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Shaved or natural



My partner thinks natural is wonderful, but I see so many pictures of "brazilian" girls, my question is which is best and why? Interested to see both men and women comments. :sign4:

Rasmey 1

Foundation Member
My pussy is naturally virtually hairless but I still keep it clean. It certainly make it more enjoy able when being kissed in that area! love SL 04 3393 9468. Why not visit and see for yourself?


Just love being xxxx waxed, and 88% of guys think so also in a recent survey I read.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Shaved!!!!!!!! Makes me feel a lot better. I think most of the men like the shaved/waxed look better as well. Hairy pussy is very seventies/eighties.....lol.....going with the big hair styles :thumbsup:



What about what girls like? I guess this isn't the best place to ask as "you hear what you pay for" haha. But in private life do the girls like a shaved guy? My exgf used to hate it if I trimmed (just cut down 25-50%) and said she loves hairy esp when licking my meatballs :)


The fun thing about a shaved pussy is shaving it for your lady . IT make great foreplay especially applying the shaving cream

Sir Stefan

Agent Provocateur
Foundation Member
Fully shaven does it for me, but can be a little tedious for the Lady as if she doesn't shave everyday the stubble can be annoying to both parties.

I just love going down on a smooth shaven pussy... But for Me IT must be FULLY shaven and no regrowth.

But last night I had the pleasure of 'Dining at the Y' with Tanya and she is so, so smooth and not a sign of regrowth or shaving rash to be found... Why? ... because Tanya has had Laser Hair removal, which means it will forever, all day, every day be as smooth as the day that she was born... Absolutely fantastic dining experience!


Silver Member
I absolutely love natural! I find hair on womens bodies super sexy. I even love girls with hairy armpits.... But I know I'm in the minority. My GF prefers fully waxed, but doesn't mind the natural thing? SO we compromise and she waxwes during summer and then lets it grow during winter which works for me. She even lets the armpit hair grow a bit during winter as well :thumbsup: what a woman!!


Well i am not going to say no either way .if my lady wants to be natural it is fine if she wants to be shave i am only to happy to help


A hairless pussy (not Devon Rex) is very provocative.....its fine if you are 10y/o
and perfectly natural, but once you reach puberty as the name suggests you grow pubes ....isn't that a sign the hormones have kicked in and you are becoming fuckable!!.......A hairless pussy is so underage to me....maybe thats half the charm to some men......but I notice they don't want/like the flat chest which is natures perfect accompaniment to the hairless minge.....there I go again showing my age......so 70's!


Bronze Member
Hairless, most definatley, Hairless. A man has to have a clear space to work.(Partner permitting.)

adventurous annie

A hairless pussy (not Devon Rex) is very provocative.....its fine if you are 10y/o
and perfectly natural, but once you reach puberty as the name suggests you grow pubes ....isn't that a sign the hormones have kicked in and you are becoming fuckable!!.......A hairless pussy is so underage to me....maybe thats half the charm to some men......but I notice they don't want/like the flat chest which is natures perfect accompaniment to the hairless minge.....there I go again showing my age......so 70's!

Personally i love my landing strip. My bare pussy lips love to be sucked and kissed, but i like to look down and remember that yes, i have gone through puberty!!!!


I manscape unless the girl I'm seeing specifically does not like it. Of the girls I've been with, only one raised an objection. On a girl, I like a landing strip and bare at the labia region. That way I could give it a nice good slobbering that would rival the monsoons in India.


mine...not shaved but bald