• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

Bepp took one for the team

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
We have a button on the admin where by we can hit discourage, for painful members.
Bepp was driving me crazy the other day, and wanting to try this button I put Bepp on discourage for 24 hrs.I originally said 72 hrs but softened up.
Bepp can you tell us what happens to a member that is discouraged. i believe you can log on, but can not go where you want to go and that it is very difficult to post as the screens keep jumping.
I would be interested in the feedback, and if I can have another regular for feedback I would appreciate it.

for 24 hrs discouraged, you may get time to mow your lawns that weekend. :couchpotato::couchpotato::couchpotato:


Another World Member
Legend Member
Wasnt dtiving anyone crazy.......just said something to a mate.. .on his thread an u shit canned me for no reason
and why cant we post a reply with less than 35 characters n newbies can????


Gold Member
*Raises Hand*

Flying to Melbourne today and will hit the ground running.
Can check out the effects later this evening when I can't sleep.

Is it like your Avatar has taken LSD Bepp? Coz that's what it sounds like. Am I right that under discouraged you can still post with difficulty but visuals are distorted and everything makes little sense?

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I am pretty sure he couldn't post otherwise he would have been calling me every name under the sun.:oops::oops::oops:
Beep you hit the wanker button on me in a thread where it was not called for, and after I had warned you is how I remember it.


Gold Member
Oh dear.. I did wonder where Bepp had gone..

I suppose the first test subject is always an unknown..

Just out of curiosity, what would one have to do to warrant punishment with the discourage button?

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Constantly be annoying after he had been given fair warning, someone that just doesn't know when to shut up, we had a new annoying member last week, that was posting with out thinking, John Lou and Happy pirate took the time to have a conversation with him, he hasn't been back yet, he may not come back, if he does not behave if he does come back we will hit the discourage button.
This forum has always been a friendly crowd, non judgmental and we are going to keep it this way.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
I once used the discourage button on a young fella that was all out abusive....

John Lou and Happypirate was urging me to delete and ban this guy.... note at that time JL...HP..and myself were the only three Spartans battling all the trouble postings...

But at the time MAK was away and I answer to noone else on forum matters....and deleting a member required discussion with MAK.

Anyway after.....hitting the discourage button this puppy was screaming murder about how he could not do this and that
.. how his access was really fucked up.... etc. And many threats came about telling the members how mods were treating him bad..... lol like the mods gave a shit what he thought after he abused them repeatedly....

Quite a good function for discouraging members who are trigger happy with unpleasantness.....

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Trolling I don't quite understand?...........Surfing and learning the forum are encouraged, until recently they did have to engage, now days all members have to post once every three months otherwise they cannot view the forum. This makes the forum more interactive, which will make it more interesting.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Be the sweet Nymph.........................make meeeee proud
There a place for you here
Be sweet myyyyyyy lovely, play nice with people and they will be nice to you\myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lovely

Oh ok, so zero tolerance for trolling behaviour and people who engage with and inflame those who troll?


Gold Member
Ahoy;- Be the sweet Nymph.........................make meeeee proud
There a place for you here
Be sweet myyyyyyy lovely, play nice with people and they will be nice to you\myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lovely

Anything for my omnipotent and benevolent pirate overlord <3


Gold Member
A fun filled weekend to you and the crew too, look out for those mermaids and I here there are trolls around too!

Will be floating around in cyber space still on and off ;)


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Have Fun Myyyyyyyyyyyyyy Sweet Preety Nymph
You have a home here, there is Luv here.
Make Meeeeeeeeeeee Proud
Goooooooooo Play hard, work Hard, make Meeeeeeeeeeee Proud
Beeeeee all you can Beeeeeeeeeeeee


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
Oh ok, so zero tolerance for trolling behaviour and people who engage with and inflame those who troll?
Whoa! Let's not get carried away in a sedan chair and throw the baby out with the leftover soup! Right, H2?


Anyway, now that bepp's beautiful bottom has been spanked by Mary-Anne (spank spank spank), everybody should know where the line in the linoleum is.


Gold Member
I am pretty sure he couldn't post otherwise he would have been calling me every name under the sun.:oops::oops::oops:
Beep you hit the wanker button on me in a thread where it was not called for, and after I had warned you is how I remember it.
I think I should also be discouraged for a term Ma'am as I also hit the wanker (thinking it was orgasmic)button. Punishment should be served, , also I had some impure thoughts,

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
A wanker icon is a sure way of having trouble created. I got ..wankered.. for saying...wow... to an old review of mine I have not seen for years......

Lucky for me..... I am immune to cheap shots like that.... me being me... I have had a lot of hatred from less than aspirable characters for many years.....


Another World Member
Legend Member
Oh dear.. I did wonder where Bepp had gone..

I suppose the first test subject is always an unknown..

Just out of curiosity, what would one have to do to warrant punishment with the discourage button?
probably not much at all its getting to the stage where if u look at some one ur shit canned
i dont mind the HAPPY ENDING icon (actually any of u ladies???Are quite welcome to come n give me one) n

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I just found and old member that had been discouraged Suzy Flozzy. I have taken it off as i would like to see if she can join in again, I miss a good debating companion and I look pretty good as an alternative to Suzt's personality, also I miss her on the forum. Let me know via PM if moderators and members have a problem with this.


Legend Member
Whoa! Let's not get carried away in a sedan chair and throw the baby out with the leftover soup! Right H2 ?


I know not what you mean my dear friend I have NEVER trolled stirred or caused the slightest piece of mischief EVER on this glorious forum

(There thats put the mods at ease XLNC we will have our next stir the pot discussion tonight as per usual ? )


Another World Member
Legend Member
probably not much at all its getting to the stage where if u look at some one ur shit canned
i dont mind the HAPPY ENDING icon (actually any of u ladies???Are quite welcome to come n give me one) n

you are more than welcome Maria


Classy sassy and a little bit Assy
Gold Member
No I gave him one cause he asked for a lady