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Road Rage


Full Member
Foundation Member
Just had a call from a friend of mine...... he got busted for exceeding the speed limit by 15kms in a 110km zone when overtaking a road train that was doing 100km/h on the NW Coastal H'way. He said to the copper that he was always taught to overtake as fast and safely as possible....... same as what I remembered being taught. NO the copper says, you must NEVER exceed the posted limit. So if someone is sitting on 105 and you go to pass, then make bloody sure that you have a couple of kilometres of free space...... GO FIGURE.

I know one thing...... I'm not changing my habit of what I was taught. Sometimes I have hit over 140 odd to get pass quickly....... and safely..... especially if there are a couple of road trains or bloody caravans in concert with one another.

.....I wouldn't mind betting that if this situation was asked of other police officers, one would get differing responses.... :)


Legend Member
.....I wouldn't mind betting that if this situation was asked of other police officers, one would get differing responses.... :)
Speaking of police officers Fudd What of the driver who is fined for using his/her mobile whilst driving If the copper does a U-turn to catch them how do they contact HQ? Surely not by taking a hand off the wheel and using the two-way


Police are specially trained as (alledgely) elite drivers who can operate a car whilst on a phone...

I wish it was legal to overtake as quickly as possible lol


Bronze Member
They don't have to "contact HQ" every time they pull someone over. Every time I've been stopped by the police, there have been two coppers in the car. The one in the passenger's seat could use the radio if it was necessary.

Was this a serious question?


Legend Member
They don't have to "contact HQ" every time they pull someone over. Every time I've been stopped by the police, there have been two coppers in the car. The one in the passenger's seat could use the radio if it was necessary.

Was this a serious question?

Not really wranslayer Though out here generally it is still one copper to a car


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
my road rage is getting speeding fines in frecken 40k zones :( i was only going 60 so i dont feel i was speeding arrgh now only 1 point left