• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Rochelle's Interesting Topic Thread


Foundation Member
Re: Who if you could.......

How about swapping with someone like Sir Lawrence Olivier or Anthony Hopkins? O.K, they are getting on in years but what a treasure trove of memories to browse through.


Gold Member
Re: Who if you could.......

Will Smith for a day would have to be loads of funny antics and good fun.. plus his wife is beautiful...

Perth boy

Re: Who if you could.......

Jim morrison from the doors. Ok if he was alive. He had a wild life.


Gold Member
Re: Who if you could.......

leo dicaprio (banging supermodel's) , Kanye West (I would love to be that confident for 24 hours even if he is slightly delusional) or maybe someone like Michael Jordan in his prime - So I could 'be like mike'


Re: Who if you could.......

Jordan in the early 90's (forgetting his baseball career) in particular would be awesome. He was The man


Re: Who if you could.......

I'd like to swap with Brad Pitt, he got a gorgeous wife Angelina
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Re: Who if you could.......

The pope.....(dont laugh) it would be the only way I could get into the secret archives!!!! IMAGINE...oh yeh!!!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Re: Who if you could.......

The pope.....(dont laugh) it would be the only way I could get into the secret archives!!!! IMAGINE...oh yeh!!!

Hehehehe.........and I would be the Pop's best mate and check the archives with you........we finally might find something more exciting ;)..........plus imagine all the art work.........yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



Legend Member
Re: Who if you could.......

Hugh Heffner. All those years of hot babes on after the other or all together even ;) and now old and wrinkly he still gets them so young. Great sex parties wish I could put on parties like that.

A man who has led the life!


Bronze Member
Re: Who if you could.......

T-pain as I'd like to know what it's like to sound like a damn robot 24/7!



Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Life explained.......

On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?"
And God saw it was good.

On the second day God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks and make them laugh. For this I will give you a twenty-year life span."
The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for 20 years????? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back 10 like the dog did?"
And God again saw it was good.

On the third day God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this I will give you a life span of 60 years."
The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for 60 years. How about 20 and I'll give back the other 40?"
And God agreed it was good.

On the fourth day God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this I'll give you 20 years."
But the human said, "Only 20 years?????? Could you possibly give me my 20, the 40 the cow gave back, the 10 the monkey gave back and the 10 the dog gave back......that makes 80, OK?"
"OK," said God, "You asked for it."

So that is why for our first 20 years we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next 40 years we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next 10 years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last 10 years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I am doing it as a public service......and if you are looking for me, I will be on the front porch.


Farm Boy

Re: Life explained.......

This also explains why I love doing it doggy style .admire big capacity mammary. and enjoy a bit of monkey business.


Re: Life explained.......

Sounds like it's all down hill for me, well past my twenties.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Geography lesson...... :)

Geography of a woman

Between 18 and 22 a woman is like Africa.......half discovered, half wild, fertile and naturally beautiful.

Between 23 and 30 a woman is like Europe........well developed and open to trade.

Between 31 and 35 a woman is like Spain.......very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.

Between 36 and 40 a woman is like Greece......gently aging but still a warm and desirable place to visit.

Between 41 and 50 a woman is like the UK with a glorious and all conquering past.

Between 51 and 60 a woman is like Israel.......has been through war and takes care of business.

Between 61 and 70 a woman is like Canada.......self-preserving but open to meet new people.

After 70 she becomes like Tibet........wildly beautiful with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages combined with spiritual knowledge.

Geography of a man

Between 1 and 80 a man is like Iran..............ruled by nuts!!!!!!!!

;) xxxxxxx

Tania Admin

Re: Geography lesson...... :)

Thanks Rochelle, now I'm fully up to date on my geography :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Female Dentist

The female dentist prepares the needle to give to the bloke with the toothache an anaesthetic injection. "No way! No needles, I hate needles!" the guy said. So the dentist starts to hook up her nitrous oxide gas and the man objects again. "I can't do the gas thing either. The thought of having the gas mask on my face makes me faint!" She then asks the guy if he has any objection to taking a pill. "No objection," tha guy says. "I am fine with pills." When she returns she says, "here is a Viagra and a glass of water."
The guy says, "Wow! I didn't know Viagra worked as a pain killer!"
"It doen't" she said, "but it'll give you something to hold on to while I pull your tooth out."



Legend Member
Re: Geography lesson...... :)

After 70 she becomes like Tibet........wildly beautiful with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages combined with spiritual knowledge.

;) xxxxxxx
Only problem with being likened to Tibet is you only end up being screwed by Chinamen

Farm Boy

Re: Geography lesson...... :)

Geography of a woman

Between 18 and 22 a woman is like Africa.......half discovered, half wild, fertile and naturally beautiful.

Between 23 and 30 a woman is like Europe........well developed and open to trade.

Between 31 and 35 a woman is like Spain.......very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.

Between 36 and 40 a woman is like Greece......gently aging but still a warm and desirable place to visit.

Between 41 and 50 a woman is like the UK with a glorious and all conquering past.

Between 51 and 60 a woman is like Israel.......has been through war and takes care of business.

Between 61 and 70 a woman is like Canada.......self-preserving but open to meet new people.

After 70 she becomes like Tibet........wildly beautiful with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages combined with spiritual knowledge.

Geography of a man

Between 1 and 80 a man is like Iran..............ruled by nuts!!!!!!!!

;) xxxxxxx

I seen this before 42 years ago in a in a local dell , the last line was

50? to 60 a woman is like Australia every one knows were it is but no one wants to go there


Legend Member
Re: Geography lesson...... :)

I seen this before 42 years ago in a in a local dell , the last line was

50? to 60 a woman is like Australia every one knows were it is but no one wants to go there

How things have changed. Now people are dying(literally) to get here FB


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
The Knob

A woman visited a plastic surgeon who told her about a new procedure called, "The Knob", where a small knob is placed at the top of the woman's head and could be turned to tighten her skin and produce the effect of a brand new face-lift. Of course the woman wanted 'The Knob'.

Over the course of the years the woman tightened the knob and the effects were wonderful. The woman remained young looking and vibrant.

After 15 years the woman returned to the surgeon with two problems.

"All these years everything has been working just fine. I've had to turn the knob many times and I've always loved the results. But now I've developed two annoying problems: First, I have these terrible bags under my eyes and the knob won't get rid of them."

The doctor looked at her closely and said, "Those aren't bags, those are breasts."

She said, "Well, I guess there's no point in asking about the goatee."



Burswod Swingers Club
Foundation Member
Re: The Knob


Advice on how to handle women

link is broken so taken down
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Re: Geography lesson...... :)

I love ett!!!! Do you have any others, you would like to share???????????


Re: Geography lesson...... :)

Thats awesome,,geography was never my subject but now I underatnd it all ha ha