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Womens Tennis Final



Absolutely! I have NO problem at all with equality in pay for men and women in ANY occupation, but especially sport. BUT fairs fair! There are many, many men that can push any other man on the circuit to 4 or 5 sets in the Major's. These matches can easily last 3, 4, 5 hours...or longer, especially with no tie-breaker in the 5th set. These matches are tight! These matches are exciting! These matches draw and keep crowds till all hours of the night (or next morning). Just ask Federer and Raffa. These guys leave NOTHING out on the court, and are absolutely exhausted physically and mentally afterwards.
On the flip side, with respect, there are very few women players who can force the top 5 in the world to a 3rd set, let alone a 4th or 5th set. They simply aren't good enough, strong enough, nor fit enough. Many years ago Billie-Jean King (World #1 at the time) put out a challenge to any of the top 100 men to play her. She was thrashed by a very low ranked player, and that put an end to that idea.
What pays top sports people is the money that THEY draw to their sport through success, popularity, consistency and endorsements. When the women consistently fill the stadiums like the top men do, it may help their cause.
PLUS..."equal pay for equal play"


Its crazy that a mens match can go for over 5 hours and then ladies game all over in less than a hour in 2 sets..

Saying that i could listen to those women grunt and moan for 5 hours no matter how hot they are