• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
I find it incredibly difficult to stomach breakfast or eat before exercise. I usually protein load after but have a protein smoothie before with banana for the extra boost because I know I haven't eaten substantial. But waiting til after it means I can usually be a bit more creative with what I'm having because im not stuck on what is "ideal" for breakfast.

Go a pan fried tuna steak, with blanched asparagus or some fresh spinach.
Big bowl of Greek yoghurt
Or if I'm time poor, another smoothie.

I might even have last nights left overs :p


...the floor is lava
Legend Member
Also I don't endorse diets and certainly not any that exclude food groups, but years ago I had an affair with the Dukan diet which taught me some interesting yummy things about preparing high protein meals.

My eating choices had become a mis match of all the eating plans I've ever tried. I lack the commitment to stick to "one twue" way eating.....

Tania Admin

Also I don't endorse diets and certainly not any that exclude food groups, but years ago I had an affair with the Dukan diet which taught me some interesting yummy things about preparing high protein meals.

My eating choices had become a mis match of all the eating plans I've ever tried. I lack the commitment to stick to "one twue" way eating.....
I'm with you 100% I've never believed in dieting "as such". Moderation is the key to everything in life :)


Legend Member
Probably a no no to many here but on a normal day , it's an hour or 2 of chores then a fry up if really big day ahead or if a slack day its sour dough toast, eggs (hopefully still warm from the chooks clacker sorry cloaca ) scrambled and at this time of year fresh picked asparagus

Fry up still preferable The wife while still with us tried for 28 yrs to get me to eat muesli It required the promise of a special treat to get me eating said muesli

As for cholesterol I have good readings and no beer gut etc due to good ol fashioned hard work burning of many of those pesky calories


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Probably a no no to many here but on a normal day , it's an hour or 2 of chores then a fry up if really big day ahead or if a slack day its sour dough toast, eggs (hopefully still warm from the chooks clacker sorry cloaca ) scrambled and at this time of year fresh picked asparagus

Fry up still preferable The wife while still with us tried for 28 yrs to get me to eat muesli It required the promise of a special treat to get me eating said muesli

As for cholesterol I have good readings and no beer gut etc due to good ol fashioned hard work burning of many of those pesky calories

How far from the great eastern highway are you? I could bypassing your land.. LOL and in need of a good fry up!!


Legend Member
I either go to the gym first up or for a run so I have similar to what has already been mentioned minus any significant amounts of animal products. My favourite breakfast would be a banana smoothie with water, oats, maybe some strawberries or blue berries and some whey protein, yes that's derived from dairy but it's a small amount, it's low in fat and it has a lot of amino acids.


Gold Member
come blokes any suggestions

Breakfast I usually have a couple wraps that contain eggs fried in a little butter (cooked in a pan with lid on, cooks faster as it steams them this way), smoked salmon and rocket. I'll use either Greek yoghurt mixed with sriracha chilli or a balsamic reduction for flavour.

I'll make a glass of 1/4 tsp Himalayan sea salt with a squeeze of lemon in cold water. Good for hot weather etc.

You might want to eat a little before training. Empty stomache your body will start stripping muscle for energy, depends on when you last ate etc.


Gold Member
25g of butter
2 tablespoon of coconut flour
1/4 teaspoon of baking powder

Beat, mix with a fork, then 3 minutes on high on mirowave. And plenty of salt. There you go - keto approved bread.

Serve with another two soft boiled eggs and two tablespoon of MCT oils.


Diamond Member
Yogurt mixed with blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and passion fruit poured over top is breakfast for a couple of days. The other days 2 poached eggs on one piece of toast. Both breakfasts are followed with double shot extra hot flat white coffee. That's Mon to Fri and as for weekend anything goes.


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
sex for breakfast