• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

sex education

  1. vreedo

    Do any SW provide a 'virgin service?'

    If so, feel free to link them.
  2. Philip_3

    Sex Tutoring/Lessons

    Hey everyone! Hopefully this is the right spot to post! I’m just looking for some advice on where to go for some one on one “coaching” style sessions in Perth. I had a read of some other threads that I could find on here, but thought I’d check if there was any more recent...
  3. Anustha

    Teach a man to f**k and you’ve made him happy for a lifetime.

    “You’ve heard the saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Well, just change that to "F**k a man and you’ve made him happy for a day. Teach a man to f**k and you’ve made him happy for a lifetime.” ― Roberto Hogue, Real...
  4. T

    Sexual Health Clinics for Sex Workers in Darwin and Northern Territory

    Sexual Health Clinics for Sex Workers in Darwin and Northern Territory For updated locations, hours and information please see: https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/hospitals-health-services/sexual-health-services/clinic-34 Darwin 87 Mitchell Street Darwin Phone: 08 8999 2678 Monday 8:30am to 10am...
  5. Anna LD

    Seven amazing health benefits of orgasms in women

    1. Helps you sleep better When you orgasm your body releases a cocktail of chemicals, including oxytocin, norepinephrine, vasopressin, prolactin and serotonin. All of these things are clinically proven to improve your sleep quality in one way or another. Next time you doze off straight after...
  6. Anna LD

    How helpful is sex in reducing stress level?

    It’s no wonder you’ve got a more positive outlook after sex: There are biochemical rationales for experiencing improved mood as a sex benefit, from the neurotransmitters that may be released during healthy sex to the mood enhancers contained in semen itself. “And,” adds Dr. Caron, “there’s a lot...
  7. Katrina Kiss

    Why Do Guys Never Want To Take You On Dates?

    Ever time I start dating someone they never want to put effort in to take you on dates ,but they say they want a relationship, what is this about ? So confused. I though guys would love to do nice things with you. But always have excuses and blame you for your behaviour . Is this someone just...
  8. Mate01

    Unsure about length...

    I don't think you've been a teen if you weren't insecure about it at some point. I know I'm 18, but 4.9 inches (erect) seems a little small. But I don't think I've ever seen a change since I was like 12 or 13, it's forever been that big, whilst I've continued to grow. I have always felt insecure...
  9. Harlots_Bec

    Teeth Whitening

    I got my smile pro teeth whitening system delivered today.... & I am loving it! Anyone else use it or something similar?
  10. Candice Cruz

    Cheating GENE ?!

    I've finally logged into TalkinSex on my laptop.... and it looks so much different to what I'm accustomed to on my phone, I felt a head spin there, thinking I've logged into a completely new social media, but on here it's sssoooooo much easier !! Sunday 13th October 2019 - Is there ever...
  11. A

    Biktarvy a complete, 1-pill, once-a-day prescription

    Just saw this pop up on the net thought it might interest you. Has a positive side to it but massive neg if someone really wants to hide it, and still sleep around. BIKTARVY is a complete, 1-pill, once-a-day prescription medicine used to treat HIV-1 in certain adults. BIKTARVY does not cure...
  12. Sally Sexting

    This is what i feel

    "Forget health clinics and gyms. Sex is the best cure. One good night of sex and your problems are gone."
  13. Candice Cruz

    Do women have a higher sex drive?

    Genres Special Interest, Documentary Director Jan-Willem Breure, Anouk Pluim Starring Cheyenne Löhnen, Marcia Chong, Sandra Moti Good morning active members of TalkinSex... Here’s an interesting topic to start off the weekend... WOMEN’S SEX DRIVE! Link to watch the full documentary...
  14. Dea VIP Darwin

    Dental Dams for safe sex?!

    Ladies and gents, what do you think about Dental Dams regarding health and safe sex? Have you experienced it? Does it give you the same pleasure? I'm curious about your opinions :) https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/dental-dam#how-to-make-a-dental-dam-at-home
  15. The Rock


    Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. OUR body uses protein to build and repair tissues. WE also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are...
  16. The Rock


    Regardless of whether you call it strength, resistance, or weight training, any body can benefit from gaining muscle. A strong core and limbs can help you avoid falling or make lugging groceries up the stairs easier. Then there’s the added bonus of a leaner composition and weight loss, if that’s...
  17. Candice Cruz

    FOOD to get you in the MOOD (Aphrodisiacs)

    Can food really improve your sex drive? Take it back to the ancient Greeks— Aphrodite: https://blogs.getty.edu/iris/the-ancient-wisdom-of-aphrodisiacs/ It’s said to improve sexual imagination, but there’s nothing (yet) that proves that it would improve libido; I guess, otherwise... all would...
  18. The Rock


    Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for good reason. Eating them could help lower blood pressure and reduce the risks of cancer and asthma. The warmer the temperature, the faster bananas will ripen. However, to slow ripening, bananas should be refrigerated. The outer...
  19. The Rock


    Here are some of the pre-workout food that we should try before pushing our limits in the gym 1.GREEK YOGURT+FRUITS+ALMONDS 2.OATS 3.WHOLE GRAIN BREAD+PEANUT BUTTER+BANANAS 4.BANANAS 5.TRAIL MIX 6.APPLE+PEANUT BUTTER https://www.inkin.com/blog/en/The-Best-Pre-Workout-Foods
  20. Historian

    Recipes for a single person

    I guess if you're not single you can just multiply the ingredients! :D https://recipes.sparkpeople.com/great-recipes.asp?food=recipes+for+one+person
  21. Jade_Darling


    Hi all, Wanting to talk nose jobs, as someone looking to get it done. If anyone has expérience with the procédure, or any knowledge, please share ! I'd love to learn as much as I can from others before I commit to the process. Thank you ! Link not working so taken down
  22. S

    Need help deciding on which fleshlight girl to get

    Hi everyone I have decided on getting a fleshlight girl male sex toy but can't decide which one to get. So I'm going to post a poll and see what everyone thinks I should I get. I understand that's entirely my choice in the end but I really enjoy the fleshlight brandline and would also like...
  23. The Rock


    The efforts we make to achieve our wellness goals can be hampered by the subconscious choices we make every day. Even minor bad habits and negative thoughts can unintentionally prepare us for failure, even when we are working hard to succeed. As a lifelong athlete, I’ve spent a lot of time with...
  24. K

    Bronzer & Highlighter

    I've used the same make up for quite a while now and keen to try a different bronzer & highlighter. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated :-)
  25. Vineta Sexting

    Tips & Tricks Of Smokey Eyes...

  26. Abbey

    Yoga for sex

    Along with the added bonuses of increased flexibility, strength and muscle toning, improved athletic performance, cardio and circulatory health, it understandably makes for better times in bed ^-^ Honestly the benefits of practising yoga everyday are innumerable, connecting the body and mind...
  27. The Rock


    The reason we need pre-workout supplements before pushing our limits in the gym because it quickly gets nutrients and amino acids to the muscles to help fuel them so that they can perform better - for longer periods of time.Almost all preworkout supplements contain creatine, which seems to...
  28. Sally Sexting

    AIDS and HIV

    AIDS is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), a virus that attacks the immune system of the body, weakening its ability to fight infection. The most advanced stages of HIV infection lead to AIDS. Use the following sources to learn more about AIDS and HIV and the medical, political...
  29. The Rock


    The branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are leucine, valine and isoleucine. Nutritional supplements has grown around the concept that dietary supplements of BCAAs alone produce an anabolic response in humans driven by a stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. Theoretically, the maximal...
  30. Kate VIP Perth

    Keto Diet

    I have been doing the Ketogenic Diet (Keto) since January this year and have so far lost 25 kilos. I really like it, it's more of a lifestyle choice than a 'diet' some find it quite restrictive but I have adapted well. Here is a link to some more information on it. Kate...