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Female Rule


Diamond Member
So women desire a hot jacked guy, so let's get some advice from a smart man that knows what he is talking about. Wes Watson is jacked and his advice is right on point.

Down boy

Gold Member
View attachment 87945
Women really do rule... Imagine being able to go out in public dressed like that, what power does she have ...!
She does look great. But phoebe what would be her reason to dress like that. Because she likes the look or is she trying to attract attention. It certainly can’t be because it’s practical or comfortable. In a women only ruled world would she still dress that way? You never back up your claims. Your arguments need content. All I’m seeing is you cut and pasting pictures from Dolly and Ralph magazines and then adding a cliche. It’s very similar to trying to talk about a game of football with a one eyed supporter who can’t see beyond their own biased views and can’t rationally think or consider any possible alternative. And save the gender bashing reply, there’s been plenty of remarks (from men) disagreeing on Stovo82s choice of content from whichever website he lifted his crap from. I like a good debate. But this angle is stale. Move on or maybe post stuff that educates us seeing as your the only bloke on here who has all the answers.


Diamond Member
The prison tough guys and jacked body builders look like the embodiment of the True Alpha male. They can easily use their brute force and smash any weak Beta male that got in their way. I like seeing their videos on fitness and they make pick up videos to make more cash getting guys to sign up and follow their advice on how to pick up chicks and win at life. Women desire big strong Alpha male that can protect them and he can fight off other guys trying to take her.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
The prison tough guys and jacked body builders look like the embodiment of the True Alpha male. They can easily use their brute force and smash any weak Beta male that got in their way. I like seeing their videos on fitness and they make pick up videos to make more cash getting guys to sign up and follow their advice on how to pick up chicks and win at life. Women desire big strong Alpha male that can protect them and he can fight off other guys trying to take her.

That dude wouldn't last a week with the Aryan Brotherhood in The US Prison System

John Smithl

Legend Member
The prison tough guys and jacked body builders look like the embodiment of the True Alpha male. They can easily use their brute force and smash any weak Beta male that got in their way. I like seeing their videos on fitness and they make pick up videos to make more cash getting guys to sign up and follow their advice on how to pick up chicks and win at life. Women desire big strong Alpha male that can protect them and he can fight off other guys trying to take her.
Don't try and mimic anyone else, be the best version of you and be true to yourself.


Diamond Member
I hated college days, I would enrol in only one unit and hearing from guys about how easy it is to get chicks was so annoying.
College was just a repeat of high school, I hated those years.
Seeing fat/ugly guys with young chicks, made me jealous and envious.
The women on campus, ignore or reject me despite dressing well.
I gave up on college despite swapping majors and only doing one unit per semester.

Women continue to maintain their power over men.
A man can look good, dress well and work out at the gym and not enough to attract a woman.
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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Women continue to maintain their power over men.

Awwww poor creatures..... Nine months in 80 odd years trying to get back in.... Funny how girls are not like that....

My statement reigns supreme Females Rule.


Legend Member
I hated college days, I would enrol in only one unit and hearing from guys about how easy it is to get chicks was so annoying.
College was just a repeat of high school, I hated those years.
Seeing fat/ugly guys with young chicks, made me jealous and envious.
The women on campus, ignore or reject me despite dressing well.
I gave up on college despite swapping majors and only doing one unit per semester.

Women continue to maintain their power over men.
A man can look good, dress well and work out at the gym and not enough to attract a woman.

Check your personality then
If you feel a loser women will see you as a loser
Not sure taking advice from prisoners is a good idea on how to pick up women and win at life , are they in there for rape? I spose if you just take and do't ask she can't say no , and not too many winners end up in the big house
Might want to have a closer look at yourself instead of losers youtube videos if you want to pick up and become an alpha

Down boy

Gold Member
It is not easy following the pathway to achieve Alpha male status.
Alpha male status can be achieved by all males if they put in the hard work.
Beta male losers will always make excuses and they will not put in the hard work to become Alpha male.
Do you have what it takes to become True Alpha or you remain Beta male loser?
To be Alpha or not be to be Alpha?
I believe all males can become Alpha males through hard work and ignoring the Beta male losers.
You just shut down doubters/critics and label them a Beta and tell them they have already lost.
A few posts prior you said most men weren’t good looking enough to be an Alfalfa Male. Now anyone can? Cool. I’m sick of being a Mung bean. Can I shoot straight to the top or do I have to bash someone first before I can elevate to a bean shoot , then treat women like shit to become Alfalfa. So much to learn. Maybe I need to start watching Gardening Australia again to become a success in life and a chick magnet.


Diamond Member
Not only do women control the world, but it will always be this way and men will always and forever be subordinate to women, because men have a biological drive to have sex that can never be changed and women will always use this sex drive to manipulate men.

The only thing that matters, has ever mattered, or will ever matter to women is looks and status, because women are biologically hard-wired to mate only with men of looks and status due to their evolutionary programming.

Some men—“omega men”—are biologically predisposed never to find love or sex, and trying to change this is as futile and pointless as trying to flap your arms and fly.

Personality does not matter to women when they make choices about who to have sex with—-this is simply one of the lies women tell men in order to manipulate them.

You can not do anything about it and you are not to blame. It is the genetic luck of the draw. You can't change it, so you're not responsible for doing anything or making any different choice. It is hopeless, you're not responsible and can not change the simple fact you were born ugly.
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