• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.


Silver Member
A tatt in the right place on a chic is so hot and that place is any where for me.
All the ladies that come through my work place seem to love them and the guys that don't have them look a little plan
Chic's love the bad boy edge but in a clean cut way though


Foundation Member
tattoos are yesterday
people used to get them to look individual now there just like everyone else.
people with no tatoos are far more individual and stand out these days
tatoo removal is a real growth industry for this reason


5 Star General
Foundation Member
tattoos are yesterday
people used to get them to look individual now there just like everyone else.
people with no tatoos are far more individual and stand out these days
tatoo removal is a real growth industry for this reason
agree and cover-ups is also a growing business

Taslyn Pierce

♥Exotic Dancer of Langtrees♥
Diamond Member
tattoos are yesterday
people used to get them to look individual now there just like everyone else.
people with no tatoos are far more individual and stand out these days
tatoo removal is a real growth industry for this reason

Tattoos don't define a person or mean you're an individual
They are like accessories


Legend Member
Personally I don't like tattoos And so prefer not to have them
But anyone else who does. What right do I have to say there stupid or ugly Good old personal choice comes into play surely

Please just make smart choices And speak to a professional


Foundation Member
Tattoos don't define a person or mean you're an individual
They are like accessories
im not judging but I am consideraly older than you and saw the evolution of tatoos from jail house and bikies. then into more mainstream and finally onto women .
there like any other trend. just more permanent .
I neither judge or dont judge them . I see them as other adornment trends. .
things like belly button piercings used to be rare and tongue piercings.
and now such trends have become so much the norm that young teenagers have them.
a girl used to have to fight tooth and nail to be allowed just single ear piercings before 12


Legend Member
Yes bushbabe I recall a girl at primary school She had her ear pierced with parents permission But the headmaster sent her home and she was not allowed back til permanently healed
She truly was individual But the system did not allow it to happen


I just wish they weren't all so samey, I remember back in the 90's when everyone had to have barbed wire or tribal tatts, or a combination of both.


Diamond Member
This alright for a 90's tattoo though...


Pandar. B. Ear

Gold Member
Tats are a tricky thing. When done well they look fantastic. When done badly they look terrible.

I have 2 tats so far and I just follow a simple rule. I have the picture of my next tat somewhere I'll see it all the time for about 6 months (used to be stuck to the inside of the front door), if even once I wanted to change something on it then it's not the right tat.

I think people forget that tats are permanent.

Ginger Spice

Here Comes Trouble
Legend Member
Depends on the type of girl. I have a few small tattoos, which clients have told me are classy. They can all be covered when clothing is on. Majority of the time, clients don't even know I have them until I am naked.

Pandar. B. Ear

Gold Member
That was something I failed to mention. I dislike tats on the hands and face. I think that's going a bit far when you can't cover them up


Legend Member
Interesting to see how tatts on people like Dayne Beams and Swan look 10 years after their AFL career Their body shape will be a lot different
For example their biceps will be a third smaller It must alter the work a fair bit

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member

She is hot and obviously loves her tatts. I wonder if she will feel the same in a few years time.
I think it is hard not to make a judgement on visible tattoos when its comes to employment.
Many employers would be reluctant to hire a woman covered in tattoos .....for fear their clients may be put off or that she does not project a company image. So I believe it may be limiting your work and relationship prospects , even if you think you have thought it all out and have the bad boy boyfriend and the great job in the zany fashion shop.....THINGS CHANGE!​


Foundation Member
thing to realize is there just a trend or fashion and like any trend or fashion things change.
the barbed wire tatt was given as one example I saw a lady with one which dated her.... cept I already knew she was my age.
the sleeve tatt is currently all the fashion.
like any fashion they change or even become obselete or even become an object of ridicule.
I mean when was the last time you saw
someone wearing leg warmers or the Michael jackson one handed glove with fingers cut out.
I still have long hair and get lots of negative comments..... but if I want I can cut it....


Foundation Member
why not? im not judging just letting you know from an older persons perspective .
the older you get the more trends and fashions you see come and go or change .
you also see things you thought were so important when you were young no longer are and you see it in younger people... getting into trends and its thier whole life then years later you bump into them and the snakebite piercings which were so important and the cause of months of fighting with thier mum are gone.
when you ask them about it they just reply.

oh what umm oh yea thats right ... naa took them out ages ago

Taslyn Pierce

♥Exotic Dancer of Langtrees♥
Diamond Member
I've not removed any piercings unless they got infected
I see this as a lifestyle not a trend or fad
I've never been off my head getting a tattoo or piercing before
I see them as a story not something to just look cool

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
My daughter at age 16 had a butterfly tattooed across her back either side of her spine.....rather large! The artwork was fantastic. I was mortified!
Your body your life your call ,was my response.
She loves it.
I love her.


Foundation Member
from the western australian Government public health website.
but ive heard of places having no exception over 18s only

An age limit has been established in legislation for tattooing and branding (18 years of age or with parent or guardian consent). The penalty for tattooing a minor could be as much as $12,000 and includes imprisonment for one year.

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
My daughter would not tell me where she had her tattoo done or how much it cost.
When it's done...it's done.
whats the point of a fine?


Legend Member
My daughter would not tell me where she had her tattoo done or how much it cost.
When it's done...it's done.
whats the point of a fine?
Stops it happening to people to immature to handle what they've done afterwards If the artist knows he's liable ,maybe?

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
Stops it happening to people to immature to handle what they've done afterwards If the artist knows he's liable ,maybe?
I know in principle it sounds good. Try and prove it ....waste a lot of time.....cost me money and no guarantee of a favorable result in court....Truly why would you bother.