• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Road Rage

Can someone please tell me as I don't originate from Perth, Wtf is with all Perth drivers sticking to the right lane when they are neither turning nor doing the speed limit? I'm noticing it more and more and it's only getting worse.
Is it not common courtesy to change back to the left lane once you have passed slow moving vehicles?
Is it not common courtesy to merge lanes like a normal person and not an impatient F*#kwit?
I've been told that Perth has the highest % of traffic incidents, accidents and road rage because no-one wants to give up just one car space ahead of them enabling them to merge with fluent grace...

Common courtesy just doesn't seem to exist on Perth roads...


so true, for all the slack Asian drivers get - they are pretty good drivers in their own countries, was over in vietnam for a holiday, when a car is up someone's ass on the right lane, the slow car will switch lanes to let the faster one drive past and then switch back to the right again


Legend Member
They don't give you car space Claire Because they like you and want to be close to you
We are a friendly lot in WA


Gold Member
Yeah worst drivers in Australia. Merging is so bad here. And I agree, they just sit in the right hand lane. The only upside is most WA drivers will cop abuse when they drive on the east coast :)


Legend Member
you've only just noticed?? lol...It's ignorance and it's culture here. Smack some on yourself and be proud of it, but only do it here though. LOL.
I drive to Bunbury occasionally, on the Freeway heading south after you go pass Cockburn, drivers are mostly relaxed and willing to stick to the left lane except for a rare few. That is the case all the way until you are close to the town area, then it's about the same again.

And whats the story with the tunnel? some drivers on the right lane would just slow down to 60 even though technically it is still a 80 zone, with no vehicle in front of them.


Diamond Member
so true, for all the slack Asian drivers get - they are pretty good drivers in their own countries, was over in vietnam for a holiday, when a car is up someone's ass on the right lane, the slow car will switch lanes to let the faster one drive past and then switch back to the right again

Your right about that. For all the jokes about Asian drivers, if you ever go to Malaysia or China you can see they are actually very skilled drivers. Most of the Perth drivers would not be able to get through peak hour there without getting into an accident. With the lack of road infrastructure and even lines on the roads, they somehow manage to get by. While on holidays there, I was surprised the way the traffic merged and even though there was non stop honking there was no accidents.


Legend Member
also want to add round abouts to the list...some people need more than a manual and a driving course to use roundabouts...lol


Legend Member
K/L was not even a honkathon horn wise seemed to be live and let live And pedestrians just held up there hand and cars slowed for them A quick wave and smile from the person crossing. In acknowledgement and often the same from the driver

Perth boy

Your right about that. For all the jokes about Asian drivers, if you ever go to Malaysia or China you can see they are actually very skilled drivers. Most of the Perth drivers would not be able to get through peak hour there without getting into an accident. With the lack of road infrastructure and even lines on the roads, they somehow manage to get by. While on holidays there, I was surprised the way the traffic merged and even though there was non stop honking there was no accidents.

You got that right. I travel a lot to Asia and ride a motor bike. I won't ride in oz because we just can not merge and everyone looks out for themself only. They all want to be in front and in a hurry.


Drivers in the right lane...not turning and only going slow......drivers not merging properly and this creating car pools on the free way.....sounds like there is a call for "driving" lessons or at least someone to make a documentry about how to "drive PROPERLY"


Another World Member
Legend Member
Untill you sit in the front seat of a truck(and i'm not one of those highway cowboys)you aint seen nothing ,Sgt Neil Royal has a segment on 6pr on Howard sattler's show,regarding road behaviour,the problem with him ,and his Boys in Blue all live in LALA land ,even he wouldnt know what goes on on the roads these days,Try this one .......you're driving a loaded road train ,weighing 84ton(and i'm qualified to drive them around town on certan roads,) entering a roundabout ,looking to my right to make sure nothings coming,look to left to continue,and theres a brand new landcruiser coming round the roundabout the wrong way,THANK YOU VERY MUCH


Foundation Member
Yep! too many lazy and inconsiderate halfwits who don't look further ahead than their own front bumper.

One I saw a couple of weeks ago took the cake, though.

Mitchell Freeway Southbound through Osborne Park. Late model Bimmer alongside me with no driver.

(HUH!!??) ..............Oh, there he is!

The seat was reclined to near horizontal and pushed way back, legs stretched out, head lolling against the headrest with eyes peering between the wheel and dashboard top, probably on cruise control because no way could his feet have reached the pedal, one hand in his lap draped across the bottom of the wheel imparting very general suggestions to the car as to where they may go.

Had anything untoward happened the carnage would have been over before that dozy drip could have even woken up. It crossed my mind to swing my trusty van in front of him and brake sharply just to wake him up but I resisted the urge as I didn't want to cause a multi-vehicle pileup.

With lazy clots like that on our roads it is no wonder the accident rate is so high but, of course, the Police are right onto it with their "safety" cameras catching plenty of naughty people doing a couple of k's over the limit........


I understand the frustration with slow drivers and ppl not merging properly but what about hoons ??? honestly they shit me .... I'm driving down Tonkin hwy after work (5am) and im on cruise control driving set to the speed limit and I always get a bloody Hoon on my arse .... WHY on earth would you sit about 4 inches off someones bumper and then plant it when they get sick of waiting ???
Honestly it makes me laugh at the amount of people who STILL have a license LOL. x


Is it not common courtesy to merge lanes like a normal person and not an impatient F*#kwit?

LOL Settle Grettle. You'd HATE driving behind me, I cruise along when I drive (not caring what lane I am in, nor how much of a traffic jam I have created behind me).

But I do agree, Merging seems almost non existent in Perth, QLD seemed to be the same.


Gold Member
Oh don't get me started on this........ I have driven extensively in most States and overseas and WA, or more to the point Perth drivers would have to be some of the worst. I have also driven road trains about and again, WA drivers, especially those towing bloody caravans are some of the most inconsiderate around. I cant count the number of times I have had to brake heavily to avoid colliding with some stupid tourist who thinks that they can turn in front of a fully laden road train. There are good and bad drivers in all States, but WA are the most idiotic, senseless of all......... and just for good measure, the bloody Govt. should increase the speed limit in the North West. Half the problem on roads these days is that people go to sleep at the wheel mainly because of BOREDOM.

I feel better now.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Road rage is one thing and closely connected the total ignorance of push bikes. Since I bought my little racer and join the traffic on a bike my opinion of drivers is even worse.
The near miss situations I had during the last week are a bit of a worry. People just don't look, always in a hurry and extremely rude when you point it out that they nearly rolled over you.
I think every driver should go on a bike for a week and fight way through traffic. I am sure they would regard the push bikes with more respect.



Foundation Member
Actually, this is one thing that has me scratching my head.

Who in their right mind would ride a treadly in peak hour traffic? Quite apart from the ever-present risk of getting squashed flat by some inattentive oaf in an oversized urban asault vehicle you probably breathe a packet of smokes worth of exhaust fumes on every trip. Far better to walk past a couple or three bus stops then catch one. That way you don't stuff up the traffic and don't arrive at work smelling like a gym


Legend Member
We are on the same wavelength here svengali You turn up to work with nerves a jangle because of two near death experiences
And you have sucked in more poison into your lungs than a pack a day smoker Yet you ask them why they do it and they say I
"I like to stay in shape "


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Hi Svengali and H2.........very easy and uncomplicated answer to the question why ride a bike..........I love it! Always has been my prefered way of transport. Unfortunately Perth is very spread out and to get from A to B would take too much time on a bike hence the good old 4W in front of my place.
However there is enough space for bikes and cars on the road. So it shouldn't be a problem to share it.



Bronze Member
I've noticed that the drivers on Great Eastern Highway are very courteous. If you were to drive all the way from Victoria Park to Kalgoorlie, you would not find a problem. Once there, I'm sure the good people of Kalgoorlie would be happy to give you further advice on which roads would suit you.


Legend Member
I've noticed that the drivers on Great Eastern Highway are very courteous. If you were to drive all the way from Victoria Park to Kalgoorlie, you would not find a problem. Once there, I'm sure the good people of Kalgoorlie would be happy to give you further advice on which roads would suit you.

Wranslayer the road to Geraldton is the same Friendly once you get past Bullsbrook It must be something in the air the closer you get to the Perth CBD


Legend Member
Hi Svengali and H2.........very easy and uncomplicated answer to the question why ride a bike..........I love it! Always has been my prefered way of transport. Unfortunately Perth is very spread out and to get from A to B would take too much time on a bike hence the good old 4W in front of my place.
However there is enough space for bikes and cars on the road. So it shouldn't be a problem to share it.


Imagination over booking a sexy bike ride growing and enhancing.....

Mary Anne PA

I think the road rules say you must stay in the left lane (unless overtaking, turning right) only on roads that are explicitly signed or have a speen limit greater than 80kph. So the drive in the right lane may be frustrating but may be legal.

Tania Admin

I think the road rules say you must stay in the left lane (unless overtaking, turning right) only on roads that are explicitly signed or have a speen limit greater than 80kph. So the drive in the right lane may be frustrating but may be legal.

Very true, they are the rules, a lot of people fail to recognise this though.

Wranslayer the road to Geraldton is the same Friendly once you get past Bullsbrook It must be something in the air the closer you get to the Perth CBD

I second that completely, the closer you get to Perth the worse road manners are.

Mile High

Silver Member
"I think the road rules say you must stay in the left lane (unless overtaking, turning right) only on roads that are explicitly signed or have a speen limit greater than 80kph"

Drive on the Great Eastern Highway bypass, every day cars in outside lane going 75 - 80 when speed limit is 100!!!

It is just ignorance/selfishness when people sit in the outside lane, especially those going 15 to 20kmphs under the speed limit; especially when they are matching the speed of the car in the inside lane!. In my opinion these drivers should just be banned from driving.


Legend Member
My fave is when you are in the fast lane/overtaking lane and you indicate to get back in to the left lane and those in the left decide to match your speed exactly


Legend Member
LoL...how bout those on the right lane going below speed limit, but when you try to overtake em on driving on the left lane...they decided to speed up and not let you pass. Strange species. Then when you go back to the right lane behind them they slow right down again? Weird bananas.


Gold Member
Just had a call from a friend of mine...... he got busted for exceeding the speed limit by 15kms in a 110km zone when overtaking a road train that was doing 100km/h on the NW Coastal H'way. He said to the copper that he was always taught to overtake as fast and safely as possible....... same as what I remembered being taught. NO the copper says, you must NEVER exceed the posted limit. So if someone is sitting on 105 and you go to pass, then make bloody sure that you have a couple of kilometres of free space...... GO FIGURE.

I know one thing...... I'm not changing my habit of what I was taught. Sometimes I have hit over 140 odd to get pass quickly....... and safely..... especially if there are a couple of road trains or bloody caravans in concert with one another.