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The dark side - people trafficking and exploitation in Perth

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Its in our home town a little snippet of the link

Authorities have uncovered a suspected sex worker call centre in Maylands and detained two Chinese nationals, including one believed to be a key controlling figure in the industry within Australia.

Australian Border Force officers raided the home yesterday, seizing more than 100 mobile phones set up as a “phone hub”.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Not us babe if they had 100 phones they were running close on 100 girls, asian girls they finally have got the guys that cycle the girls around Australia all the asian parlours that were using those girls will feel the pinch and a lot will close, leaving the good parlours busy and the real visa and local girls with a much better take home pay, but the downside is the boys may have to pay $20 more. Anyway thats how I am reading it, mind you my father told me to believe a quarter of what I read.......

jerry hattrick

Gold Member
now here is a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wo Chinese nationals have been detained in Perth after Border Force raided a Maylands unit and allegedly found evidence it was being used as a call centre for the sex industry.
Following the search, which uncovered more than 100 mobile phones, a 44-year-old woman and a 28-year-old man were taken to immigration detention facilities pending their removal from Australia.
The woman, who is in Australia unlawfully, is suspected of being a controlling agent within a nationwide network of women and has also allegedly been linked to money laundering.
The man, who is in the country on a visa that prohibits work, has allegedly been linked to the movement offshore of more than $250,000 over the past two years.

Another man found at the unit, believed to be a 44-year-old Chinese national, was also detained due to discrepancies with his identification and visa status.
Border Force field operations commander James Copeman said the operation targeted those involved in exploiting foreign citizens within the sex industry.
"The exploitation of any illegal workers is unacceptable, but it is particularly disturbing when it comes to the sex industry," Commander Copeman said.
Investigations into other persons linked to the network are ongoing.


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Just keep an eye on the sites and see a drop in girls, if these sites these folks put images on are indeed visible on the public parts of the web, or you don't need a portal site to access with password and username, 100 phones means probably 100 girls of all kinds from south east Asia so if these clients can't see these ladies then where will they go? but keep an eye on beautifulcompanions/ubabe/EB Sakura girls etc etc and see who drops off or has a very quick change of style of advert and phone number or wechat address...

This is why this game gets a bad wrap and if we look at those always getting arrested its mainly whom? and that is not being racist but honest, ok there is Mitchel Mistresses, and others in Australia but nothing like what these guys do, and which I will add here and morally too, the next time you go to an AMP and you pay your cash and enter the room with the girl ask yourself is she there because she wants to be or is she there because she stepped of a plane 2 days ago and someone has her Passport and will give it back when they decide to.

I feel for the girls whom probably are servicing many many many men each and every day. Looking on Beautifulcompaions there is already an increase of pictures...


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
This will the crowd that use the same photos in Darwin & Manduah & Kalgoorlie. The girls are rushed in and out of each location every two weeks I was told. Whoever has a high turnover of staff would of being using this ring and updating all the forums.

Yep. 2-4 weeks run the gauntlet make as much as they can from them, Most Asians in the game work from 11am to 2/4am during the week then 6am on weekends, now I dont too many people that can stay awake all those hours do you.... hint hint...

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I hope these evil sods get what they deserve! Working is a choice, not grounds for exploitation!
Do you think that the places to avoid thread that mentions a few bad moments are a part of this racket?
Rosie the girls want to work - yes they are being ripped off by our standards but these people organise the visas i hope the officials that have to of been helping them are also caught in the sting. The operation fund the airfare and they have to work until all paid back I believe they get nothing but their extras and even some of that they have to part with but that is not verified,If the girl goes back to her country with $10,000 she is rich and can start na business for her family. She would of turned over about $100,000