• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

New Covid Rules


Silver Member
Hi Gobble_Doc.
Good points and all grist for the mill (which is a stupid expression, as grist is what comes from a mill, not what is fed into it).

2019 saw 812 people die in Australia from influenza.
There have been a total of 2,289 deaths in Australia attributed to COVID-19 since November 2019.
In 2020, there were a total of 909 deaths in Australia attributed to COVID-19
In 2020 ZERO people in Australia died from influenza.

Is the fear and terror justified?

I'll just leave that there.


Oh and before you comment; neither the Astra Zeneca, nor the mRNA vaccines were available in 2020
0 influenza deaths in 2020 was due to lock downs, everyone working from home, social distancing measures and early medical treatment for anyone with the slightest sniffle. There was little spread of the flu due to the covid measures that were put in place hence no deaths. If you think back the city was a ghost town as everyone was encouraged to work from home and devastatingly all the AMPs were closed. I don’t want to go back to that.


Legend Member
0 influenza deaths in 2020 was due to lock downs, everyone working from home, social distancing measures and early medical treatment for anyone with the slightest sniffle. There was little spread of the flu due to the covid measures that were put in place hence no deaths. If you think back the city was a ghost town as everyone was encouraged to work from home and devastatingly all the AMPs were closed. I don’t want to go back to that.
There were also no international flights coming in from the northern hemisphere .....

Deleted member 49173

All good points , but the fact is that NONE of the vaccines for SARS-covid19 stop humans and animals contracting it , or stop it effecting their immune systems , or passing it around , nor guarantee safety.
WHO is an incredibly efficient machine at brainwashing the masses using 'yesterdays' information .. not so good at protecting the 'WORLD' from disease and sickness tho ..


an thats no reflection on our over worked underfunded healthworkers just shows how useless our health ministers have been .our frontline docs n nurses are expected to perform miracles without bein properly supported by the government by lack of funding

No idea what to do

Legend Member
had 2 years to improve the health system done nothin . an thats the real reason we not opening bulk infections an the systems gunna collapse

Maybe the case, How ever with the hard border at least a delay will give people a chance to hopefully get it right.
And not overload the health system
My opinion and I have a zero care factor of what others think

Just look at the debacle over east, They ran with it like Europe, and it's a bloody mess.

Control, walk before you run,

The Frenchman


Diamond Member
an thats no reflection on our over worked underfunded healthworkers just shows how useless our health ministers have been .our frontline docs n nurses are expected to perform miracles without bein properly supported by the government by lack of funding
understand what you mean .. yes they should do "something" .. but what can they do ? how many beds is required ? its never enough .. proper hospital is not only costly, it takes years to build .. look at NSW and VIC .. now not enough health workers .. it is never enough .. we r just fucked


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Ave Imperator Mark I. Ruler of all Westralia. Woe to all those who question his wisdom.


Gold Member
if its never enough and as u say we are fucked...the delay in omicron arrival will only render our vac doses ineffective...1st & 2nd are 4% effective and now rake the 3rd ....the more we delay the more people will become green and the more we will be fucked when it eventually arrives...it is inevitable....accept it and stop wasting money in testing, quarantine....rarher invest in healthcare which we had not ...we got the longest time to prepare...but we fucked truly....

No idea what to do

Legend Member
Ave Imperator Mark I. Ruler of all Westralia. Woe to all those who question his wisdom.

Some say Marky has had 1 good root in his life
Fucking up WA

I disagree, You are still reasonably safe ATM, and he is trying to keep it that way,

The whole country has a short supply of Hospitals staff and other resources, so let's all blame ScoMo?


Gold Member
PigGowen should lock up us all in one big prison...that way we are safe from accidents, violence, natural calamities, drugs, viruses, bacterias and junk food...not a bad idea..lol


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
Some say Marky has had 1 good root in his life
f**king up WA

I disagree, You are still reasonably safe ATM, and he is trying to keep it that way,

The whole country has a short supply of Hospitals staff and other resources, so let's all blame ScoMo?
If we ignore the fact that states control their health systems then why not. Forget the constitution.


Gold Member
Some people dont realise how much some people have missed in the last 2 years...meeting your brothers, sisters, relatives, parents, funerals which are the core of your existence....in the end its only love ...all other things remain meaningless if you cann't celebrate that love of your existence...this piggy emperor has taken away 2 years of our lives...which will never come back....people have done all the right thing asked for them like double, triple dosed with the hope this thing would end on 5th feb....but the madness continues...


Diamond Member
All good points , but the fact is that NONE of the vaccines for SARS-covid19 stop humans and animals contracting it , or stop it effecting their immune systems , or passing it around , nor guarantee safety.
WHO is an incredibly efficient machine at brainwashing the masses using 'yesterdays' information .. not so good at protecting the 'WORLD' from disease and sickness tho ..
well yes, there is no immunization from covid (or colds or flu or cancer or lots of things) and nobody claims there is.
the WHO is not the most efficient, a lot of their stats are 2 years old, but that's probably how long it takes to compile worldwide stats.
i reckon the WHO do alright considering the enormity of things, but i still don't like their 2nd album.


Diamond Member
Some people dont realise how much some people have missed in the last 2 years...meeting your brothers, sisters, relatives, parents, funerals which are the core of your existence....in the end its only love ...all other things remain meaningless if you cann't celebrate that love of your existence...this piggy emperor has taken away 2 years of our lives...which will never come back....people have done all the right thing asked for them like double, triple dosed with the hope this thing would end on 5th feb....but the madness continues...
well why don't you go over east to join your friends, or would you rather stay in WA and enjoy some kind of normality?
i agree that we are not ready healthcare wise.
i have some family in the hospital service and we would be royally fucked at the moment if omicron got in.
i think it was a brave but necessary decision to change the rules, as the rules were written for delta, not omicron.
it's been a tough couple of years for everyone, but if you don't like it, why don't you move?


Gold Member
Agree with you dan60...you are lucky that you have a family over here..always keep them close and cherish them to the fullest....so you all good except the worry that their working conditions will be royaly fucked if omicron arrives...thats your only inconvenience rather than people separated from their loved ones..even if i or your family members in hospice like it or dont like it...we cant quit our jobs and move else...can they...NO...easy said then done.....you missed my point mate and got personal...thats selfish...


Gold Member
"i agree that we are not ready healthcare wise"...we got the longest time in the world to be ready for this..and that too having 5.1billions in reserve....some things never gets fixed....if they fix it ....why would you vote for the person who fixed it...we always vote for people who give us hope that i am the best person to sort all your problems in life....don't we.....


Gold Member
Dan60..can u advice me based on your immense knowledge of deadly omicron in household hospice services...to take the 3rd dose..or wait for a new variant as omicron isnt coming due to indefinite closures....why waste 3rd dose$$$ that can be better utilised to improve health services...awaiting yr pandemic expertise guidance...with all due respect


Diamond Member
No easy solution here. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

I'm okay for delaying the reopening, as Feb was fast approaching.

At least when it opens can we ensure there is readily available supply of RAT ready.


Silver Member
Don't know how long he is going to lockup us all in here, now he want 90% third dose next he comes up again and say three doses is not enough to open up we need 90% 4th dose and this continues...and What's the pont of closing borders again when the omicron is already spreading in the community, I am guessing cases will be doubled every week and also there some unlinked cases found. In no matter of time it will sweep through western Australia like in other states.


Silver Member
Let’s be more positive…
Hopefully the cockburn cluster gets contained, everyone self isolates so we go back to zero local transmission and we can all get back out there punting knowing the Covid condom (closed state border) is in place protecting us and our favourite pass time.

No idea what to do

Legend Member
Let’s be more positive…
Hopefully the cockburn cluster gets contained, everyone self isolates so we go back to zero local transmission and we can all get back out there punting knowing the Covid condom (closed state border) is in place protecting us and our favourite pass time.
Agree Totally.
They are actually trying to help us all, not just themselves for a change 💰


Legend Member
I may be wrong. But this new article 2 hours may be the first to blatantly state that AMPs are sexual services massage parlours.

Reporters don't know when to stop do they, how would any reporter know what does or doesn't happen in any massage parlor, unless maybe they
are a customer themselves.


Legend Member
At least now some are reporting it as the Cockburn Cluster without even mentioning parlours, just naming links to sites in various other suburbs. But just getting so many sites now.