My partner thinks natural is wonderful, but I see so many pictures of "brazilian" girls, my question is which is best and why? Interested to see both men and women comments. :sign4:
Just love being xxxx waxed, and 88% of guys think so also in a recent survey I read.
A hairless pussy (not Devon Rex) is very provocative.....its fine if you are 10y/o
and perfectly natural, but once you reach puberty as the name suggests you grow pubes ....isn't that a sign the hormones have kicked in and you are becoming fuckable!!.......A hairless pussy is so underage to me....maybe thats half the charm to some men......but I notice they don't want/like the flat chest which is natures perfect accompaniment to the hairless minge.....there I go again showing my age......so 70's!
it dose not matter as long as its clean