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Are you a cop? Are you proud of this? Can anyone justify this behaviour?



Excessive use of force by the Sydney Police - thoroughly disgusting. The only thing that saved the men in the blue that night was that they carry guns otherwise a riot would have broken out.



Gold Member
A truly deplorable and unneeded attack. I emphasis attack as that is what that throw appeared to be.


Thanks Viper - I'm amazed no one else has commented about this. What that policeman did was outrageous!


Gold Member
I wasnt there and I would not comment on this unless I saw what started the incident.
The vision is one sided and sensationalist and the person making it probably contributed to the outcome.
The red stuff on the white square could have been anything but I bet it is supposed to be seen as blood.
Can not see any signs of blood on the guy with the cuffs on.
The foot on the shoulder is just a restraining technique, dont struggle and it wont hurt you.
The take down looks more like a fall to me.
If it had been a propper take down from a copper that big the guy wouldn't have got up.
Sensational storm in a teacup in my opinion.


Silver Member
Got to agree with Whilom's assessment. Looks worse than it probably was. A bit like when you get a nick on your forehead. Lots of blood, little actual injury.


Legend Member
I am going to agree with whilom on this
the young man is definitely scared but because of brutality? I think not
Also people speak of potential riot The measured and calm voice was actually the wallopers
Not those of the man who claimed to be the media and it was his right to film


Foundation Member
That idiot looked as though he was off his head on something and the woman carrying on wasn't much better. The coppers had to get him under control and from the looks of the later footage he didn't come to any harm. I have been roughed up more than that by the Langtrees ladies.


Legend Member
Excessive use of force by the Sydney Police - thoroughly disgusting. The only thing that saved the men in the blue that night was that they carry guns otherwise a riot would have broken out.

HAHAHAHA thats one riot i'd pay to see, paraders with feather boas and purses against cops with tazars and pepper spray there'd be more than tears and sobbing then :)

Al Swearengen

I wasnt there and I would not comment on this unless I saw what started the incident.
The vision is one sided and sensationalist and the person making it probably contributed to the outcome.
The red stuff on the white square could have been anything but I bet it is supposed to be seen as blood.
Can not see any signs of blood on the guy with the cuffs on.
The foot on the shoulder is just a restraining technique, dont struggle and it wont hurt you.
The take down looks more like a fall to me.
If it had been a propper take down from a copper that big the guy wouldn't have got up.
Sensational storm in a teacup in my opinion.

I've been in this situation a few tmes as the one handing out the "excessive" force. Whilom's assessment is dead on. We do not see what started the incident. And we're being told what to think BEFORE we see it.



Well guys, I guess we'll have to see what the judge saYs in court - if the policemen were innocent, why did they object to being filmed?


Gold Member
To make comments like that you have little understanding of human nature and their quest for their 5 min of fame.
The person with the camera was only trying to get vision that could be interpreted in a way that suited their agenda.
They were not there for the so called victim.
They were just making things difficult and possibly deliberately inflaming the situation.
I think the Police showed a great deal of restraint.
No batons and no pepper spray and the idiot filming the action didn't get pinged for obstruction, they just ignored it.
I do not think it will get to Court.


Don't forget, the kid was in handcuffs for assaulting a police officer, was anyone filming that?

Farm Boy

Well guys, I guess we'll have to see what the judge saYs in court - if the policemen were innocent, why did they object to being filmed?

Tis not the cop being charged .

Speaking with the Sydney Morning Herald, assistant commissioner justified the assault, saying that Jackson had used "offensive language."

Jackson was later charged with assaulting police and resisting arrest. He has been ordered to appear in court on April 1.

The beak will say 60 days in the brig




Silver Member
In the same position I would beat the crap out of him..lol.That's not Brutality :boxing:


Gold Member
The cop tried to stop the incident being filmed. Good that the police commish come and out say that what the cop said was wrong.

There was some other footage shown from a different person that filmed it and did show the kid fighting back, but only the offender and the cop/s really know how it started.


Gold Member
Some of that vision was so close that it was obvious that whoever was taking it was close.
The lighting was so bright that the attempt to show a badge number or name failed.
I think the cops were being polite in asking whoever it was to stop filming as it was boardering on obstruction.
I think the police were mild compared to Melbourne.

"stop" "I said Stop" Bang Bang "you've stopped now havn't you".


Another view of the incident



And the police commisioner's take on this



But it's okay 'cos if you're the police commissioner's son and a cop in Sydney...

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
From my point of view there are 2 sides.

The cops: I used to have a lot more respect for cops. But now not so much. I am not a law breaker. However in the last ten years 90% of my enounters with the high head counted tax funded law enforcement boys and girls in cop uniforms have been over traffic fines and random breath tests. The other 10% of the time is when I needed them. Sometimes because I feared for my life. A time when my father was in a road crash as result of another drunk driver who nearly killed my father. In both cases I had to wait for hours, turn up at a closed station, or in the case of my dad just had to walk away as the police was just too busy to turn up.

Point is when they are nailing us with pocket pounding offences they are there. In fact the police are never short if a battalion when they are on revenue raising beats.

But in my experience when I needed them it was not to do with mass ticket infringement missions and they are not there. And the people in charge are not shy about directing all forces to places that make money.

I have lost my respect. Especially with the gen Y cops in smugly prancing around with their guns and uniforms treating people the way they do.

The guy that was hit:

There seems to be a picture painted that makes the cops the bad guys. Well...... a lot of cops these days are a bunch of dicks. However consider that most people they deal with every single day are extremely abusive and dangerous. Its a wonder how some of them don't go mad. We see videos of cops getting real pissed off and lashing out. But I'd like to see the footage of what happens beforehand when the other abuses the cop with no boundaries. Like imagine a drunk guy on the side of your head saying c☆nt repeatedly just for shits and giggles. The violent cop deserves some consequences. And the young man may or may not have deserved a good hiding. Decide for yourself.

Diamond Dog

Foundation Member
The young man was thrown onto the ground while handcuffed so there was no way possible for him to break his fall.
Luckily he landed on his shoulder and not his head. Had he landed on his head he may have suffered brain injury as often happens
with the one punch attacks.
To do such an act without thinking of the consequences shows very little forethought.
The police officer involved looked like he was Indian or Middle Eastern, I have never seen a police officer with a beard.
My thinking is if that is the case then people from those backgrounds who are in positions of authority believe they often are above the law as they
are in their home countries.
I noticed he did not speak much and I wonder how good was his English.


Awww come on Diamond Dog - let's not bring race into it. Just because he had a beard DOES NOT MEAN HE WAS INDIAN OR MIDDLE EASTERN. The fact is that he could only enrol into the Police Force if he was an AUSTRALIAN. What about the other policeman who had a moustache - was he Italian?

And then the other video where the Police Commissioner's son is punching that cricket fan? He's clean shaven so he must be gay and fisting the handcuffed guy going by your theory.

Hang on a second - if that cop is the Dy Police Commissioner's son and his surname's Murdoch... FAAARK!!! He must be related to Rupert Murdoch and quite possibly a reporter in disguise who's normally mild-mannered working for the Daily Planet. Wow, the theories are endless Diamond Dog!!!

Jesus wept!


The police officer involved looked like he was Indian or Middle Eastern, I have never seen a police officer with a beard.
My thinking is if that is the case then people from those backgrounds who are in positions of authority believe they often are above the law as they
are in their home countries.
I noticed he did not speak much and I wonder how good was his English.

Diamond Dog if you listen at 2min 35 seconds to 49 seconds in the first video you'll get a good idea of how well he speaks English - with an Australian accent.


Silver Member
The police officer involved looked like he was Indian or Middle Eastern, I have never seen a police officer with a beard.
My thinking is if that is the case then people from those backgrounds who are in positions of authority believe they often are above the law as they
are in their home countries.
I noticed he did not speak much and I wonder how good was his English.

Mate, you certainly need to get out a bit more. It's a wonderful world out there.

Diamond Dog

Foundation Member
I get out plenty thanks Castro mate.

I am offering my opinion.

And if you go to Youtube and view the comments you will see similiar comments to mine about thinking the police officer not having an Aussie background. The officer was from the Western suburbs of Sydney which has a very high proportion of immigrants especially from the Middle East.

I may be wrong but I was just offering my thoughts.