• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

How much notice ?


Silver Member
Mondays are my punting day, busy day in office with meetings then off out into Perth, my issue is that Im not sure if I can book early as not sure what time I'm going to get away/out of work . so I gen SMS/Call girls when in the car. Then I have a moral issues as I always txt one girl at a time so I don't end up with a double booking. But I will always give the lady an hours notice at least. So look out for my txt tomorrow Vanessa as I'm on PG and looking at your profile now ;-)

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
WoW ! awesome :)
Tmw, I do have a busy morning with uni ( have an assignment to complete)
I hope to be finished by the afternoon x


Legend Member
I have the opposite problem - Because I live in the north, and only get to Perth a few times a year, and when I do, I only get an hour or two free, i try to book 3 to 4 weeks ahead so that when i do get to Perth, I don't get told, "Sorry, I have a booking for then." Or worse, they are on holiday, or ....... .

However, too often when I email with the projected date I will be in Perth, I never hear back - I guess they think I am a time waster.

On one occasion, I emailed to make the booking 3 weeks in advance, then emailed 3 days before the booking to confirm that I was still on track. Drove for 14 hours to get to Perth (one day gone), txt on the morning of the booking, only to get a reply txt saying, "sorry, I thought you were having me on - i already have a booking for that time." Needless to say, everyone I called after that (with 1 or slightly more hours notice) was busy. Went back north with my money still in my pocket - bought two new tires instead !

But that's life I guess.



Gold Member
I have the opposite problem - Because I live in the north, and only get to Perth a few times a year, and when I do, I only get an hour or two free, i try to book 3 to 4 weeks ahead so that when i do get to Perth, I don't get told, "Sorry, I have a booking for then." Or worse, they are on holiday, or ....... .

However, too often when I email with the projected date I will be in Perth, I never hear back - I guess they think I am a time waster.

On one occasion, I emailed to make the booking 3 weeks in advance, then emailed 3 days before the booking to confirm that I was still on track. Drove for 14 hours to get to Perth (one day gone), txt on the morning of the booking, only to get a reply txt saying, "sorry, I thought you were having me on - i already have a booking for that time." Needless to say, everyone I called after that (with 1 or slightly more hours notice) was busy. Went back north with my money still in my pocket - bought two new tires instead !

But that's life I guess.


I can relate to your post Sunyun........ has happened to me often........ thankful that at times I have been able to get a booking elsewhere, but not always happy with the outcome.


I have the opposite problem - Because I live in the north, and only get to Perth a few times a year, and when I do, I only get an hour or two free, i try to book 3 to 4 weeks ahead so that when i do get to Perth, I don't get told, "Sorry, I have a booking for then." Or worse, they are on holiday, or ....... .

However, too often when I email with the projected date I will be in Perth, I never hear back - I guess they think I am a time waster.

I am finding this as well!
I'm not in Perth, and know when I will be in advance, so am trying to organise a booking.

Last time I had it all arranged about a month out and was building up for most of the month and I was very excited, only for me to arrive and about an hour before the booking I got a notification that one of the ladies was not able to accommodate as she was unwell.
I do understand this happens, so I got on with life, even if I was immensely disappointed as I'd had such a long time to anticipate the evening.

Now I'm trying to organise something for when I'm in town next in a couple of weeks and so far I've had zero responses.

I'm not sure if they think I'm wasting their time - I'm 100% genuine and would love a simple response at the least.


Well I would book a few days ahead. Fridays are One of my days off and if I punt that is the day. If I want it now and it's not a Friday then I take care of myself.

I'm in a similiar boat. Whilst its generally my RnT girls, i always book a few days in advance. Never later than the day before. Then about 2 hours beforehand i sent a courtesy text. It's at this stage i've been rejected for many reasons lol but generally i see the same 2 or 3 girls so im sure they know my habits

Tania Admin

We get lot's of bookings through reception at Langtrees, sometimes a week, day or even hours before the booking, most are genuine and happen, only the occasional bogus booking is made.