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What Do Men Really Think Of Girls That Fuck On First Dates?

  • Thread starter Langtrees VIP Perth 2
  • Start date

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

I know that it's been the source of much debate over the years, they've even made a song over the topic...
But! What do men really think? Is it something that of course you'll take if offered, but probably wouldn't see the girl again?
Is it something that would cause you to judge the girl as cheap? Or not?

Thanks for your opinions.

Lisa xxx


Out of curiosity, what was the first song.

To answer the question - fantastic! There's a joke about a guy from the country who gets lucky with a girl in the pub in the city. They spend the night together and the next day she tells him that she doesn't use any pills so if shes pregnant, she'll kill herself if the guy doesn't marry her.

The guy says, "Phwoah! You sheilas in the city are great, not only are you a good root but a great sport too!"

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

Well, Bigblackcock,
The song was by Kevin Bloody Wilson... it goes 'do you fuck on first dates? Does your dad own a brewery? Can I feel your tits? Or will you show them to me? Etc.

Like your joke! Lol!

Lisa xxx


Well, Bigblackcock,
The song was by Kevin Bloody Wilson... it goes 'do you fuck on first dates? Does your dad own a brewery? Can I feel your tits? Or will you show them to me? Etc.

Like your joke! Lol!

Lisa xxx
Thats how the song goes and i watched him sing it at Bindon,far out that is showing my age,lol...to answer ur question,yes i think they are cheap,but it does depends on it all...

Alecia the Foxx

Thats how the song goes and i watched him sing it at Bindon,far out that is showing my age,lol...to answer ur question,yes i think they are cheap,but it does depends on it all...

So, why would a man who takes a woman out, asks her for sex, then gets it from her,think that she is cheap for giving him what he wants????? He shouldn't ask for it, if he doesen't want it. Men who think like this are fucktards.

Naughty Thoughts

Men who think like this are fucktards.

Yeah, I'd agree with that.

For me, it depends on what I was looking for. If I was looking for a one night stand then yeah - fantastic! Love a girl who is confident in who she is and what she wants, so if I get to be part of that, then that's awesome.

However, I'm rarely looking for a one night stand. I'm looking for a long term relationship. In this case, I much prefer a girl who makes me jump through a few hoops and won't jump straight into the sack. For a long term relationship you need a lot more than just the physical.

When I was younger I used to think that any woman willing to sleep with me was willing to sleep with anybody and hence I ought to avoid her. That, and a lot of mixed messages made for some very awkward situations when I was younger...


I've known relationships to start this way, and I've known one-night stands to stay that way.

My response: Eh, who cares what men think of it? If I want to fuck on the first date, I'll fuck on the first date. It doesn't have much to do with what they expect of me.

Farm Boy

I think these girls are decisive and save a lot of time.
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Legend Member
The first date thing is one of those situations that show us fellas at our worst
If a woman opens that particular door 90% of men are going to step through.
Then comes the God she 's a tart not going to go into a relationship with her.
But you know if you saw her out of the blue in the future and she asked you
to go out for drinks It would probably be an instant yes because you think your going to "Get some"

Alecia the Foxx

"I much prefer a girl who makes me jump through a few hoops and won't jump straight into the sack. For a long term relationship you need a lot more than just the physical."

Why would someone want someone to make them jump through hoops???? That's just pure psychological game playing, and has no place in relationships. Adult ones, that is. Children are into that stuff, leave it to them. If you don't want sex on the first date, don't bloody ask for it. Simple really.


One girl I know very well slept with some bloke on the first date and now she's married to him!

I think it's completely situation and attitude dependent. If there's genuine chemistry involved I don't see a problem with it. If it's just a random hookup that's ok as well but that needs to be clear for both parties.

Do I think it's an expectation of blokes? Absolutely not!
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
I think there is a bit of cultural background to it as well.
I spent the first half of my life in Europe and it was a quite common way -as a girl- to go out for dinner, movies, bars, night clubs with a boy without any sexual expectation after. When a boy asked me to go and see a movie and have a drink after....that was it.....no underlining expectations connected.
It caused me a few embarrassing situations in NZ until I understood that accepting an invitation from a male usually means sex after.
However I am with miramira........girls should do whatever they feel comfortable with.......first date or not.
I just don't like it when sex seems to expected as the logical consequence of a date.



Rats Rochelle! Thought I was in with a chance there, you and me at Hungry Jacks with a candlelight followed by sex as a dessert - adds a whole new meaning to the words "Fast Food".

Get your mind out of the gutter folks, the candle's for lighting and nothing else - unless Rochelle starts singing at which point technically she'd be waxing lyrical. Something we all do on this board.


So, why would a man who takes a woman out, asks her for sex, then gets it from her,think that she is cheap for giving him what he wants????? He shouldn't ask for it, if he doesen't want it. Men who think like this are fucktards.

Wow did i really say that?? i have to remind myself not to get on here(again)while im drinking..lol.
No chance of us going on a First date??mmmm,will take that as a no.
back to the question(they did ask)you may find in some men(maybe just me)that if u FUCK them on first date(yes it is something men want!!)they may find they the girl/lady may do it to everyone,more of respect thing,but not always..
I would be lucky to get a date let alone them having sex with me on the sec or third date,lol..
Ps bindon was twenty yrs ago in the far east of Perth run by bikies,it was a long time ago and im not sure if i still think the same way.


Legend Member
And dont forget men have been told for many many years If a man sleeps with every available girl He is only following his natural instincts . Look at small towns especially The fella is a ladies man the girl is unfortunately labeled the town bike


first secound or third date does it really matter if it feels right go for it.


Each to their own!
The quickest way to get into a girl's knickers is NOT to!
Take them out to the Ballet/Opera/Theatre (Not the jolly cinema) and then at the end of a pleasant evening a quick kiss to the cheek, comments such as Great night!, gees your'e very pretty and wait for the screeming phone call the next day such as "Why didn't you fuck me?" are recieved. then a gentleman simply suggests a casual dinner or such like. Works most of the time.


Each to their own!
The quickest way to get into a girl's knickers is NOT to!
Take them out to the Ballet/Opera/Theatre (Not the jolly cinema) and then at the end of a pleasant evening a quick kiss to the cheek, comments such as Great night!, gees your'e very pretty and wait for the screeming phone call the next day such as "Why didn't you fuck me?" are recieved. then a gentleman simply suggests a casual dinner or such like. Works most of the time.
They may have happened many yrs ago but chicks are on to that little puppy,lol. Fact:they say it will take a women less than 30 sec to decide if they will sleep with a guy or not and it only takes me 30 sec to to have sex! with them, and thats getting changed and having a shower lol,now thats funny..(but a bit of truth)so next time guys the young lady want to be ur friend that what she wants,(already made up her mind) lol,unless she is a W/L and then u pay her,lol..


HI I for one would not bother to judge .It is something that to many people waste time and energy on . IF you and your partner find forefill ment what is the problem . TO many long faces sitting in judgement as it is why bother to join them ?All my best TREV


Legend Member
If us guys were to get some action on the first night what would we be thinking if there was none offered on the second??
I wouldn`t call a lady cheap just by allowing herself to have sex on the first date but if I wanted a serious relationship waiting would be better looked at.

Wouldn`t want her to complain further down the track that all I wanted was to get into her pants and nothing else...


Bronze Member
Just depends on the situation I think - If you both hit it off from the moment you meet then why not?

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

I'm interested in the opinion of W/L's, punters and industry staff on what is considered 'overstepping the line' when it comes to appropriate behavior in regard to 'stealing' clients...otherwise known as 'taking them private'...

In any other industry, an employee would surely be instantly dismissed if they were caught, or even suspected of, stealing clients for their own gain. So why does it seem to be such a common practice in this industry?

Does everyone agree that if you choose to work in conjunction with an establishment, that agrees to promote your business as much as they can, then there should be a certain amount of loyalty to the cause? Should it not be a business partnership where both parties promote each other for the greater good?

I find it extremely offensive when we find out (and we always find out!) about clients that have been taken to the dark side... As a business we spend huge amounts of money on advertising and a huge amount of time and effort building up a client base, so is it really a fair call for any W/L (i.e. a lady from Langtree's Kalgoorlie, starting with A and ending in mber...and a lady from Perth that has the same name as a feline...:nono:) to take them for themselves?

I would like to point out that I have no issue at all with private working ladies. I appreciate that we all have the right to choose whether to work for ourselves or with a company. I only have a problem with the ladies that want to have their cake and eat it too!

The moral of the story is... I strongly believe that if you do want to work privately, do it the right way! Make the effort to place ads, do your own phone-work, organize your own bookings and then you've won the client legitimately, not dishonestly.

We'd love to hear your opinions?

Lisa xxx


I see both sides of this coin. I'd be mega pissed off if my staff did the same thing but on the other hand I can really see the appeal for both the employee and client. Keeps more money in both of their pockets and that's exactly why it occurs. Ultimately the employee is at fault but it's never one sided!

It's definitely not the ethical thing to do but then you could argue that neither is getting a tradie from company x to do a cash job on the weekend / after hours and how often does that happen??

If it was a genuine once off, the employee was decent and it was out if work hours I'd keep probably keep them around (too nice arent i!) but use it to tighten the boundary for the other staff.
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Mary Anne PA

In respect to the ethics I agree with both previous posts. However you can not get more personal than this industry.

I don't think there is a way you can stop some client drift, but in the long term men seek variety and will perhaps come back to the source in good time.
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steve t

Silver Member
There is another post on here regarding Perth and W/Ls becoming way to expensive.I have asked tradesman if they would do private work on the side and most agree so it would be the same as a W/L.it is a win win situation for both parties and if u were 'working poor'it helps heaps,not everyone works on the mines..i am so to say that this industry is more based on Deception anyway,it is human nature to get it a bit cheaper..can u see the industry going broke from over pricing?? no way.get over it and shit happens and always will.


The problem is Steve, that whilst its a win win for the client (saves say $150 and the employee (keeps the full amount) it's a lose for the business owner who still has to pay for a bucketload of overheads, which keep getting more expensive.

I think most staff automatically have the belief that the business owners are well off and they aren't so a cashy on the side is harmless. Sometimes it's just a matter of staff not thinking like an owner does. Staff see a bit of rubbish on the ground and walk past yet and owner picks it up..
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steve t

Silver Member
The problem is Steve, that whilst its a win win for the client (saves say $150 and the employee (keeps the full amount) it's a lose for the business owner who still has to pay for a bucketload of overheads, which keep getting more expensive.

I think most staff automatically have the belief that the business owners are well off and they aren't so a cashy on the side is harmless. Sometimes it's just a matter of staff not thinking like an owner does. Staff see a bit of rubbish on the ground and walk past yet and owner picks it up..

Yea im hearing u in most cases,but they put the prices up because they can!
we could debate this subject allday.

Alecia the Foxx

I haven't worked in parlors or brothels for a long time, not really cut out for it, however I will say that when I did, I never, ever poached their clients.

In saying that, if I now worked for places that treated me as badly as they did back then, I would relish doing it. I guess what I am trying to say, is that, as an escort,go into parlor work with good, honest intentions. If the parlor or brothel is stupid enough to treat you badly, hey, all bets are off.

steve t

Silver Member
I haven't worked in parlors or brothels for a long time, not really cut out for it, however I will say that when I did, I never, ever poached their clients.

In saying that, if I now worked for places that treated me as badly as they did back then, I would relish doing it. I guess what I am trying to say, is that, as an escort,go into parlor work with good, honest intentions. If the parlor or brothel is stupid enough to treat you badly, hey, all bets are off.

Thankyou!and I'm sure the bigger companys wouldn't miss a few clients here and there..what have we got CHOGM and the end of October?far out they will clean up big time!!


Silver Member
When the working girl gets paid less than half of what the Parlor charges,I'm afraid the option to work private is to good to knock back,look after your girls and they will do the righty by you.
Then there's the politics that every parlour has,ie:who gets the most jobs,which receptionist favours which girl or girls.
Just a bit of the moans I've heard from W/L,back when I was seeing at least 2 girls a week,a long time ago now.
Just my opinion Cheers