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Advice need- What age do you let your daughter date

Miss Chloe

A Sensual & Kinky Affair
Diamond Member
I started at 15 but honestly I think if they want to date (or do anything else) they will find a way. This was my mums way of thinking. We were going to do it (whatever "it" was at the time) anyway so she would rather know where we were and what were doing than have us lie to her.
It made things easier openly making my own choices but knowing when I screwed up I could call mum and she would help. :)

Kylie Middleton

Gold Member
I think that if she's interested in dating then she's probably ready to start. I started dating when I was thirteen and it was great because it allowed me to start learning about what I did and didn't like without the consequences that came with more adult relationships. As Chloe says, if she really wants to date there's probably not that much you can do to stop her, and you're better off at least keeping an open dialogue with her than having her go behind your back.


Gold Member
We can never be 100% of the answers to such parental conundrums. Trust & your everyday relationship can play major parts. Group situations can be a simpler way but as long as there's ground rules that all parties understand you should be good. I think sometimes we can confuse overprotective with caring. Anyway any boy who has met you Sue will know never to step out of line with anyone in your care.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
It depends on the girl some are ready to date at 12 and some are ready to date at 18, yours is ready to date, the most sensible girl I know, and she will have the wonder of true dating, holding hands and sly kisses for at least another 2.5 years.I kept mine a virgin until she 171/2 and she had been dating since 11 wasn't it someone we know who was her first boyfriend.


Diamond Member
This is my experience a bit further down the line than the start of dating:

I remember my partner being asked by my daughter if she would go with her to the Doc's to get on the pill. She was about 16 I think. I was shocked for a couple of minutes, but embraced it.

She was with that guy for 11 years, became pregnant, and then he pissed off after 2 weeks. She had the baby and it has been a wonderful experience for Miss Twinkle and I. She found a great new guy and they were married 6 weeks ago, which as a Dad with only one daughter is huge. It all worked out so well, but could have gone so bad.

Like Mary-Anne says, when your daughter is very sensible then there is a lot less to worry about. I know I was spending a lot of time with girls from the age of 13 or 14, so in fact nothing has changed!

Now if I could only get one of my four sons to talk to me then I might have a right to preach on this subject. Three are really good with me, one is being tricky, just like I was when I was his age.

Karma bites your ass!

Good luck Sue, but I know you don't need it.


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I promised my daughter from the age of 8 a brand new car if she was a virgin at 18.She got a second hand car only problem was it was $10,000 more than a brand new 4cyl, she had to have a fancy European brand so I have never figured out who won.
Also worth noting, with in a week of losing her vir... she came and told me, so I think my bribe which many disagreed with did some good.I would find a way to mention to her at least once a week, my mother used to say you can't say that and I used to say I don't want her having sex at 13 like I did, poor mum, she would blush red and walk away, I love my mum dearly but she is very prudish.

Amanda Secrets

Diamond Member
My daughter dated at 13. Sadly tho I never found out the critical stuff until it was too late!! So good you all have good open conversations with your daughters ( and sons). Nothing can replace open communication with our children. If I'd been more receptive to hearing earlier so much could have been done!! Love the bribery tho. I used bribery on my son with regard to his first car!! I promised to match every thing he saved $ for $ to teach him responsibility and bless him cost me $5kk. One of my better deals lol


Another World Member
Legend Member
As long as she puts a smile on me dial hehehe.....dont 4get age is just a number ...so the asians keep telling me
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Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Ahhhhhh you just never know........I used to be a protected, well behaved :)p, yeah right) teenager, didn't lose my virginity until later in my teens, didn't get pregnant, finished school and university and still......see where it got me :D :D :D
point is.....let them date or not at a certain age at the end they hopefully go their own way and there is not much you can do as a parent only hope you have given them enough brain to do the right thing for themselves.

Ms Sue

Legend Member
We have set ground rules that she is happy with at the moment.

1. You must go out in a group with at least 7 people . (Smart thinking on my behalf so they are not all couples)
2.Holding hands is fine.
3.A kiss when she is ready and not because of peer group pressure ..
4.Enjoy friendships with boys and learn how to communicate with them (Bless she blushes every time she talks to them)
I will keep you posted on our new ground rules....
Ms Sue

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
7 people is far to many far more likely to get into trouble with groups one or two is sufficient, then you can insist on phone numbers and full names:
She'll be able to say I think mum will let me go but I must have your and your parents name and phone numbers and you are welcome to give mine to your parents-that's the only way I can escape the dragon.Yea you know what mums are like, and whilst I am blessed my mother doesn't miss a trick.
Granny M is always available as a chaperone when i am in town, I can at least stay discreetly in the back ground and whilst not as eagle eyed as you they still have plenty of awareness.
Imagine she can tell her mates she has an eccentric granny.

Ms Sue

Legend Member
7 people is far to many far more likely to get into trouble with groups one or two is sufficient, then you can insist on phone numbers and full names:
She'll be able to say I think mum will let me go but I must have your and your parents name and phone numbers and you are welcome to give mine to your parents-that's the only way I can escape the dragon.Yea you know what mums are like, and whilst I am blessed my mother doesn't miss a trick.
We took the young man in question walk Sunday morning 10 km ... He was way to tried to think of anything after that ...lol


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ahhhhhh you just never know........I used to be a protected, well behaved :)p, yeah right) teenager, didn't lose my virginity until later in my teens, didn't get pregnant, finished school and university and still......see where it got me :D :D :D
point is.....let them date or not at a certain age at the end they hopefully go their own way and there is not much you can do as a parent only hope you have given them enough brain to do the right thing for themselves.

What did you study " PHD in sex ed" ;)

Jake "monas"

Silver Member
What age do you think girls should date ....
Should they be in groups .................
What advice can you give a over protective mother ...............................
You buy a gun, a shovel, a nice little plot of land and pay good friend to give you an alibi. Meet what ever bloke your daughter dates tell him this and make sure he understands :D
That's the plan for when my little sister starts dating and if I ever do have a daughter. Or just crossed fingers and hope she's lesbian that way she doesn't have to worry about the males that are complete douchebags :)

Tania Admin

Girls mature faster than boys, which leads me to ask, why do we protect daughters from dating because of pregnancy fear is that correct? well I may of failed science at school but it takes a boy to be there to make said child, so why are we only protecting one side of the dating game, but if you have sons its all okay for them to go out and f**k whom ever and that is applauded right? no wonder why we have sportsmen, actors, male politicians thinking its all okay to be married and f**k around, but women need to be protected what double standards......

Ask this one too, at what age should your son be allowed to date, as is he gets a girl pregnant guess what you are no longer a dad, but a Grand Dad!!

This thread stinks of misogyny.....
The rules are exactly the same for my sons as for my daughter. Unfortunately they now live with their dad who thinks its fine for boys to be off gallivanting. My oldest luckily is 18, good head on his shoulders, presently career focused and still a virgin. My other son,,,well, a bit younger but has learnt his lesson and realises it's not the be all and end all he and his peers thought (thankfully no pregnancy or std issues as he practised safe sex. I'm glad I drilled that into them).
My daughter who is 10 went on her first date to sci-tech with me and the young fellows mum. But it was more a play date :)