• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

How much notice ?

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
How much advanced notice for a booking with a private worker, do you think is fair ?
Have had alot of "now" requests and I totally understand horniness waits for no-one...lol :p
but I would have thought an hour notice at the minimum isn't unreasonable.
Obviously many private workers like a good few hours notice but we can be flexible but
I think any less than an hours notice is unreasonable. If its possible then sure, we can facilitate short notice
but most times, its not that easy.

If your walking into a brothel with a line up choice, then 'now' is more likely to be facilitated
but in private work, its a sole operator working their business around their life and other bookings too
so its not always that simple.


The biggest problem with private girls is getting the first initial booking. Some of the BS involved to even get the first booking is unbelievable.
Hence why I prefer establishments.
But of the private girls I was a regular with they had no problem fitting me in for a booking at short notice if they could. If they were super busy I just waited till next time.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
The first initial booking is abit tricky...a few things to suss, because we deal with so
many timewasters, we do have to screen a little at first to suss you out, if your patient,
I'm sure all will work out fine :)

What BS are you referring to ?

Regulars are another story but even in saying that, its not always possible
to facilitate their short notice but I must admit a trust is already built up so we're likely
to accommodate a regular at short notice than a new client, although some do push the limits abit.


Diamond Member
For a WL, what is generally the 'peak days' or times in the day? Are weekends more busy and mid week like Wednesday less busy? Is morning, day or night usually more busy?

Also from a clients point of view, it's good to book in advance as you got the time/day locked. However, when that day comes, you might not be the 'mood', as the little guy does have a mind of his own. Therefore, if you book on the day, at least you know you're in the zone. :)


Diamond Member
The first initial booking is abit tricky...a few things to suss, because we deal with so
many timewasters, we do have to screen a little at first to suss you out, if your patient,
I'm sure all will work out fine :)

What BS are you referring to ?

Regulars are another story but even in saying that, its not always possible
to facilitate their short notice but I must admit a trust is already built up so we're likely
to accommodate a regular at short notice than a new client, although some do push the limits abit.

How do you 'suss' us out? :)


Legend Member
Time required is a funny thing Many a bloke who wants it now has had a sherbert or two and may be a little unkempt and have beer breath
And that same bloke would shut the door on a girl who knocked on his door who was not looking at her absolute best

Anyway Vanessa if it was I who called you I would expect there to be an hour wait anyway Just because I would like to take the time to
Shower ,shave etc before you came round to visit


I don't live in Perth so it's very hard to try and book privates in advance. It's difficult to work out what time will be suitable even a few days ahead therefore places like Langtrees are easier.


Diamond Member
Time required is a funny thing Many a bloke who wants it now has had a sherbert or two and may be a little unkempt and have beer breath
And that same bloke would shut the door on a girl who knocked on his door who was not looking at her absolute best

Anyway Vanessa if it was I who called you I would expect there to be an hour wait anyway Just because I would like to take the time to
Shower ,shave etc before you came round to visit

Yes this is vice versa too. At least with notice the WL has time to beautify herself as well. :)

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
For a WL, what is generally the 'peak days' or times in the day? Are weekends more busy and mid week like Wednesday less busy? Is morning, day or night usually more busy?

Also from a clients point of view, it's good to book in advance as you got the time/day locked. However, when that day comes, you might not be the 'mood', as the little guy does have a mind of his own. Therefore, if you book on the day, at least you know you're in the zone. :)

It varys from week to week...peak time used to be different and very predicatable, these days, sometimes its Monday's, sometimes
Saturday, sometimes lunchtime, sometimes nights.

I understand booking the same day, its just 'now' is not always easy to work with :)

How do you 'suss' us out? :)

mmmm..do I answer this ? :p that could be giving away our secrets...he he.
If your polite, considerate and at the least read our rates and stats before you call,
then your on a good thing :D

One liners 'are you free?' and so on, can set a tone from the beginning that isn't enticing.
Just a few simple manners and the info you seek will save worker/client time and hassle.
Sometimes its assumed we can talk at anytime. I do like it when an inquiry, initiates a txt with a hello, name
and what he seeks and asks when its convenient to call.

Simple really :)


Foundation Member
Any experienced punter should know that "right now" is rarely available from a private worker.

If he can't wait he should head for the nearest house and take pot luck.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Yes this is vice versa too. At least with notice the WL has time to beautify herself as well. :)

Anyway Vanessa if it was I who called you I would expect there to be an hour wait anyway Just because I would like to take the time to
Shower ,shave etc before you came round to visit

I think your onto something there :D
A little time does allow both client/worker to freshen up x

and yes happy2 when you add a few drinks into the equation, it changes everything

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Do w/ls ever bump off a new client for a regular???
I can't speak for all of us but for me...generally no...if there has been early signs of faffing about, I might
but it would mean that the new client is hesitating and shuffling his feet quite abit.

I do my best to treat regular or new the same in regards to the time booked and I have kept a new client's
arranged booking time, despite a reg contacting me after the new client made a booking...
plenty of times :)
Last edited:


Legend Member
What if new client books for an hour and regular books for two or three? And he is your fav penis size :p

I WOULD LIKE advance notice on location, last minute and your trying to find a bus or train route to get there and then your late trying to sort it out::) Rather prefer a days notice so I can plan my root ehem route..


Each patron has their own habits and over time, you would pick up on days and times that they are usually free.

I would take note of this and would structure new appointments around them. That way, hopefully, I won't miss out on anything ...^.^


Legend Member
What about sending txt for days when you are free and the w/l can choose which day suits her best?

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
What if new client books for an hour and regular books for two or three? And he is your fav penis size :p
ooo very tempting lol. I guess some would.
I haven't, this can happen from one reg to the next as well but unless he's showing unsurity about the booking time,
then no.

Luckily most of the clients I have who have an awesome sized cock and great lovemaking skills,
book well in advance and msot regs who book that length of time arrange it with plenty of notice :p

I WOULD LIKE advance notice on location, last minute and your trying to find a bus or train route to get there and then your late trying to sort it out::) Rather prefer a days notice so I can plan my root ehem route..

Most girls are happy to give location details, just usually not the exact house/unit number until you get there.
But its no biggie giving a street and suburb and train/bus details


Legend Member
Each patron has their own habits and over time, you would pick up on days and times that they are usually free.

I would take note of this and would structure new appointments around them. That way, hopefully, I won't miss out on anything ...^.^

Lil greedy nympho! ^_^


Its happened to me a couple of times where the lady sent a text message to cancel my appointment just prior to the start, her reason was that her regular wanted to extend. I gave her some credit, at least she was honest but it didn't mean that I liked being treated like that. Others have used other excuses. Its a very unprofessional way to conduct a business, but I didn't get too upset of it, it just meant more money in my pocket. With the on coming partial recession in our two pace economy, it is probably better to keep money in my pocket.

Perth boy

Well I would book a few days ahead. Fridays are One of my days off and if I punt that is the day. If I want it now and it's not a Friday then I take care of myself.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
Its happened to me a couple of times where the lady sent a text message to cancel my appointment just prior to the start, her reason was that her regular wanted to extend. I gave her some credit, at least she was honest but it didn't mean that I liked being treated like that. Others have used other excuses. Its a very unprofessional way to conduct a business, but I didn't get too upset of it, it just meant more money in my pocket. With the on coming partial recession in our two pace economy, it is probably better to keep money in my pocket.

I am curious....
Is it assumed that any other reasons are just fob off excuses ?
I've had a few times where I've bhad to cancel cause I'm genuinely sick
or a family member is in hospital and each time I've cancelled for these reasons,
I've wondered if the client has thought I'm fobbing off (by his response)
but there are times...it just is what it is, no conspiracy's.

Well I would book a few days ahead. Fridays are One of my days off and if I punt that is the day. If I want it now and it's not a Friday then I take care of myself.

Organisation is awesome :)

I have found Eastern State travellers seem to be quite capable of arranging advanced bookings.
I guess it takes some discipline. For me, if I'm not horny, it only takes, tickles in all the right
ways to get me going...surely this is possible for a guy too or is getting your rocks off that whimsical?


Legend Member
Vanessa One off calls from the lady involved are to be expected we are all in the same boat have family and friends and all the ups and downs that come with that
It is the continual use of excuses from the same lady Dads sick Fair enough these things happen a week later mums sick next appointment car wont start They become weaker and weaker excuses Generally from girls who cant organise efficiently or have a too carefree a attitude and think its easy money until the reality settles in That it is work and a business and with a finite time line

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
It is the continual use of excuses from the same lady Dads sick Fair enough these things happen a week later mums sick next appointment car wont start They become weaker and weaker excuses Generally from girls who cant organise efficiently or have a too carefree a attitude and think its easy money until the reality settles in That it is work and a business and with a finite time line

Yeah fair enough, thats poor form. I guess we all have different work ethics and you guys suffer
as we do for disorganised clientele.


Legend Member
I guess disorganised clients are better than no shows though Eh? better disorganised than mean spirited jokes/pranks at someone elses expense


You should try Jess from The West Australian and Escorts and Babes.
She comes up with some of most creative excuses imaginable to cancel a booking.

I find a lot of private girls never answer the phone,
Never have the phone on in the first place
Have message telling you to leave your number if you would like to make a booking. I've never had one call me back.
Answer the phone rudely telling you to call back later
Unwilling to descrbe themselves over phone body type details etc
Or Like Jess make some lame arse excuse for cancelling a booking

Thats the BS I am referring to. Mostly phone BS


In a perfect world I'd prefer to see the private girls . I'd much rather deal with the girl herself and cut out the middleman but it just doesn't work that way.
Private working girls are in The Too Hard Basket.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
You should try Jess from The West Australian and Escorts and Babes.
She comes up with some of most creative excuses imaginable to cancel a booking.

I find a lot of private girls never answer the phone,
Never have the phone on in the first place
Have message telling you to leave your number if you would like to make a booking. I've never had one call me back.
Answer the phone rudely telling you to call back later
Unwilling to descrbe themselves over phone body type details etc
Or Like Jess make some lame arse excuse for cancelling a booking

Thats the BS I am referring to. Mostly phone BS

Ok...now I know the page your on :)
I have mt phone on silent in public places or when I'm when friends and I use txt to
communicate when I'm unable to answer the phone but this can definately be problematic in
getting in touch to talk.
Do you indicate in a message that its ok to contact you after the time you called.
Many of us are sensitive to the fact that not all guys want you calling when they
are with the wife so this will be a factor why some don't always reply.

Sensual ~ Vanessa

Gold Member
I guess disorganised clients are better than no shows though Eh? better disorganised than mean spirited jokes/pranks at someone elses expense
How do you tell the difference ? sometimes you can and sometimes
fuck arounds can get lost in the midst of disorganisation.

Oh the joys of sexwork :p


Ok...now I know the page your on :)
I have mt phone on silent in public places or when I'm when friends and I use txt to
communicate when I'm unable to answer the phone but this can definately be problematic in
getting in touch to talk.
Do you indicate in a message that its ok to contact you after the time you called.
Many of us are sensitive to the fact that not all guys want you calling when they

are with the wife so this will be a factor why some don't always reply.

Thanks Sensual ~ Vanessa. I've never tried to call you (Yet) but you do seem like you have your stuff together. I think the other girls probably just aren't as professional as you are.
If I leave a message to someone of any profession I expect them to call me back as soon as they are available to.
I'm not married but if I was I'd have a spare phone for this type of thing.
Yes I can imagine there are a lot of time wasters out there. But I've never shirked on a booking.