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Nobody knows I'm a prostitute

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Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
I feel EXTREMELY embarrassed to admit that I read the following article in "Woman's Day" o_O

Anyway. embarrassment aside, an interesting point came out of the article and that is W/L's still seem to be leading a "double life" in that they don't admit to family and friends what work they really do.

I thought this was quite disappointing particularly in a pretty broad minded society like ours where a lot of the old "taboos" have been readily accepted as the "norm".

So, is this article a fair reflection of the "stigma" attached to those working in the industry????


No one at uni knows my secret. At night, after lectures, I go to work as a prostitute in a St Kilda brothel. It started three years ago in my first year. I had arrived from a country town with only $200 in the bank. I desperately needed cash. I got a job at a supermarket but my wages barely covered my rent. I couldn't work more hours because of classes and all the other jobs I applied for paid the same amount. The hours I did get were at night or weekends so I had no social life and I always felt tired. Consequently, I was always running late for early classes. One morning after sleeping in, I burst into tears when the lecturer singled me out as I tried to sneak into class. The girl sitting next to me consoled me. After the lecture, she asked me why I was always late and I told her. She smiled knowingly. "There is another way to earn money," she said. "Lots of money." That piqued my interest. The girl, Nicole, was always dressed in the latest fashions with an expensive manicure and accessories. I had assumed her parents were rich but she said she paid for everything herself. When I pressed her further, she told me she was a hooker. She worked in a clean, safe brothel and could get me an introduction with the owner. It all happened quickly after that. After a rather degrading "interview" in which I had to parade before the Madam in my underwear and answer all sorts of questions about my sex life, I was hired. Ever since, I've worked in the brothel three nights a week. I earn ten times what I did at the supermarket, for much less effort. And it's not as bad as I thought it would be. My regular clients treat me with respect and I'm never forced to do anything I don't feel comfortable doing. The hardest part is lying to my family and friends about where the money is coming from. They all assume I got a promotion at the supermarket but my mother grew suspicious when she dropped in one day and was told I no longer worked there. I told her she must have spoken to one of the newer employees who didn't know me. I felt awful and I never want to have to do that again. Thankfully I graduate this year so I can get a real job, something I can tell everyone about and be proud of. Although I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, there is a guy at uni who is showing some interest. If things get serious, do I tell him the truth? I'm scared that it might disgust him. On the other hand, if I tell him and he still wants to see me, then I'll know he's worth keeping. It's a decision I'll make when the time comes.


Bronze Member
I feel EXTREMELY embarrassed to admit that I read the following article in "Woman's Day" o_O

Anyway. embarrassment aside, an interesting point came out of the article and that is W/L's still seem to be leading a "double life" in that they don't admit to family and friends what work they really do.

I thought this was quite disappointing particularly in a pretty broad minded society like ours where a lot of the old "taboos" have been readily accepted as the "norm".

So, is this article a fair reflection of the "stigma" attached to those working in the industry????


No one at uni knows my secret. At night, after lectures, I go to work as a prostitute in a St Kilda brothel. It started three years ago in my first year. I had arrived from a country town with only $200 in the bank. I desperately needed cash. I got a job at a supermarket but my wages barely covered my rent. I couldn't work more hours because of classes and all the other jobs I applied for paid the same amount. The hours I did get were at night or weekends so I had no social life and I always felt tired. Consequently, I was always running late for early classes. One morning after sleeping in, I burst into tears when the lecturer singled me out as I tried to sneak into class. The girl sitting next to me consoled me. After the lecture, she asked me why I was always late and I told her. She smiled knowingly. "There is another way to earn money," she said. "Lots of money." That piqued my interest. The girl, Nicole, was always dressed in the latest fashions with an expensive manicure and accessories. I had assumed her parents were rich but she said she paid for everything herself. When I pressed her further, she told me she was a hooker. She worked in a clean, safe brothel and could get me an introduction with the owner. It all happened quickly after that. After a rather degrading "interview" in which I had to parade before the Madam in my underwear and answer all sorts of questions about my sex life, I was hired. Ever since, I've worked in the brothel three nights a week. I earn ten times what I did at the supermarket, for much less effort. And it's not as bad as I thought it would be. My regular clients treat me with respect and I'm never forced to do anything I don't feel comfortable doing. The hardest part is lying to my family and friends about where the money is coming from. They all assume I got a promotion at the supermarket but my mother grew suspicious when she dropped in one day and was told I no longer worked there. I told her she must have spoken to one of the newer employees who didn't know me. I felt awful and I never want to have to do that again. Thankfully I graduate this year so I can get a real job, something I can tell everyone about and be proud of. Although I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, there is a guy at uni who is showing some interest. If things get serious, do I tell him the truth? I'm scared that it might disgust him. On the other hand, if I tell him and he still wants to see me, then I'll know he's worth keeping. It's a decision I'll make when the time comes.
Its reality
All bcoz of money

Alexis Lily

Gold Member
I feel EXTREMELY embarrassed to admit that I read the following article in "Woman's Day" o_O

Anyway. embarrassment aside, an interesting point came out of the article and that is W/L's still seem to be leading a "double life" in that they don't admit to family and friends what work they really do.

I thought this was quite disappointing particularly in a pretty broad minded society like ours where a lot of the old "taboos" have been readily accepted as the "norm".

So, is this article a fair reflection of the "stigma" attached to those working in the industry????


No one at uni knows my secret. At night, after lectures, I go to work as a prostitute in a St Kilda brothel. It started three years ago in my first year. I had arrived from a country town with only $200 in the bank. I desperately needed cash. I got a job at a supermarket but my wages barely covered my rent. I couldn't work more hours because of classes and all the other jobs I applied for paid the same amount. The hours I did get were at night or weekends so I had no social life and I always felt tired. Consequently, I was always running late for early classes. One morning after sleeping in, I burst into tears when the lecturer singled me out as I tried to sneak into class. The girl sitting next to me consoled me. After the lecture, she asked me why I was always late and I told her. She smiled knowingly. "There is another way to earn money," she said. "Lots of money." That piqued my interest. The girl, Nicole, was always dressed in the latest fashions with an expensive manicure and accessories. I had assumed her parents were rich but she said she paid for everything herself. When I pressed her further, she told me she was a hooker. She worked in a clean, safe brothel and could get me an introduction with the owner. It all happened quickly after that. After a rather degrading "interview" in which I had to parade before the Madam in my underwear and answer all sorts of questions about my sex life, I was hired. Ever since, I've worked in the brothel three nights a week. I earn ten times what I did at the supermarket, for much less effort. And it's not as bad as I thought it would be. My regular clients treat me with respect and I'm never forced to do anything I don't feel comfortable doing. The hardest part is lying to my family and friends about where the money is coming from. They all assume I got a promotion at the supermarket but my mother grew suspicious when she dropped in one day and was told I no longer worked there. I told her she must have spoken to one of the newer employees who didn't know me. I felt awful and I never want to have to do that again. Thankfully I graduate this year so I can get a real job, something I can tell everyone about and be proud of. Although I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, there is a guy at uni who is showing some interest. If things get serious, do I tell him the truth? I'm scared that it might disgust him. On the other hand, if I tell him and he still wants to see me, then I'll know he's worth keeping. It's a decision I'll make when the time comes.

Farrrqqqq... the webs we weave ourselves..

Alexis Lily

Gold Member
Mate - if there was even a remote chance that I could earn a dollar doing that type of work, I might give it a go.

Unfortunately, the reality is that there would be a lot of "quiet times" - like always everyday.:(
I had to laugh the other day.. my best friends brothers, who have no idea what I do, were telling me how that if they were a woman they would absolutely be an escort... "a $1000 an hour one to be honest"

Good luck to them :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi Zeus........reality check...........broad minded society??????? where? when? how?
When it comes to our industry not much has changed in the public perception. Our profession is still treated with a stigma.......once a whore always a whore. No thank you.
Sure thing people love to talk "theoretically" about the possibility to work in the industry. When my friends talk about it it sounds like a big and exciting adventure and how they would enjoy it.....and how they would go shopping for it etc but in the same breath they can turn around and point a finger at some girl walking past the table who -wisper wisper and so they have heard- is a w/l or in their language prostitute. Oh dear.......how terrible. You could say.....ok when people react like that they are not your friends.......yeah right.....then I can positively say that I don't have any friends. However it is more the snowball effect that worries me because -believe me- if it is out it won't stop there. People love gossip.
No thank you........I rather stick to my double life.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member

I too agree, regretfully our society is not quite as open-minded as we might like to think. It is no surprise that young women who have spent a couple of years in the industry supporting their studies and with their whole lives ahead of them are so protective of their reputations. I would be too in their position, just as I am as a punter. :bag:


Silver Member
Hi Zeus........reality check...........broad minded society??????? where? when? how?
When it comes to our industry not much has changed in the public perception. Our profession is still treated with a stigma.......once a whore always a whore. No thank you.
Sure thing people love to talk "theoretically" about the possibility to work in the industry. When my friends talk about it it sounds like a big and exciting adventure and how they would enjoy it.....and how they would go shopping for it etc but in the same breath they can turn around and point a finger at some girl walking past the table who -wisper wisper and so they have heard- is a w/l or in their language prostitute. Oh dear.......how terrible. You could say.....ok when people react like that they are not your friends.......yeah right.....then I can positively say that I don't have any friends. However it is more the snowball effect that worries me because -believe me- if it is out it won't stop there. People love gossip.
No thank you........I rather stick to my double life.
I agree with Rochelle and Morgan that unfortunately protecting your identity as a WL seems to be the best option in the society in which we live. With my girlfriend she is very careful to protect her true identity. Her friends that know she is a WL are all in the industry. She is concerned that someone that knows her could book her not knowing it is her because her working name is different. It only takes one post on facebook and things can go viral! Social media can make the consequences much worse!! It is her choice as to who should know, so I would never reveal it to anyone without her permission. It does limit her socially. However, we do all the things a normal couple do despite the risk that we could encounter someone I know that may have seen her. We have met people I know when we are out and I introduce her as my girlfriend. Up to now none of them have been clients. However, we can't remain locked up! From my perspective I won't let any risk of people I know having seen her alter how I treat her and where we go as a couple. I am proud to have her by my side. I just wish she didn't have to be affected so much by her choice of work. At least we have each other.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Hi Zeus........reality check...........broad minded society??????? where? when? how?
When it comes to our industry not much has changed in the public perception. Our profession is still treated with a stigma.......once a whore always a whore. No thank you.
Sure thing people love to talk "theoretically" about the possibility to work in the industry. When my friends talk about it it sounds like a big and exciting adventure and how they would enjoy it.....and how they would go shopping for it etc but in the same breath they can turn around and point a finger at some girl walking past the table who -wisper wisper and so they have heard- is a w/l or in their language prostitute. Oh dear.......how terrible. You could say.....ok when people react like that they are not your friends.......yeah right.....then I can positively say that I don't have any friends. However it is more the snowball effect that worries me because -believe me- if it is out it won't stop there. People love gossip.
No thank you........I rather stick to my double life.

I agree with you Rochelle

Its a woman's body and her life, my take is let her do what she wishes with it, why does society slate the woman for being a prostitute and high fives the men that use them, or its justified as it was an end of the year golf trip, he secured a major deal at work and celebrated, or a boys night out, and my favorite one for men is a bucks night, well a man's future wife can not mean too much if he wishes to have a final session before he gets married, men justify every action, where by women are slated for theirs.


Legend Member
My best friend of all time and purely platonic relationship only told me about two years after we'd been friends that she was a w/l. She had no idea that I'd seen w/ls myself and had never told anyone. We both had a lot to share and have only been closer since but there's a good reason why w/l's need to keep their secret because there's very very few that they could tell where it wouldn't affect their relationship or be used against them. This is a very sad fact but it's true.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Sssssssssssshhhhh do not tell any one, but, I am an Old Ugly Toy BoY,
Hmmmmm Pitty I never get payed or ask to Play............Hmmm it must be the Pirate Thing


Legend Member
I agree with you Rochelle

Its a woman's body and her life, my take is let her do what she wishes with it, why does society slate the woman for being a prostitute and high fives the men that use them, or its justified as it was an end of the year golf trip, he secured a major deal at work and celebrated, or a boys night out, and my favorite one for men is a bucks night, well a man's future wife can not mean too much if he wishes to have a final session before he gets married, men justify every action, where by women are slated for theirs.

Totally agree, the double standard is ridiculous. The other one is that a guy says he has 50 sex partners and he's a stud, a girl says she has 10 and she's a slut... a word which I really hate, wonder which gender invented it...


Gold Member
I hope everyone is aware that if society evolves in our lifetime and the sex worker becomes a fully respected occupation without taboo:


The amount a sex worker will be able to charge (on average) will decrease.

NB There will always be highly paid sex workers but I wonder what they would think if there income on average decreased by a great percentage.
Would they be pushing for this change in society then?

I'm sure there are people who love their job no matter what happens.


Legend Member
I'm thinking if that happened then "punting" should also be claimable on medicare as maybe 12 bookings a week would reduce your heart disease risk by heaps, and save the public health system a lot of money. Workplaces could replace coffee breaks with sex breaks, and when you apply for the head job, there's a little extra in your package :)

Alexis Lily

Gold Member
I'm thinking if that happened then "punting" should also be claimable on medicare as maybe 12 bookings a week would reduce your heart disease risk by heaps, and save the public health system a lot of money. Workplaces could replace coffee breaks with sex breaks, and when you apply for the head job, there's a little extra in your package :)
Bring on medicare paying me to have sex with you then!! ;)


Legend Member
Bring on medicare paying me to have sex with you then!! ;)

Yes!!!! The government has phucked us for too long, now they can pay us to do it. I recommend the we both thoroughly test the system to make sure it can pay for all types of positions and extras. And yes the rebate for group sex is based on how many join in :)


Silver Member
My best friend of all time and purely platonic relationship only told me about two years after we'd been friends that she was a w/l. She had no idea that I'd seen w/ls myself and had never told anyone. We both had a lot to share and have only been closer since but there's a good reason why w/l's need to keep their secret because there's very very few that they could tell where it wouldn't affect their relationship or be used against them. This is a very sad fact but it's true.

My very best friend in the world (or so i thought) was rather fond of working ladies and would spend many hours upon hours visiting his favourite parlours & made no secret of it. After about 6 months of us being friends i told him my "secret" - he was fine with it. Our friendship only got stronfer, always having a laugh or sharing stories. Anyway cutting a long story short, 2 years later we had a fight (first and only one ever - it ended our friendship) & he turned around and said to me mid arguement "you are nothing but a disgusting prostitute and thats all you will ever be. no-one will ever take you seriously as a woman"
The most hurtful thing to ever be said to me - someone who is a big part of the industy (from a punters side of things) knows how it all works, is friends with many w/l, knew pretty much every good/bad/inbetween client story of mine - can say those words, and mean them!
I will NEVER trust another person with my job choice again, even the people you think are okay woth it and dont judge you - eventually do.


Legend Member
My very best friend in the world (or so i thought) was rather fond of working ladies and would spend many hours upon hours visiting his favourite parlours & made no secret of it. After about 6 months of us being friends i told him my "secret" - he was fine with it. Our friendship only got stronfer, always having a laugh or sharing stories. Anyway cutting a long story short, 2 years later we had a fight (first and only one ever - it ended our friendship) & he turned around and said to me mid arguement "you are nothing but a disgusting prostitute and thats all you will ever be. no-one will ever take you seriously as a woman"
The most hurtful thing to ever be said to me - someone who is a big part of the industy (from a punters side of things) knows how it all works, is friends with many w/l, knew pretty much every good/bad/inbetween client story of mine - can say those words, and mean them!
I will NEVER trust another person with my job choice again, even the people you think are okay woth it and dont judge you - eventually do.

I'm really sorry to hear that, and what you've described is pretty much what I've heard from other w/l's. I think you are right not to trust anyone for the reason you explained. All I can say is that people are people and some rare clients are trustworthy, have genuine empathy and are respectful just like some rare working ladies do too. But finding the diamond in the sand is the hard part so statistically the safe option is keep your secrets.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
My very best friend in the world (or so i thought) was rather fond of working ladies and would spend many hours upon hours visiting his favourite parlours & made no secret of it. After about 6 months of us being friends i told him my "secret" - he was fine with it. Our friendship only got stronfer, always having a laugh or sharing stories. Anyway cutting a long story short, 2 years later we had a fight (first and only one ever - it ended our friendship) & he turned around and said to me mid arguement "you are nothing but a disgusting prostitute and thats all you will ever be. no-one will ever take you seriously as a woman"
The most hurtful thing to ever be said to me - someone who is a big part of the industy (from a punters side of things) knows how it all works, is friends with many w/l, knew pretty much every good/bad/inbetween client story of mine - can say those words, and mean them!
I will NEVER trust another person with my job choice again, even the people you think are okay woth it and dont judge you - eventually do.
That is a very sad outcome. To trust a person with such a private detail and have it thrown back at you like that shows his true worth $0. The sad fact is that many many arrogant male punters share the same view, i.e. what they're doing is just fine but what the WLs do (for them) is worthless.

It will be hard for you to trust someone again after that. I hope in time you can begin too and I hope society will start to move towards much greater respect, in everything.

Miss Chloe

A Sensual & Kinky Affair
Diamond Member
The double life works for me so not changing it anytime soon. I would love to tell people about what I have done and experienced as my time as a w/l but they would likely miss the point. Luckily I have one very special friend that I can share things with and they are able to enjoy my stories without the negative connotations.

Again, I am not telling any time soon. A double life can be fun if you look at it differently. I'm just like Batman ;)



Legend Member
The double life works for me so not changing it anytime soon. I would love to tell people about what I have done and experienced as my time as a w/l but they would likely miss the point. Luckily I have one very special friend that I can share things with and they are able to enjoy my stories without the negative connotations.

Again, I am not telling any time soon. A double life can be fun if you look at it differently. I'm just like Batman ;)

View attachment 37825
Definitely the cutest batman I've ever seen ;)


Diamond Member
The double life works for me so not changing it anytime soon. I would love to tell people about what I have done and experienced as my time as a w/l but they would likely miss the point. Luckily I have one very special friend that I can share things with and they are able to enjoy my stories without the negative connotations.
As I read through this I thought how much it resonates with me (obviously not because I'm a WL haha!). I have had some amazing experiences with ladies and would love to tell someone about them but my situation (married punter) prevents me.

Obviously there is a wide difference between a married punter and a WL but even from my side of the... er... bed :) I can get how frustrating it must be to be prevented from being open about what you do and who your are.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Nobody knows I'm a prostitute

The clients you see do, the staff at the parlor you work at do, maybe the Dr's that do your health checks do too...

so a few people know you are a prostitute as if no one actually knew you would be not a prostitute! LOL
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