are married and visit w/l too! So I guess our secrets are safe as we share experiences. Oh what a tangled web we weave.

Bella Rose

Silver Member
It will cause a giant debate however I don't really care as my mind will not change. To the married people out there seeking sex from WLs what a sad life you must lead. You have a loving wife that wants you just as much maybe you should try and rekindle that spark. I know and understand what it is like to truly love someone and feel the urge for sex the with others, but It is wrong. If you think lying to your spouse is a good way to live then you haven't lived because all you have done is lie. I apologise but I simply do not respect cheating partner s if you don't believe and cannot commit to monogomy then don't and if you feel your in too deep within family kids etc then think again because all your doing is dishonouring your vow your word your promise. I'm not a fan of liars. Yeah we all have secrets but this secret is the lowest of all. #sorrynotsorry

Bella Rose

Silver Member
heres a question married as you call yourself "punters" haha anyway how would you feel if you found out your wife was secretly a WL ? Would you leave her ? ..... I think your all too scared to make the sacrifice of losing someone that loves you..it's pretty weak and more over selfish.


Bronze Member
My mate came to me and told me my girl was a W/L, as he visited her couple of times, I was at first gutted, hit her up about it, got talkin, she was honest and open saying wanted us to bein relationship but I would have to except and respect who she was. Lived together for bout 5 years, so turned me on, her talkin how her day been and very detailed, my first MFF she brought hot workmate home, amazing. Great chick all my fantasies played out more than once.


Another World Member
Legend Member
Ok ok ok nobody knows your a prostitute......this is for the guys to answer.
you ring a number of Locanto B/page Cracker or wherever.speak to the lady u like the sound of her ovrr the ph
ne u arrange a time n day
u turn up at a classy apartment block in the CBD
knock on the door it opens OMG there in front of u in revealing lingerie .....is a relative of yours .....what do u do????

Ladies u can answer also
appologies to Bella never saw your post when i wtote this one


Bronze Member
Yes well that be bit hard, would already have hard on ready and am open minded, talk, agree, then enjoy, more than friends with benefits.


Another World Member
Legend Member
Yes well that be bit hard, would already have hard on ready and am open minded, talk, agree, then enjoy, more than friends with benefits.
Not worthwhile commenting on


Diamond Member
It will cause a giant debate however I don't really care as my mind will not change. To the married people out there seeking sex from WLs what a sad life you must lead. You have a loving wife that wants you just as much maybe you should try and rekindle that spark. I know and understand what it is like to truly love someone and feel the urge for sex the with others, but It is wrong. If you think lying to your spouse is a good way to live then you haven't lived because all you have done is lie. I apologise but I simply do not respect cheating partner s if you don't believe and cannot commit to monogomy then don't and if you feel your in too deep within family kids etc then think again because all your doing is dishonouring your vow your word your promise. I'm not a fan of liars. Yeah we all have secrets but this secret is the lowest of all. #sorrynotsorry
This is interesting to hear. There was a thread a little while back where I asked what WLs thought of married punters and most replies indicated no problem at all. Obviously not a universal view (or perhaps those replies were not genuine)!

@Bella Rose, do you refuse to see married clients or are you happy to take their cash whilst holding them in contempt?

There would be far less business for WLs if married guys stopped visiting them :)


Diamond Member
It will cause a giant debate however I don't really care as my mind will not change. To the married people out there seeking sex from WLs what a sad life you must lead. You have a loving wife that wants you just as much maybe you should try and rekindle that spark. I know and understand what it is like to truly love someone and feel the urge for sex the with others, but It is wrong. If you think lying to your spouse is a good way to live then you haven't lived because all you have done is lie. I apologise but I simply do not respect cheating partner s if you don't believe and cannot commit to monogomy then don't and if you feel your in too deep within family kids etc then think again because all your doing is dishonouring your vow your word your promise. I'm not a fan of liars. Yeah we all have secrets but this secret is the lowest of all. #sorrynotsorry
Ohh, Bella Rose, if only life was so simple, so perfect as to comfortably fall into what you idyllically espouse. No, Bella Rose, I don't have 'a loving wife' in the sense of our 'vow' we both promised each other. I would rather have not been placed in the punting position in the first place but thems-are-the-breaks. I understand what you are saying and why you say it due to your very young age, lack of lengthy married life experiences (good and downright painful) and naivety. Nevertheless yours is a promising attitude to have for establishing a long lasting loving (loving is the key word) partnership. I do however, hope you practise what you preach and enquire if your clients are married and if their response is in the affirmative then tell them to, "Get the bloody hell out of here!"


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Dedicated to Bella Rose
Garbage - Vow

heres a question married as you call yourself "punters" haha anyway how would you feel if you found out your wife was secretly a WL ? Would you leave her ? ..... I think your all too scared to make the sacrifice of losing someone that loves you..it's pretty weak and more over selfish.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ok ok ok nobody knows your a prostitute......this is for the guys to answer.
you ring a number of Locanto B/page Cracker or wherever.speak to the lady u like the sound of her ovrr the ph
ne u arrange a time n day
u turn up at a classy apartment block in the CBD
knock on the door it opens OMG there in front of u in revealing lingerie .....is a relative of yours .....what do u do????

Ladies u can answer also
appologies to Bella never saw your post when i wtote this one

If a blood relative talk to her, and say your secret is safe with me, say I can not see you and leave, and that would be it for me.

if she was a family friend and I was NOT married or involved with anyone, talk to her and see if it felt wrong if it felt right by both of us follow through with the booking, hopefully have a good time leave and keep it a secret, as I am a very private person myself and I would also keep this a tight secret no matter what and how that booking went.

However I reply to Bella Rose too if I was married I would not be on any escort sites, nor be booking anyone nor be looking for an affair, I would be speaking to me other half and only them and being romantic and intimate with them AND only them as I don't cheat and I know some think that seeing a WL or Male escort isn't cheating well it is sorry to say, no justification cuts it here. I hope that sounds fair.


Silver Member
I think it would be great if we were all seen as sex therapists.
Well said Missy Myers :) My girlfriend that works in the industry would agree with you. Indeed it should be seen as a combination of physiotherapy (remedial massage) and social work. My girlfriend is a skilled sex therapist :)
She is also very good at keeping me happy.

Bella Rose

Silver Member
This is interesting to hear. There was a thread a little while back where I asked what WLs thought of married punters and most replies indicated no problem at all. Obviously not a universal view (or perhaps those replies were not genuine)!

@Bella Rose, do you refuse to see married clients or are you happy to take their cash whilst holding them in contempt?

There would be far less business for WLs if married guys stopped visiting them :)
In this industry it is inevitable that I service married men. I however do not wish to know about their wife family etc I feel like I am contributing to ruining their vows to be married . I do not ask questions I do not wish to know the answers too.

Bella Rose

Silver Member
Yes, i agree.
We all have reason why we do things.
I've said before each to their own.... But this... I won't get my head around it's these clients that reinforce the mind state of never wanting to fall in love because if I/we do I/we are more than likely setting ourselves up to be lied to for life . I'd prefer to have a dog n know he's gonna look and fuck each bitch he sees rather than a dog of a husband that lies goes behind my back then wants to kiss me come night fall. Go get fucked I say. Scuse french.... I say again monogomist relationships are for people who believe in monogomy if that's not you grow a set Man Up and face the music....
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