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Make up- Natural or Made up whats hotter

do you prefer ladies with make-up or la natural :-)

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generally I think light make up is better, preferably with hilight around the eyes. the eyse can tell a lot about a person.


It all depends on how the girl looks. Some look better with make up on while others look better with hardly any. I do like smokey eyes.

Alecia the Foxx

I agree with you sexnut. Smokey eyes rock, but do you know how hard it is to actually do? It is a complicated process involving about 4 colors of eyeshadow. Put aside about 20mins in our makeup routine just for the eyes, worth it though, I always get comments when I take the time.


some girls are very good on doing their own make up but some are not so it depend on how you use it ..i like taking care of myself so i do wear make up and i think it look good
.it all about bieng confortable in your own skin :love10........


I think the answer is very conditional and depends on whether the application emphasises who she is and whether something is sacrificed in turn.
Typically I have a preference for the natural look, but when used to effect make-up has been used to capture an element of ethereal beuty.


Do guys genuinely prefer girls who wear make up or do they like more of a natural look? I know in most cases it depends on the way the girl looks but overall would you prefer a girl who wore make up and looked hot or who wore no make up and an average looking face.

I like just a little to really make the eyes stand out on a girl.. Thick make up is a turnoff most girls know how to get it right& it shows they make an effort:)


Gold Member
I've found that alot of ladies that have the natural look going on are actualy wearing make up to get this look.
In my view both are good unless the lady has too much one and looks like a clown, now that's a turn off


Natural all the way, bit on the eyes and lips maybe but i dont want to have to use a cement trow to get through the foundation.

Unless its a geisha. Love me a geisha.


Gold Member
Just a touch - especially the eyes.

If it's the full production, then most of the time you are going to see her without it - and who knows what will be hiding under there!


Not too much, I think the idea about putting makeup on is to make it look like your not wearing make up but seem natural as though there is something sincere about the experience. Unless of course your a geisha :) or a clown. But if putting on a alot makeup adds to the allure what you are offering or trying to convey then I geuss there is nothing wrong with too much make up.


Natural..But it depend on how the girl look.Some look good with makeup but not over couse no one ever look good in over makeup.
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Personally I prefer a girl with some makeup, for me, it adds to the allure and perfection of a beautiful girl. Even a supermodel has blemishes and that is why makeup is there to be used.. :)


I would have to say natural. If she can wake up and go out for breakfast on a sunday morning without makeup, thats a good thing ;)

Tasha Bond

Bronze Member
I prefer make up,I love perving on those beautiful chicks in the Myer make up section.I request escorts i book to wear makeup as i really do enjoy a made up look.
I think a lot of men will say they prefer "natural" girls but they approach the girls wearing make up. Or a man approaches you wearing make up then starts going on about how he is into the no make up look that is chilled out and laid back. I was shocked at the poll results and still think men prefer women with make up. Plus some men sometimes think that someone is not wearing make up if they have a natural look which actually requires a tonne of products.
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