• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Scrooge McDuck...



Cake of sunlight soap, grate and dissolve in one litre water on stove top (enamel pot) Add one cup washing soda mixing well Then divide into 3 Nine litre buckets mixing well. add tea tree and you have a bath cleaner or dog wash, add your favorite smelly to other 2 and you have a cheap clothes wash, not for real dirties but good for towels sheets etc. thats a real saving. always used that pre this job.


Oh, I wish I could be a scrooge! I'm more the opposite. I tend to waste money on mindless waste. I frustrate the crap out of myself. So if anyone has any tips for me, please spill? Help!Lol!

Lisa xxx

Think of how many times you will actually wear it, never go straight to checkout, always carry it around in trolly long enough to talk yourself out of it. just because it is cheap doesnt mean you are saving money, you are really wasting it because you would not of bought it in the first place, hope that helps.


the worst time to buy food is when you're really hungry. you always end up over-buying and overeating.


Gold Member
I sava da munneee by budgeting my punting dorras.

$350 for one punt every 4 weeks.

Now the price is $400 it's every 5 weeks


You could sava da munneee by using your right hand (or left or both) whilom. Or getting a girlfriend/boyfriend/both whilom :D


Legend Member
BBC I think you have been very good with some of your money saving ideas . But
recommending a girlfriend as a money saving action ? And girl&boyfriend simultaneously?
empty your bank account quick smart surely

T.J. McDon

Buy from the US. A blastmatch here was $49.95, and could maybe bargain it down 10%
It cost $17.85 from a US site and $6.00 postage. In the end four of us all ordered one and combined postage which we shared the cost of. Even though we splurged and each added a packet of wetfire tinder, it still only cost us $28 Aus. Almost half the price of just the blastmatch alone if bought here.
Just not sure that method is going to work for buying WL services from the US - the postage is exhorbitant !!


21. Change all lightbulbs in your house to the new low wattage high brightness ones. I believe even the halogen ones have a replacement. Halogen lightbulbs have a great effect as down lights or dimmers but they're not very energy efficient.


22. Sometimes, provided you don't have high standards, it might be worthwhile using junkmail offers. I don't know how Domino's Pizza can afford it but they do produce $7 pizzas some days.

Personally, I'd prefer to buy a cheap Coles home brand frozen pizza base or pizza with basics like tomato and cheese on it and put all your own fresh trimmings ranging from prawns to bacon bits to pineapple. Still a saving. Wouldn't eat such food all the time to save money though. Hardly healthy eating.


Legend Member
Went to my local bank today to ask for a money box to give to a kids friends so that everytime they used the phone, they could drop a coin inside.
Got told they don`t have them anymore...
Pure crazyness.


Nah banks don't do them and haven't done for a while.

Try the scab shops like red dot.

But more importantly who uses house phones in 2011!


Just use an old jam jar Billy - don't spend money to get one. Isn't that the essence of this particular thread?


Legend Member
My little contribution is whenever I get a $5 note in my change it goes in the tin
You will be surprised how much you have after say six months
You can go and have a spend on the kind of things you have been denying yourself even if for one day
Buy a nice bottle of red a roast from a Dorper Hogget Invite Big Black Cock and Farmboy
around for tea And lock em up and film them
Isn't that how they make snuff movies??

Farm Boy

Nah banks don't do them and haven't done for a while.

Try the scab shops like red dot.

But more importantly who uses house phones in 2011!

Try this,

PIGGY BANK by Rabobank - Versatilexchange.llc
versatilexchangellc.com/product.sc?productId=7 - Cached


23. Something else I do. Use BPAY to pay everything ranging from your council rates to water bills. What I do is put apportion everything e.g. if I know my phone bill is a fixed $70 a month, I put in $35 a fortnight ahead of time. You can put in a smaller or larger amount if you like.

It doesn't save money so much as lessen the pain on the wallet when you get the actual bill in the mail. I find it useful. Almost a layby for the services if you like and it's a form of budgeting.


Legend Member
23. Something else I do. Use BPAY to pay everything ranging from your council rates to water bills. What I do is put apportion everything e.g. if I know my phone bill is a fixed $70 a month, I put in $35 a fortnight ahead of time. You can put in a smaller or larger amount if you like.

It doesn't save money so much as lessen the pain on the wallet when you get the actual bill in the mail. I find it useful. Almost a layby for the services if you like and it's a form of budgeting.

Back in the good old days I used to use periodical payments for my phone, electric etc and even managed to get the electric about 2 bills infront but the problem was when I moved house, I had to wait about 4 weeks for a refund. Different houses had different account numbers and they claimed they couldn`t simply transfer it to the new one.

Also back in the old days periodical payments used to be free. I think these days they are about $5 each or maybe more.

Can anybody also tell me why it costs so much to do a money transfer overseas???
No actual money changes hands and it`s all done by computer so why so much??


Gold Member
Hey BB

Depends how much and how often,
If you transfer often you can get a Token that will allow you to transfer any amount.
Then it is just an internet banking exercise for you.
Costs about AUD $20 per transaction for any amount. Do not know about transferring hundreds of thousands of AUD so do not quote me.
Most banks have an overseas banking division that specializes in that product.
Fees can be much lower and the rates are usually better than you will get at a branch or with your Internet banking account.
We are actually not that badly off, European banks charge much more.


Legend Member
Friends from Malaysia were trying to send some of their wage back to their family and I assume it was weekly so probably not a huge amount but the bank fees for doing so made it even harder.
At the time I knew my bank manager well and after I had explained to him what they were trying to do, there was still no cheaper way...


The other way is to save the money and send over large accumulated amounts so e.g. for A$1000 the comparative value of a $20 fee is miniscule.


Legend Member
The $20 is a small amount here in Australia but when you compare it to an extra $20 on the other end, that`s when you start to feel their pain.
I was reading today that the average thai worker only gets about 165 baht per day.

So for them, that $20 is about 2 1/2 days work.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Friends from Malaysia were trying to send some of their wage back to their family and I assume it was weekly so probably not a huge amount but the bank fees for doing so made it even harder.
At the time I knew my bank manager well and after I had explained to him what they were trying to do, there was still no cheaper way...

...the only thing I can think off, BB, is for your friend to apply for a credit card linked to his cheque account here in Oz. I have something similar through my bank's iSaver account.

The card would be a joint card in the name of your friend and a family member in Malaysia, with EITHER person needing to sign for transactions (even though is being phased in favour of PINs). Once the card has been issed, your friend in Oz sends the card to the other person in Malaysia who could then use the card to pay the bills, shopping etc etc. Your friend in Oz would, via the card's link to his cheque account, pay each month's credit card statement. All bills etc should be paid by the card but if some cash was needed, the person in Malaysia could access a compatible ATM there. Of course, charges would be levied for cash withdrawals so accessing cash should be kept to an absolute minimum.

Doing it this way, the family in Malaysia has access to funds to pay the bills, shopping etc etc without your friend having to send money......and, provided that the monthly statement is paid on time, no charges as well (assuming that the card doesnt have a large annual fee).

Just a thought.

Fudd :)

ps:...if the card is also linked to a frequent flyer program and is used for all purchases etc, your friend in Oz could get lucky and snare a trip out of it too.......but this a side issue.
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T.J. McDon

23. Something else I do. Use BPAY to pay everything ranging from your council rates to water bills. What I do is put apportion everything e.g. if I know my phone bill is a fixed $70 a month, I put in $35 a fortnight ahead of time. You can put in a smaller or larger amount if you like.

It doesn't save money so much as lessen the pain on the wallet when you get the actual bill in the mail. I find it useful. Almost a layby for the services if you like and it's a form of budgeting.

Been doing the same for years. At first it's hard to put any extra on each fortnight while the bills are full size, but start with just $5 on each bill and as the bills get smaller, you raise the amount. And you can pay almost anything - even council rates - the same way. In the end you end up with some bills coming in with them owing you money. Then you just scale down the amount slightly.
Eventually you end up with about $300 a fortnight going out, but never get any bills, so anything above that amount is disposable money.

Vineta Sexting

Sexting Princess
Legend Member
I wish I could be a Scroogy! Though I waste my money intentionally , knowing that I'm wasting it..:D..Sometimes I made plans to quit smoking but every time it becomes my planning only, not for any use and every time I conclude my planning by wondering I got one life why should I need to plan to save money...Chill!!!.. LOL