• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Harry Langtrees Transporter BLOG


Driver Harry

Yes well WA should be a vast shipping state with mega ports from Freo up to Broome

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Dear Harry
That Would be Esperance Hopetoun, Busselton Bunbury Karawara James Point and then **************************


What will history say about us in 200 years, "The Great Squanderers"?
Will our Australiana identity disappear? This country is so vastly undervalued by our leaders...
We've golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is girt by sea;
Our land abounds in nature’s gifts
Of beauty rich and rare

Never such words should be forgotten as we have the only Continent that has no borders or nations within.

And what brand(s) of car do you drive Harry? Are they all made in Australia? Do you need more than one or is it a squander? If this country is so undervalued - then why do the leaders get elected? If you can do a better job, what's stopping you from standing for election and leading it to value?

A vast shipping mega port - exporting to whom and why and how? Why haven't the world's traders been doing this all this time even to Darwin?

What is this "Australiana" identity you refer? Who determines it and why should it be static for the racists or rednecks to exploit?

Driver Harry

And what brand(s) of car do you drive Harry? Are they all made in Australia? Do you need more than one or is it a squander? If this country is so undervalued - then why do the leaders get elected? If you can do a better job, what's stopping you from standing for election and leading it to value?

A vast shipping mega port - exporting to whom and why and how? Why haven't the world's traders been doing this all this time even to Darwin?

What is this "Australiana" identity you refer? Who determines it and why should it be static for the racists or rednecks to exploit?

Leaders are elected by compulsory voting system in Australia.
Australiana is our uniqueness as a people of this land, you either know what it is or not.
BTW rednecks is an American term not Aussie and we are not racists as a nation you only need to look at Australian history


Leaders are elected by compulsory voting system in Australia.
Australiana is our uniqueness as a people of this land, you either know what it is or not.
BTW rednecks is an American term not Aussie and we are not racists as a nation you only need to look at Australian history

Hmm, I didn't realise the Americans had a monopoly on the English language. Is there a language called "'Australian" then? And the relevance and logic of it all?

Certainly, squandering and undervaluing (or did you perhaps mean "under appreciating") isn't a talent specific to Australian leaders nor rednecks of any variety. And If this country is so undervalued - then why do the leaders get elected and re-elected in some cases? It's not ONLY because of compulsory voting but people approve of their policies and re-elect them. And people approve of politicians and their behaviour if they get voted in. If you can do a better job, what's stopping you from standing for election and leading it to value?

"... we are not racists as a nation you only need to look at Australian history". That comment is so ludicrous it's laughable. Err, Harry, perhaps you should relook Australian history, I think anyone's education in school or on the streets is lacking if they can say this with a straight face.

Then again; it's like saying you either know what a noun like "Australiana" is or not. Promite or RM Williams leather ware anyone? Perhaps you've confused with it with an emotion. One might as well ascribe terms like "logic" and "intelligence" to people and say they either have it or they don't under the same guise. God forbid, next we'll have rednecks calling refugees "riffraff" as if they themselves are a classy lot.
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Farm Boy 2

Legend Member

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about redneck as a pejorative. For the subculture, see Poor White. For other uses, see Redneck (disambiguation).
The term Redneck is chiefly used for a poor rural white person of the Southern United States. It can be a derogatory slang term[1][2] similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks),[3] and white trash (but without the last term's suggestions of immorality).[4][5][6]
By the 2000s, the term had expanded in meaning beyond the poor Southerner to to refer to bigoted, loutish reactionary Americans who are opposed to modern ways.[7] It is often used to attack white Southern conservatives. The term is also used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal.[8] At the same time, some white Southerners have reclaimed the word, using it with pride and defiance as a self-identifier.[9]

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
I am some what restricted in the discretionary spending department Suzy also Caucasian and work in the sun . ass up head down my neck is often sunburned.

But I guess you knew that .


Farmboy your point is? "Redneck" is part of the English vernacular. As is "ass" though many Americans refer to "arse" and many spineless songwriters, amongst others, hide behind its reference to the four legged animal.


Legend Member
Dear Harry
That Would be Esperance Hopetoun, Busselton Bunbury Karawara James Point and then **************************
No FB When WA Secedes from the leeches in the East
The people North of Perth will Say We have to secede from the leeches in the South
Then the Pilbara will say We have to secede form the leeches..
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But can the leeches take on the pigs in the trough happy2? Or will they be appeased with those pigs only with their snouts in the trough? Could be a tough call. Could possibly be a trough call. Unless the pigs were hunting for truffles and that could make it worth seceding for.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Farmboy your point is? "Redneck" is part of the English vernacular. As is "ass" though many Americans refer to "arse" and many spineless songwriters, amongst others, hide behind its reference to the four legged animal.

Well I might be a Redneck in some peoples eyes Suzy. although I dont think I am a bigot however I think people can speak as they wish wear what clothes they choose . or go semi naked. , but there are some things of some cultures and traditions we should not accept in Australia


Well I might be a Redneck in some peoples eyes Suzy. although I dont think I am a bigot however I think people can speak as they wish wear what clothes they choose . or go semi naked. , but there are some things of some cultures and traditions we should not accept in Australia

Who are you to decide what's acceptable or not based on your basic, (in?)adequate 'net based research? And secondly, if us women decided stupid white men should not be allowed to live, are you sure you'd survive or have a right to if you were one?

Of course when Irish terrorists made many innocent people live in fear, no one had a problem with Irishmen - they were white and it was all acceptable.

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member

This woman had a bit to say on two issues recently brought to public attention in Australia . and I concur with her .

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
You concur? Aren't you capable of independent thought then?

Well yes sometimes . however I am just a humble old Redneck Pru has formal qualifications and knows the difference between my bum and Equus africanus asinus,

Prudence Jane Goward MP (born 2 September 1952 in Adelaide[1]), an Australian politician, is the Minister for Community Services and Women in the O'Farrell Liberal-National Coalition Government since 2011. Goward is a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly representing Goulburn for the Liberal Party of Australia since 2007. She has previously served as Australian Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner Responsible for Age Discrimination with the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.


Prudence Jane Goward MP (born 2 September 1952 in Adelaide[1]), an Australian politician, is the Minister for Community Services and Women in the O'Farrell Liberal-National Coalition Government since 2011. Goward is a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assemblyrepresenting Goulburn for the Liberal Party of Australia since 2007. She has previously served as Australian Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Commissioner Responsible for Age Discrimination with the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

I don't believe it - so that makes her correct then? I don't believe you're saying this Farm

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
A 26-year-old Lebanese student who married the girl and her father will remain in custody until their next court appearance.
Upon hearing of the child-bride case, Community Services Minister Pru Goward told 2GB radio that forced marriages of young girls may be ''quite common''.

GENITAL mutilation of girls is much more common in Australia and by Australians overseas than authorities can detect, according to the NSW community services minister.
Pru Goward told ABC Radio this morning that toughening the law on this "hideous" crime was not an option, but said community engagement and education was needed to prevent more young girls being targeted.
She said anecdotal evidence showed the practice was "more common than the reports would suggest".
"It's so easy to hide within a community that condones it, within a household that condones it," Ms Goward said.
Her comments come after a Sydney father was charged with having his then nine-month-old baby daughter allegedly circumcised while abroad in February 2012.


All kings are men - so going by that logic, many stupid people presume all men are kings. '

One idiot takes some singular examples and extrapolates an entire culture and takes it as gospel by nature of their inherent stupidity and tars a whole people with the same brush. Maybe that's why men pay for sex - cos they're too stupid and ugly to pull a root.

Using their stupidity, they'd conclude that shit is brown. vegemite is brown and therefore shit = vegemite.

It's true, all men are stupid and rapists. FB2 might even disprove it.

Irony and sarcasm are such understated virtues.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
All kings are men - so going by that logic, many stupid people presume all men are kings. '

One idiot takes some singular examples and extrapolates an entire culture and takes it as gospel by nature of their inherent stupidity and tars a whole people with the same brush. Maybe that's why men pay for sex - cos they're too stupid and ugly to pull a root.

Using their stupidity, they'd conclude that shit is brown. vegemite is brown and therefore shit = vegemite.

It's true, all men are stupid and rapists. FB2 might even disprove it.

Irony and sarcasm are such understated virtues.
WTF is all this about ??????????
i take offence to this

Farm Boy 2

Legend Member
Well I might be a Redneck in some peoples eyes Suzy. although I dont think I am a bigot however I think people can speak as they wish wear what clothes they choose . or go semi naked. , but there are some things of some cultures and traditions we should not accept in Australia

Some things Of some cultures and traditions

I never stated that all the things were unacceptable just some things just a few itey bity habits best left behind


Legend Member
Some things Of some cultures and traditions

I never stated that all the things were unacceptable just some things just a few itey bity habits best left behind
Like Female circumcision maybe FB ? I am sure soozy will disagree though


Some things Of some cultures and traditions

I never stated that all the things were unacceptable just some things just a few itey bity habits best left behind

BS FB. What you stated was;
"...I think people can speak as they wish wear what clothes they choose . or go semi naked. , but there are some things of some cultures and traditions we should not accept in Australia"

and like any true, high and mighty bigot, you denied it and based your assumptions on stereotyping and broad brushing. Johnlou, if you don't understand the use of irony in debate, I can't help you.


Like Female circumcision maybe FB ? I am sure soozy will disagree though

It's a practice by groups in a certain culture, not ALL groups in that culture. I've also seen interviews by women who are adults who have been circumcized and they've no issue with it. These were intelligent women of independent minds. It's up to the people of that culture to protest and act against that practice, perhaps even get the assistance of outsiders to that culture.

But brainless rednecks use that excuse to practice racism and then deny it and label EVERYONE of that culture. Many brainless rednecks don't have the balls however to protest against practices of their own culture, nor do the research for themselves and then rely on rabid statements to back their cause.

The topic was about pigs in the trough and the topic has been sufficiently hijacked. I'll refrain from further comment despite swipes from people who seem to resent women with independent minds.
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Legend Member
Guilty! I am the stupid one here. Sorry to be the black sheep guys. Baaaa.

Driver Harry

Rory Breaker- Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Sheldon Cooper- Big Bang Theory