• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.




Ok...now......what is the bigger turn-on......looking up skirts and seeing colourful, frilly undies and dreaming about what is under the nikkas or actually seeing what is under the nikkas.......let's say girls wearing short skirts and NO undies in public???????.......is that a bigger turn-on or would it be far too revealing (splash goes the fantasy :angry1:)??????


For me its seeing the undies. I love the tease factor because I know what delights await inside those panties...mmmmm...I love taking off a girls panties as part of foreplay. Its like Christmas as a kid...unwrapping the best gift ever!!:)


Seeing a brightly coloured g-string up a skirt I think is one of the biggest turn ons!

Would have to agree that its the fantasy of whats undearneath them is what gets me going!

I also love the tights that women were (leggins) with no underwear because you can see through, its like having see-through pants, which almost act as the underwear!