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Make up- Natural or Made up whats hotter

do you prefer ladies with make-up or la natural :-)

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Do guys genuinely prefer girls who wear make up or do they like more of a natural look? I know in most cases it depends on the way the girl looks but overall would you prefer a girl who wore make up and looked hot or who wore no make up and an average looking face.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
hi Emilee : i myself prefer natural beauty but that also depends on the lady herself .

just remember no 2 punters r alike and the same with the ladies :eek:ccasion14



I prefer make up,I love perving on those beautiful chicks in the Myer make up section.I request escorts i book to wear makeup as i really do enjoy a made up look.

Alecia the Foxx

I am not going to do a booking without makeup. When I was younger, yeah, sure, I was naturally hot, but the years do take their toll. I just want the client to be happy, and I wouldn't even think about going without makeup in a booking.


Legend Member
Light make up is great, but I hate it when a girls face feels like it is covered in cement !

Naughty Thoughts

I'm an advocate of the "less is more" school.

But it also depends on the lady. Some can pull off some really interesting looks while another with the exact same make-up scheme can look awful. Not sure exactly what causes that schism but I've seen it a lot.

But for someone I was going to make out with, natural is greatly preferred. There some makeup that just tastes terrible and when you kiss someone with it, it leaves powdery grease on your lips...

Miss Delights

Diamond Member
I prefer natural....unless I am going to work or it's a special occasion. Anyone can look hot with make up on but how many can look hot without the enhancers??? :walk:

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

I LOVE make-up! I wouldn't dream of going anywhere much without it, but I think that I starting wearing it at such a young age that it's just become part of who I am.

I suppose it's a bit like someone who's always worn glasses might feel naked without them?

Lisa xxx

Honey Dominion

I think if a girl feels more confident wearing make up then she should! You can do the natural look with make up. She just needs to know how to wear it. I can feel a lot better about myself when I wear make up and it lifts my confidence. It's not really for anyone else but me! LOL


But for someone I was going to make out with, natural is greatly preferred. There some makeup that just tastes terrible and when you kiss someone with it, it leaves powdery grease on your lips...[/QUOTE]

I've never really thought about this before, They should make a lipstick that taste good. Lipsmackers are a lip balm that smells so good you want to eat them! but they don't genuinely tatse great.


Gold Member
The natural look is best I think but sometimes make up can be really attractive. Things like really glossy lipstick or the right sort of rouge depending on what she is wearing / situation etc can be nice.


I don't mind ladies wearing make up as long as its not over done and looks like cement. My special lady looks really beautiful with make up. She takes pride in the way she looks and I appreciate it.


I like to wear make up when at work but if im just at home or going down the shops i dont really care im not there to impress anyone so y should i bother wasting my time and make up when im just doing some shopping. I'm a strong believer in taking people 4 who they are but thats just me.


either way....different women can pull off different looks.....light makeup is nice though


I prefer women to be natural without make up only as a personal choice and have no issue with ladies who like to dress up and go the whole nine yards so to speak.


I really enjoy women who wear make up as it is a indication of her sense of personal style and care she takes about her appearance. As to the result, that is a measure of her skill and ability to create the look she wants to project. Most women look sexier, prettier and way more appealing with some make up. Girls who layer it on just look silly. As an American mate says "Never, been to bed with an ugly woman,; woken up with a few" LOL




I think it depends. I think make-up is nice, as long as it is not caked on. But if a girl has a nice enough face with the confidence to rock it nude, then this is also sexy ;) I think natural looking make-up is incredibly feminine and classy and really helps with my confidence.


Do guys genuinely prefer girls who wear make up or do they like more of a natural look? I know in most cases it depends on the way the girl looks but overall would you prefer a girl who wore make up and looked hot or who wore no make up and an average looking face.


I LOVE make-up! I wouldn't dream of going anywhere much without it, but I think that I starting wearing it at such a young age that it's just become part of who I am.

I suppose it's a bit like someone who's always worn glasses might feel naked without them?

Lisa xxx

Yep I agree, i could never walk out side without make up. It's a personal choice really hey. But then some are naturally pretty and some like me need a little help and works a treat :)

Lord Spikey

I am a big fan of very light make-up. The type that is worn not to impress me, but to make may lady feel attractive. Let's face it, girls walk out dressed up for each other, not for us.

I do, however, loathe lipstick and I always request lipstick removal before any kissing, etc.

Whenever I see "caked on make-up" I remember Mrs Doubtfire, when caught at the fridge without her/his face. Dumped her face in a cream pie and pretended it was night cream.

An ex of mine used to trowel it on, but it always stopped at the limit of the mirror. Never seemed to be blended around the corners, so a lightly tanned clear face became a white as silk blemished neck. It was OK if you were facing her, but looked really odd from the side.

So, yes, natural beauty if gorgeous, but if she feels better made up, then not too much... please. A little dab'll do ya

Alecia the Foxx

I can go off my property without makeup, as I try not to be ruled by what other people think, however, a good makeup job takes 10 years off me, so I have to admit I prefer that.

I agree with the gentleman who hates lipstick, I tend to as well. One of the rules of makeup that I heard years ago was that you either emphasis the eyes, or the lips with makeup, never both. So I "smoke" my eyes, and just use clear, flavored lip gloss on my lips. The guys love the taste, and they aren't smothered with red stains for when they go home.


I hardly ever wear makeup, the only place I really do is when im working or going out for the night. I'm no stunner but I go orrite so I don't really need make up :) but I definately LOVE caking it on for a saturday night out with the girls!!


Gold Member
What a question! I have read a thousand times on this Forum how girls like guys to look as good as they can with what help they can get!
They see it as a compliment to them.

Guys are the same - You want your date to have taken care to look as good as she can and make-up is designed to enhance. I know a lady in her 50's who when professionally made-up looks 35. I know her age yet I am always amazed and the confidence that gives her is astounding.

To everybody then - do the best , whatever happens you will feel good!!

(PS. see earlier posts on what women like in a man!)




I love wearing make up unless im lounging around home make you look and feel so much more like a lady

<3 <3 <3 <3 :angel1::angel1::angel1::angel1::angel1::angel1:


I really enjoy women who wear make up as it is a indication of her sense of personal style and care she takes about her appearance. As to the result, that is a measure of her skill and ability to create the look she wants to project.:hello:

This is the reason I choose to wear make up. Making up my face is another accessory to my outfit. Completing the look. It might be sexy seductress or sweet an innocent girl. Whatever I may be feeling or wanting to project for the occasion :love10:
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