• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Gold Member

My wake up routine:

Roll out of bed, shuffle to NutriBullet:
1 raw egg
1 scoop hydrolysed whey protein
2 scoops no fat yoghurt
1 tbs oat bran
1 tbs LSA
Sliced frozen banana pieces
Frozen Blueberries
fruit in the bowl, usually an apple
Chunk of ginger
Water to desired consistency

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1 X Cup Rolled Oats
1/2 Cup Blueberries
10 Almonds
1/2 Cup Spinach Leaves
1 Scoop of Protein Powder (Flavour of Choice)
1 Cup of Water (Play Around for Your Consistency)


Here's another one - microwave scrambled eggs

2 eggs cracked into a bowl
Salt and Pepper to taste
Zap, stir frequently
In about 2 minutes you have natures super food and a quick protein hit in the morning.

If you have a microwavable mug with a lid you can take it with you....
To add some extra nutrients I add at various times:
Finely chopped capsicum or chilli (chilli flakes if not fresh)
Finley chopped tomato
Low fat cheese
Various seeds i.e. flax seed, linseed
Spinach leaves

Alyssa Ashmore

Silver Member
Baked avocado with an egg in middle and some paprika with lime juice. Healthy and filling. Warm water with freshly squeezed lemon in the morning before training has always kick-started my metabolism.
I also take Flaxeed oil and VitD3 on daily basis X



Legend Member

My wake up routine:

Roll out of bed, shuffle to NutriBullet:
1 raw egg
1 scoop hydrolysed whey protein
2 scoops no fat yoghurt
1 tbs oat bran
1 tbs LSA
Sliced frozen banana pieces
Frozen Blueberries
fruit in the bowl, usually an apple
Chunk of ginger
Water to desired consistency


You must frequent Kakulas Brothers...

My daily keep the bowel moving routing:

scoop of Chia seeds,
scoop of psylium husk
1x banana peeled
1 bar of wheat bix

gets me going and keeps me bowel happy. :D


Legend Member
May I ask Are all these very healthy sounding breakfasts also the cause of much bum trumpeting Only in us blokes of course
The ladies of this forum would never toot I am sure


May I ask Are all these very healthy sounding breakfasts also the cause of much bum trumpeting Only in us blokes of course
The ladies of this forum would never toot I am sure

Do you drink alcohol?

Alcohol alone can destroy B vitamins in your system. Plus you body uses extra B vitamins when you have alcohol in your system. That could explain why people who drink regularly are often deficient in B vitamins. Those deficiencies have been linked to depression and fatigue. Regular supplementation or a B Vitamin rich diet can help balance out potential deficiencies.

Do you know what Vitamin B does for the bodies cells?

The reason is that the building blocks for good health come from a variety of foods, even if they are from the same family of nutrients. Such is the case with vitamin B, a key player in maintaining cell health and keeping you energized.

This is what was said to me some time ago......


Legend Member
Do you drink alcohol?

Alcohol alone can destroy B vitamins in your system. Plus you body uses extra B vitamins when you have alcohol in your system. That could explain why people who drink regularly are often deficient in B vitamins. Those deficiencies have been linked to depression and fatigue. Regular supplementation or a B Vitamin rich diet can help balance out potential deficiencies.

Do you know what Vitamin B does for the bodies cells?

The reason is that the building blocks for good health come from a variety of foods, even if they are from the same family of nutrients. Such is the case with vitamin B, a key player in maintaining cell health and keeping you energized.

This is what was said to me some time ago......

Do I drink alcohol ha That's a bit like asking a receptionist in a brothel if they have any pretty girls on tonight

I love a drink But grow all my fresh fruit and vegetables and most of my meat So I know exactly what's going into my system
I am pretty keen on a healthy diet Apart from the booze bit Of guess that undoes a lot of the good work I suppose


I was going out for steak and a few beers tonight, that's been ruined now:(


Do I drink alcohol ha That's a bit like asking a receptionist in a brothel if they have any pretty girls on tonight

I love a drink But grow all my fresh fruit and vegetables and most of my meat So I know exactly what's going into my system
I am pretty keen on a healthy diet Apart from the booze bit Of guess that undoes a lot of the good work I suppose

Yeah that's the key man, I sent some time in rehab well twice, oopsy. Anyways the body when it come to the booze can only do one thing at once, so it concentrates on eliminating the alcohol and that's all, if your drinking and eating all that food gets pushed to one side and doesn't get broken down like normal, so it gets turned into fat which is the easiest thing to do for the body, as it works on the alcohol.


So if your drinking a lot at night and eating lots of food, even when your sleeping the body is in full mode trying to get rid of the alcohol which depending on how much could takes hrs if not all night. So all that food is now fat man.....


I will look for one after I finish this cold one It's still nearly 40 here So its for medicinal purposes of course
Please, I understand and know that all the goody stuff in life, is an unforgiving mistress indeed that literally slaps your little white ass for having the yummy stuff and enjoying it, whilst your partaking


Legend Member
I drink and enjoy But I am pleased I drink because I wish for one not because I need one
All things in moderation Though I had a tipple with His XLNC and HP moderation was not a word I used to describe them


Silver Member
This subject is catergorized under home econonmics section of cooking cooking cakes biscuits anb jams to entre in shows is a wonderful lesuire activity to participate in.


Silver Member
I have my yummy fruit smoothies. Whatever fruit is handy, sometimes some Kale, coconut water and ice. Full of vitamins, filling and low in calories :)
Hi Tania I love my fruit for breakfast I have whatever fruit is in season some yoghurt herbal tea and my vitamins and minerals that s breakfast.


Silver Member
This subject is catergorized under home econonmics section of cooking cooking cakes biscuits anb jams to entre in shows is a wonderful lesuire activity to participate in.
I recall when I was in College in a home economics cooking class we had savoury sausages, god I absolutely loved them and could not leave them alone, when no one was looking. Eventually there was not many left for any else and duly noted.