• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.


Diamond Member
Okay....I'm bit lazy to google this, so I'll just post it here hahahhahaa

Whats the difference between Shemale, transgender, ladyboy? Are they all the same but different names?

Do they feel like they are born in the wrong body and undergo surgery and hormone replacement to change sex? Whats the difference with Hermaphrodites, are they born a certain sex and happy to stay as that sex, but they have both sexual organs?

Excuse my ignorance, just want to know more.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Shemale (also she-male, newhalf, dickgirl) is a term primarily used in sex work to describe a trans woman with male genitalia combined with female secondary sex characteristics, usually including female breasts, from breast augmentation and/or use of hormones. Many transgender people regard the term shemale as offensive, arguing that it mocks or shows a lack of respect towards the gender identity and gender expression of transgender individuals; in this view, the term emphasizes the biological sex of a person and neglects their gender. Using the term shemale for a transsexual woman often implies that she is working in the sex trade.[1] The phrase is commonly found on porn sites.

The term shemale has been used since the mid-19th century, when it was a humorous colloquialism for female, especially an aggressive woman.

The term "kathoey" is not an equivalent of the modern[citation needed] Western[citation needed] transsexual woman. Use of the term "kathoey" suggests that the person self-identifies as a type of male, in contrast to sao praphet song (which, like "trans woman", suggests a "female" (sao) gender identity), and in contrast to phet thi sam (which means "third gender"). The term phu ying praphet song, which can be translated as "second-type female", is also used to refer to kathoey.[3] Australian scholar of sexual politics in Thailand Peter Jackson claims that the term "kathoey" was used in premodern times to refer to intersex people, and that the usage changed in the middle of the twentieth century to cover cross-dressing males.[4] The term can refer to males who exhibit varying degrees of femininity – many kathoeys dress as women and undergo "feminising" medical procedures such as breast implants, hormones, silicone injections, or Adam's apple reductions. Others may wear makeup and use feminine pronouns, but dress as men, and are closer to the Western category of effeminate gay man than transgender.

The term "kathoey" may be considered pejorative, especially in the form "kathoey-saloey". It has a meaning similar to the English language "fairy" or "queen".[5]



Diamond Member
Thanks HP.

So...my next question is...does what genitalia you have whether it be a penis or vagina define what sex you are?


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- You are looking at it to simply, your sex organs does not define your gender.
Hence;- "Many transgender people regard the term shemale as offensive, arguing that it mocks or shows a lack of respect towards the gender identity and gender expression of transgender individuals."
There are many Pretty "kathoey" out there (Ladyboys) and each one would say, they feel like and live life like a women.


Thanks HP.

So...my next question is...does what genitalia you have whether it be a penis or vagina define what sex you are?


Gold Member
So effing confusing the terminology used for some one who is non cis gendered. But as (even tho I hate having labels) you do need some to try and come up with any sort of explanation.

Cis Gendered - They are the lucky people. Their sex is congruent with their gender.
Transgendered - Direct opposite of Cis Gendered. Their sex is not congruent with gender.
Therefore shemale,. heshe, chick with a dick, tranny etc are all very offensive.

And just as shemale is offensive to a girl, so is the word hermaphrodite to an intersexed person
Im not sure what derogatory names are used to for males.

I do get a bit vocal on LGBTQI issues. Youll get used to my rants :p


Another World Member
Legend Member
????.sorry dont understand
So effing confusing the terminology used for some one who is non cis gendered. But as (even tho I hate having labels) you do need some to try and come up with any sort of explanation.

Cis Gendered - They are the lucky people. Their sex is congruent with their gender.
Transgendered - Direct opposite of Cis Gendered. Their sex is not congruent with gender.
Therefore shemale,. heshe, chick with a dick, tranny etc are all very offensive.

And just as shemale is offensive to a girl, so is the word hermaphrodite to an intersexed person
Im not sure what derogatory names are used to for males.

I do get a bit vocal on LGBTQI issues. Youll get used to my rants :p


Legend Member
I do get a bit vocal on LGBTQI issues. Youll get used to my rants :p

Maybe bepp is a old fart like me and dislikes and/or does not understand all these orribibble Abbreviations started due to texting and or laziness

Not that I am calling you lazy Miss Minsen :)


Legend Member
Lolz.I wish you did. Would have been very rewarding to spank a naughty boys bum today.
U can spank mine if u want;)[/quote]
Were you talking to me or Miss Minsen bepp712 ? :D

This joy from spanking How much of this go back to your upbringing
Thoughts of spanking to me ( And maybe to other over 50's with strict parents) was pain tears and punishment not titilation

And the times I was tempted to cut up dads belt or throw mums long handled hairbrush into the woodfire
But what would the punishment have been for that I wonder?


Gold Member
Happy/ Bepp
Ill need permission from my Mistress if I'm to spank your bums. She may/or may not want to watch as well. So please understand I like to please my Miss and she will dictate the method of administration. Miss is quite fond of crops and whips. :)


Private Escort/Pro-Domme
Gold Member
Thanks HP.

So...my next question is...does what genitalia you have whether it be a penis or vagina define what sex you are?
What is between your legs isn't always a reflection of what is between your ears, and is NOT a reliable method of differentiating between genders. The best way is to (politely) ask the individual what they identify as, if you are genuinely unsure and decide that it matters to you, and then use the appropriate pronouns from there.

(I am with you there Miss Minsen, and occasionally will get my rant on in regards to gender roles and issues affecting the LGBTQI community.) X


Bronze Member
I agree with Kitty; what sex do you identify with? If its female, then the question of male genitalia is really (or should be) unimportant. In my book you are a female.

The other thing someone (a very straight male I know) asked me is how I could possibly be attracted to a woman with a dick (his words, not mine)?

My answer - if I find myself attracted to a person, thats it; then genitals are unimportant.

Madam Jacqui

Madam @ Langtrees
Legend Member
I agree with Kitty; what sex do you identify with? If its female, then the question of male genitalia is really (or should be) unimportant. In my book you are a female.

The other thing someone (a very straight male I know) asked me is how I could possibly be attracted to a woman with a dick (his words, not mine)?

My answer - if I find myself attracted to a person, thats it; then genitals are unimportant.[/quote

Well said crossx.................:)


Sienna Sin
Gold Member
Most men view TS as female, especially TS escorts and are looking to satisfy a fetish. Young transexuals on hormones develop a female body, and breasts.