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Who Suffers More From A Broken Heart – Men Or Women?


Live, Love & Believe
Legend Member
I have to say I think Men.....

But having said that.... since I had my heart broken 25 years ago,
I have never opened my heart again......
& if I have chosen to share some form of love to anyone it has been a 10th of the love i have inside to give.......

All the love I have I only give freely and fully to my kids, my parents my siblings, nieces & nephews...
& a handful of true friends I can count on my hands.......


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
If we must generalise (because it will vary considerably between individuals of both sexes), I'd say it's probably about the same, BUT men will bottle it up, pretend they'll get over it in a couple of days and thereby prolong the agony, whereas women will bawl their eyes out, vent to their close friends, get over it relatively more quickly and move on.

I don't believe I have ever been truly in love, hence have never loved and lost, so have no first-hand experience -- which is both a good and a bad thing. :):(

'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
Alfred Lord Tennyson


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- I once was a sweet good looking lad, now i am a Grumpy Old Pirate with no heart, my heart was taken from Meeeeee so long ago, now the sea is my only Mistress and I have no-regrets and i sail always towards the Horizon.


Diamond Member
I believe it depends if you are a romantic, sensitive, and wear your heart on your sleeve.
It is wonderful falling in love but a shattered heart not.
I believe you can never stop falling in love with the person even when it is all over. They will always be in a special place in your heart where nobody else can fill or take away from you..
A broken heart is just as cruel when you are young and not so young.


Legend Member
Depends some people go into despair like you have never seen when their lover breaks up with them
I will never love again Those 4 days were the best of my life Others are more reasoned

I lost my wife of 27yrs Three years ago now And I was, am still shattered by that
And just happy to be on my own now. Marriage again? Probably not

But Phwaar the Sister in law is hot!!
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Legend Member
Now Now HP
One flirtation with Baaraara And you have me pegged as some kind of weirdo


Foundation Member
I think XLNC has put it best. Both sexes feel the loss equally but just deal with it differently and there are probably an infinite number of ways in which individuals go about that.

Like DD I was rather roughly dumped by a girl in my youth. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it would not work out between us but it still hurt like hell when she woke up to that fact before I did. After that I did love again but never with the same lack of caution and total abandon as that first time.

As usual, Kahlil Gibran puts it far more elegantly than I can:

"But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears."

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
I think men suffer more. I have come across more scarred men than I have women.
( I know more women than men )
It is very difficult to generalise about such things, I believe women to be more resilient and bounce back , men seem to nurse the wound longer.
Such is life.

Miss Chloe

A Sensual & Kinky Affair
Diamond Member
I would have to say men. They seem to take longer to heal. I think they bottle it up more whereas women cry and grieve a lot more openly about it. Seems to quicken the healing process for us ladies.

Bree Brooks

Gold Member
The one who suffers more us the one who knows less about who they are as a person. Those who know who they are can see that there is a life waiting for them; whereas, those who don't know who they are feel like their life has ended. I have personally seen more men than women have a harder time healing...it doesn't mean women can't have just as much pain though.

Luxi Summer

Gold Member
I guess the one who has more of a broken heart is the one who makes that mistake.

And never helps when realise that the mistake he made there is no second chance that he cant go back
And to top it off now stuck with a girl who isn't his soul mate and hook him in under false actions.

As much as I have had a broken heart I think that in my case the guy has more of a broken heart.

Have your cake and get to eat it only to throw it anyway for a plain boring bread roll can be more then just a heart break and then to be stuck with that is karma I say :)

Ms Sue

Legend Member


Silver Member
In any relationship the person who cares the least often has the power. That could be a male or female. The one that cares the most will then hurt more when the relationship ends. I have had my heart broken a few times. The hurt tends to fade over time. However, if you have experienced love it is something that you have as a wonderful memory for life. "Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young" - Benjamin Franklin.


Diamond Member
I agree with original comment by DDxoxo......MEN. From my experience and observation women seem to 'recover' quicker; are more resilient. I apologise for my sweeping generalisations but that's how I see it.


Legend Member
Maybe the sexes cope differently as you say buk
But I've never been big on over generalisation of the sexes
I still say it's totally individual


Diamond Member
You're most probably right happy2 as personalities, sentimentalities must play a part. I sometimes think perhaps I'm too much of a sentimentalist ( or a 'pussy' ) or just unrealistic in my expectations of what constitutes a loving relationship. As a couple of my mates would tell me, "What are you a man or a mouse?"