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Patron Saint of Werewolves
Diamond Member
Hey guys - I know this is a serious subject not to be joked about - so I hope you don't take these pics the wrong way.
Just trying to lighten things up here a bit. :)

d1.jpg d4.jpg Depression.png

Fred Smith

Bronze Member
Powerful topic this one. Lost a few friends over it in the past few years; probably more go without our awareness. It is an insidious dog of a thing. I reckon it stays with you for life but you just manage it (hopefully). Good medical care, a close doc. who likes to keep tabs on things is good. I found a really good Clinical Psych who just helped me to take a step back and really start to understand that who we are comes from our past experiences and we have to accept that. Geez, I wish I knew its cause; maybe a lost trust thing from the past; who knows? I must say that I didn't enjoy taking medication; in fact my anxiety rose initially as a result. Doc. sort of "held my hand" through it and I think if you know there's a back-up there for you, it can sort of help you through the hard times. Important to try not to take on other's troubles and avoid conflict situations where possible. Mind you I found that speaking up for self made my job a bit easier at times. The point for me is to realize that there are a lot of a%$^holes out there but in many instances that's all they are so best to avoid them. Funny how few of them are the sufferers; they are the cause I reckon. Take a deep breath; always has an impact for me.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Does anxiety and depression ever go or are you stuck with it forever?
That depends but i think it is something that most peeps have to live with. Depression can take many forms, you can get paronoid, low esteem, worthlessness and depression can cause anxiety, physical pain via stress and can also be triggered by reliving traumatic events from your past.

Sometimes the people suffering from depression do not inmediately realise why they are having the symptoms of an illness or why they are feeling low and it takes an outsider sometimes to point it out.

The hard thing is then for the sufferer to realise what has been happening and atart taking steps to deal with it. If you are on you own then seek help from sympathetic friends, Doctors or health professionals.

If you are lucky and it has only just resurfaced, you might be able to deal with whatever has triggered it if you know that is, otherwise it could take a while to get a handle on it.

Yes i am speaking from experience as i have on a few occasions in this thread because it is only when you open up and accept or realise what you are going through will you be able get the help you need.

I am in no way an expert on the subject but i am as always more able to help others than myself so if you need to chat, pm me anytine, my inbox is always there.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Powerful topic this one. Lost a few friends over it in the past few years; probably more go without our awareness. It is an insidious dog of a thing. I reckon it stays with you for life but you just manage it (hopefully). Good medical care, a close doc. who likes to keep tabs on things is good. I found a really good Clinical Psych who just helped me to take a step back and really start to understand that who we are comes from our past experiences and we have to accept that. Geez, I wish I knew its cause; maybe a lost trust thing from the past; who knows? I must say that I didn't enjoy taking medication; in fact my anxiety rose initially as a result. Doc. sort of "held my hand" through it and I think if you know there's a back-up there for you, it can sort of help you through the hard times. Important to try not to take on other's troubles and avoid conflict situations where possible. Mind you I found that speaking up for self made my job a bit easier at times. The point for me is to realize that there are a lot of a%$^holes out there but in many instances that's all they are so best to avoid them. Funny how few of them are the sufferers; they are the cause I reckon. Take a deep breath; always has an impact for me.
Taking a deep breath is a very good idea, something that i forget to do despite being reminded on occasions

Alan Driver VIP Perth

Gold Member
When I get depressed I think of all those kids and people in 3rd world countries and think, thank god that could be me.. We live in one of the best countries in the world.Enjoy life, find someone to share it and set yourself a goal to aim for. Pills are not the answer..


Diamond Member
I've read many books on Depression when I was younger as I was interested in Psychology and how the mind works. It's Interesting the different views and opinions.

Arrogant people to the situation will say that it's "All In the Head' - Which is true, however
it's a Chemical Imbalance that can be triggered by several factors, stress, workload, emotional trauma
that sets off the imbalance.

A natural form of relief from Depression can be change in Diet, as well as Exercise. The body emits large amounts of serotonin during exercise which is natural.

Tania Admin

When I get depressed I think of all those kids and people in 3rd world countries and think, thank god that could be me.. We live in one of the best countries in the world.Enjoy life, find someone to share it and set yourself a goal to aim for. Pills are not the answer..
Unfortunately a lot of depression is chemical and not thought. Though cold, gloomy an awful event can trigger the chemical reaction, after that it's like a domino effect.


Gold Member
While perhaps not the same as depression, I know I have post holiday blues. Back to the routine...sigh. Perth is so quiet. They never hang around very long.


Diamond Member
I feel sometimes depression can be bought by training your brain to think negatively and it's hard then to change that way of thinking. When it's on constant repeat, it becomes the norm.

For example, you have a bad chain of events in your life that don't go your way. You start to feel helpless and that you no longer have control of your life. This results in wanting you to withdraw from others, lose interests in things and also your confidence takes a battering. Your negative thought processes take over, and your brain starts to give into self defeat. All this results in chemical imbalance and sometimes drugs is the only way to get yourself out of it.


Legend Member
Fact is, when one has been exposed to a certain situation or condition in a prolong period of time. When it becomes a normal thang, then you are sunk into that BS. To screw it in the back door, you basically need to leave through the front door. Think yourself out of it.


Silver Member
There are different forms of depression. A reactive depression is in response to a particular circumstance such as job loss, relationship problem, exam failure etc. Most people will feel that at some point. Grief can also result in depressive features, but there are specific stages to that situation which can be confused with depression.
Endogenous depression can occur without a specific event (chemically induced in the central nervous system). It can be a feeling of deep sadness without a trigger. There is often an associated family history of depressive illness. Then you have bipolar disorder which is a mixture of depression and mania. Interestingly, people with a bipolar disorder may be incredibly productive during the manic phase.
Depression may be accompanied by what are called physiological shift features such as poor sleep, early morning waking. They can become withdrawn and uninterested in things they would normally enjoy. If you notice these features in a friend "talk to them". One way you can help is to identify if in addition to feeling sad, they have suicidal thoughts. Some may have just thought about suicide, but others may have considered a plan to carry it out. If you discover that then make sure they get professional help. You may save their life!
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Another World Member
Legend Member
. All this results in chemical imbalance and sometimes drugs is the only way to get yourself out of it.

But how can we b sure the drugs which are prescribed for us are good for us .Mayb these drugs make us worse so we gotta keep going back so doctors can stay in business


5 Star General
Foundation Member
But how can we b sure the drugs which are prescribed for us are good for us .Mayb these drugs make us worse so we gotta keep going back so doctors can stay in business
bepp , i was thinking the same as you mentioned . i was taking some drugs for my depression and i wasn't sure if they were doing any good or harm ( as all meds do harm . just depends on what it is to you ) so i stopped taking them and i found no difference in my behavour norr has anyone close to me and that has bee about 10 months now .


Another World Member
Legend Member
Thanks Johnlou...even tho i believe i may be depressed im not taking anything for it,but i do have other medical issues n have for a number of years.
Over that time i have consumed numerous tablets for various issues n injected medications 3 times a day only to find my issues not improving but deteorating but i keep being told take these pills take this injection come back n see us i 4/6 months n in the meantime im criticised by my GP cause ive got theae issues


Silver Member
bepp , i was thinking the same as you mentioned . i was taking some drugs for my depression and i wasn't sure if they were doing any good or harm ( as all meds do harm . just depends on what it is to you ) so i stopped taking them and i found no difference in my behavour norr has anyone close to me and that has bee about 10 months now .
Depression is not managed just by medications. I have a daughter with a depressive illness and the treatment needs to be multi-pronged. Social support, counselling, dealing with triggering events (if applicable) etc. Medications can be an important component, but not in isolation. There are also a range of antidepressants with different mechanisms of action and the dose may need adjusting to be effective. It may be necessary to find the right one for a given individual. Side effects also need to be taken into consideration, which is another reason for selecting the right medication. My daughter suffered significant side-effects from one medication and is now on a different class of drug for mood stabilisation (an anti-epileptic drug). If you have a friend or relative with depression you can make a difference to them by your actions. As I said, identifying the risk of suicide is particularly important! If you are being fobbed off with a script for a medication alone then you are not being managed properly.


5 Star General
Foundation Member
Depression is not managed just by medications. I have a daughter with a depressive illness and the treatment needs to be multi-pronged. Social support, counselling, dealing with triggering events (if applicable) etc. Medications can be an important component, but not in isolation. There are also a range of antidepressants with different mechanisms of action and the dose may need adjusting to be effective. It may be necessary to find the right one for a given individual. Side effects also need to be taken into consideration, which is another reason for selecting the right medication. My daughter suffered significant side-effects from one medication and is now on a different class of drug for mood stabilisation (an anti-epileptic drug). If you have a friend or relative with depression you can make a difference to them by your actions. As I said, identifying the risk of suicide is particularly important! If you are being fobbed off with a script for a medication alone then you are not being managed properly.

so true Ozrock . with all the meds around for depression and their side-effects , it seems that you are taking a med to combat a side effect from a med and so on and so on . this can be a delima to one-self :) :) every one is different and that does not help with health but great for individuality

Bill N

Silver Member
I feel that it's a bit cyclical really. The important thing is to get hooked up with a very good Clinical Psychologist. If they can instil in you what the root causes are and develop a few strategies to cope with it, I have found things quite manageable. I would never say that "I am cured" but at least I can reflect, take a few deep breaths and see good in most situations. Most important is to be good to yourself and sever ties from those who trigger tensions.


Perth Escorts
Gold Member
When I get depressed I think of all those kids and people in 3rd world countries and think, thank god that could be me.. We live in one of the best countries in the world.Enjoy life, find someone to share it and set yourself a goal to aim for. Pills are not the answer..

Tania Admin

At this time of year statistics show that depression and anxiety reach the highest levels here in Australia.

If any members are feeling down please feel free to reply on here for some support.

As a long time survivor of Depression and Anxiety I 100% understand. I still sometimes go down with The Black Dog, though much less frequently these days as I know when it's coming and put my battle plan into practice (occasionally I have to ride the whole storm damn it).

If you feel uncomfortable being so open please feel free to pm me ( it would remain private)as I'm always happy to lend an ear.
Please don't feel like you have to do it on your own. You won't be a burden.
The Forum and it's members has helped many over the years and I never want that to change.
