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Rochelle's Interesting Topic Thread



Re: a hairy question

As much as I love long hair...a great stylish french bob can be sooooooooo sexy!!!
Seconding this. Long hair is amazingly sexy but I'll always be a sucker for short hair. :p


Re: a hairy question

Short hair is a turn on especially on younger girls....Older girls suit longer hair....but nothing down stairs.......


Foundation Member


Legend Member
Re: a hairy question

I love most hair styles. Its more the crew cut or really really short hair I dont like.


Gold Member
Re: a hairy question

Completely agree with this post.

Likewise, shortish hair or the pixie look, as it's sometimes called, for me is an incredible turn on.

I don't mind long flowing tresses, but a woman with short hair just makes my brain go "here's a woman confident enough in herself and her looks not to have to follow the standard of long hair for women". And for me, a confident woman, no matter what she does or looks like, is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs.

My recent favourite exponent was Emma Watson's post-Harry Potter look.


Re: a hairy question

Short hair on a woman can look amazing, but on a man or woman you need a nice shaped head to carry it off.
long or short does not matter ....must be clean. Biggest turn off dirty smelly hair.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: a hairy question

....you need a nice shaped head to carry it off....

....I wouldn't mind some nicely shaped head.......ooops, I think I may have gone off topic.....lol... :)


Legend Member
Re: a hairy question

....I wouldn't mind some nicely shaped head.......ooops, I think I may have gone off topic.....lol... :)

know where your coming from Mr Fudd I have two heads one partially covered with stubble both lickable only one likeable
As for hair on a lady Yes it is preferable


Gold Member
Re: a hairy question

loan road i cant picture you with long hair hahahahahahaha the hair u have now is much more suiting


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Re: a hairy question

Nope! I don't think so. Miss Fondren made quite a living out of her hair during her time as Playmate of the Year and afterwards in her film/T.V. career. Her biography is here:


Also, I don't think extensions would have been around in 1978.

Apparently hair pieces, wigs and extensions go as far back as the Egyptian times.......re-borne in the Romantic and Victorian area but in terms of Miss Fondren it was just a smart-ass comment ;)



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Roaming through a box of books.......

..........what a great thing to do when you prefer a relaxed and quiet evening (including glass of red and background music which goes without saying.)
My attention got caught by John Irwin's "A prayer for Owne Meany". What a great book. It has been a while since I read it but I still remember the story.
I was thinking about Owen who got the date of his death revealed having a vision. How creepy is that?
What do you guys prefer? Would you rather know years in advance when your time is up or is it better the way it is?



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Polite way to call someone a bastard

A guy was getting ready to tee off the first hole when a second golfer approached and asked if he could join him. The first said that he usually played alone but agreed to the twosome.

They were even after the first few holes. The second guy said, "We are about evenly matched, how about playing $5 a hole?" The first guy said that he wasn't much for betting but agreed to the terms.
The second guy won the remaining 16 holes with ease.

As theywere walking off number 18 the second guy was busy counting his $80. He confessed he was a pro at a neighbouring course and liked to pick on suckers.

The first fellow then revealed that he was a Parish Priest.

The pro was flustered and apologetic, offering to return the money. The Priest said, "You won fair and square and I was foolish to bet with you. You keep your winnings."

The pro said, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

The Priest said, "Well, you could come to Mass on Sunday and make a donation and if you want to bring your mother and father along, I'll marry them."


Legend Member
Re: Roaming through a box of books.......

Rochelle there is a rather less common version of the Legend of Cyclops in which they made a deal with Hades
and gave up one eye in return for the ability to see in to the future. Upholding his end of the bargain,Hades removed an eye
and allowed the Cyclops to foretell the time of their death.

So I guess Just be careful what you ask for Like the old saying says You may just get it


Legend Member
Re: Roaming through a box of books.......

First book that I remember reading (For the factual info only) was How did I get here


Re: Roaming through a box of books.......

I enjoy every thrilling part of life, including the thrill of an unknown end date


Silver Member
Re: Roaming through a box of books.......

Sometimes I think I would like to know when will my time come to an end so I can plan life around that date.


Re: Polite way to call someone a bastard

After trying many times to teach a new forklift driver who regularly placed loads in front of access area's, the boss finally tried putting up sign's saying CLEARWAY do not obstruct!, all to no avail, frustrated the boss asked a senior employee for his input, only to get the reply that he thought the new guy was "Illegitimate - Illiterate", the boss queried this reply only to be told "Yeah the Bastard can't read"


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Good bye Labour

Wow the election results in Queensland were definitely more than just a slap for the Labour Party. Who would have thought that it would be so devastating.
The question is what Labour is doing now after this massive election defeat? What ever they do they have to do it fast, convincing and rather efficient or Queensland might be the mirror of the next federal election.



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
The strongest emotion......

What is the strongest human emotion?
FEAR.......apparently our body action is at peak activity when we feel fear.
Who would have thought.



Re: Good bye Labour

Thats all we need Liberal back in power..I would be interested to see what they do now they have sold off all our assets and dont have the economic boom to ride on....


Re: The strongest emotion......

Yes, it's an in built safety measure.
Perhaps this is why horror and thriller movies are so popular. It evokes the strongest emotion.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: Good bye Labour

...The question is what Labour is doing now after this massive election defeat? What ever they do they have to do it fast, convincing and rather efficient or Queensland might be the mirror of the next federal election.

....they will have to pull the proverbial rabbit out of a hat but I doubt that they can. One thing though, I doubt that an early election will be called any time soon.


Full Member
Foundation Member
Re: The strongest emotion......

What is the strongest human emotion?
FEAR.......apparently our body action is at peak activity when we feel fear.
Who would have thought.

...hmmmm, I have a similar experience when I see a WL........however, in my case, I turn into a blithering idiot rather than experiencing "peak activity".....who'd have thought......lol..... :)


Foundation Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I don't particularly like Tony Abbot but anything (or anyone) would be better than the shambolic mess we have masquerading as a Governerment at present.

Rudd was nothing but a clueless showpony and Julia has turned out to be no more than a ventriloquist's dummy sitting on Bob Browne's lap and between them they have made a mess of everything they have touched. They deserve to be wiped out as comprehensively Federally as they were in Queensland. It is just a pity we have to let them mess things up for another year before we can dump them.

Tania Admin

Re: The strongest emotion......

Hmmmm, you have hit the nail on the head there,,,I don't like being scared and it's not often I am,,and 99% of the time there is a disgustingly creepy spider involved,,,ugh!!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
Re: Good bye Labour

I don't particularly like Tony Abbot but anything (or anyone) would be better than the shambolic mess we have masquerading as a Governerment at present.

Rudd was nothing but a clueless showpony and Julia has turned out to be no more than a ventriloquist's dummy sitting on Bob Browne's lap and between them they have made a mess of everything they have touched. They deserve to be wiped out as comprehensively Federally as they were in Queensland. It is just a pity we have to let them mess things up for another year before we can dump them.

Pity is that Big Ears is NO alternative...........so we are pretty much f***ed.



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: The strongest emotion......

...hmmmm, I have a similar experience when I see a WL........however, in my case, I turn into a blithering idiot rather than experiencing "peak activity".....who'd have thought......lol..... :)

LOL......dear Fudd.... there have to be some exceptions to make it a rule....... :)
