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What's your price?


Gold Member
I'm 100% straight. I have never had or given anal sex before. It got me thinking surely everyone has a price.
I think to be penetrated by a man I wouldn't do it for less than $10k. By a woman with strap on no less than $5k. Of course theoretical cause no one would pay so much for something they can get cheap as chips from a male escort etc. But I'm just wondering what is your price for something you wouldn't do?


Legend Member
C'mon Col you are the Vergina currency dealer How many verginas to allow anal?


My principals don't have a price... Not even for a carton or Verginas.

A cutie with a strap-on maybe but never with a man.


Legend Member
Holy burritos Batman, slap me silly and call me Throbin. No amount of Verginas can gain entry to my dump pipe. As someone mentioned before, it's a one way street. Though I am no Brad Pitts but none of me is for sale.

Justlookin, your selling yourself too short, $10k is really cheap...lol...besides I am only interested in clam chowders. No brownies pls.

Perth boy

Strap on no probs dont knock it to you tried it and as long as she knows what she is doing.

With a man NO I just don't find men appealing. So guys.

Hot sexy asian Ladyboy's. Mmmm I been to Asia lots, I have had some great nights dancing, play pool, getting drunk etc with Ladyboys but never tried one. I find them sexy but to this date still no.

As far as money goes its not about the money.


Gold Member
So even for a a hundred thousand or a million dollars? I'd have thought everyone has a price!



I'd fuck Gina Rinehart for all her money. Fuck... I'd let her fuck me for all her money. I might draw the line at her sitting on my face but even that can be accommodated if there was a durable frame around.

I tell a lie - I'd fuck her twice even!


Legend Member
Well if I'm going to be expected to act like a pastry case in a sausage roll factory for some guy nicknamed treesize the price is going to be a six figure sum with a Proctologist on standby stars.gif


Gold Member
The responses are very interesting. :)
Especially from punters. It makes you realize how some of the WL must feel having to service us men that most of us would let touch is for any amount of money.


I'd be up for payment from a member of the opposite sex $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.


Legend Member
The responses are very interesting. :)
Especially from punters. It makes you realize how some of the WL must feel having to service us men that most of us would let touch is for any amount of money.

It was a good question JL, that's one thing I like about the lounge at LT's as the ladies can check you out before approaching you - or avoiding in some cases :)


Legend Member
Listen to some of the footy commentators after NicNats Mark&Goal I dont think the asking price would have been very high for one of them
Same for MacAveny if asked by the Duck And we know it would have been SPECIAL!!


All a woman has to do is lay there and think of England.

If a man isn't attracted to a woman he's going to be Mr Floppy.


Gold Member
Yeah it's certainly a better work environment for the WL where they have more choice about who they see. I wonder if it gets to a point with some people where they just think "stuff it, it's all the same, I'll shag anyone for the going rate".


Legend Member
Don't know that I'm attracted to a woman laying there thinking of England, if she's thinking of Fiji that's very attractive :)


Legend Member
Yeah it's certainly a better work environment for the WL where they have more choice about who they see. I wonder if it gets to a point with some people where they just think "stuff it, it's all the same, I'll shag anyone for the going rate".

I guess it's like any business. For instance I service people's IT needs, I upgrade their firmware, fix their hard drives, give them extra RAM and make their software work on their hardware, yet I have some customers I look forward to seeing, most I put up with and a couple that I won't go near and palm off to one of the other techs.


Legend Member
The only person I can think of who should have laid back and Thought I am doing this for England Is our beloved Queen
And imagine her first night with Phillip My god he's a Greek I wonder where he wants to put it


QE2 could be a back door bandit Mr2... Come to think of it she's got that look about her.

Plus she's probably thinking "Every hole is a goal"


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- Bro H2, You know the Queen and her sister were not bad looking in their early 20`s.
If I had a chance I would of Greek Them, Rum them and shag them non stop, especially would of luved the chance for a double, I would of shown them my Pirate Crown Jewels.
Cheers lads and Pass the Rum

The only person I can think of who should have laid back and Thought I am doing this for England Is our beloved Queen
And imagine her first night with Phillip My god he's a Greek I wonder where he wants to put it


Oh boo hoo! Newsflash!

Rinehart loses $8.6 billion but still Australia's richest

Published on May 22, 2013

Ms Rinehart had A$7 billion (S$8.6 billion) wiped off her fortune in the past year but remains Australia's wealthiest person, an annual rich list showed on Wednesday. -- FILE PHOTO: AFP

SYDNEY (AFP) - Mining magnate Gina Rinehart had A$7 billion (S$8.6 billion) wiped off her fortune in the past year but remains Australia's wealthiest person, an annual rich list showed on Wednesday.

Ms Rinehart, heiress to an iron ore prospecting empire built in Australia's resources-rich west, led the respected BRW Rich 200 list for a third year in a row with a personal fortune of A$22.02 billion.

But she also lost more money than anyone else thanks to plunging iron ore prices, giving up a quarter of her estimated wealth from last year of A$29.17 billion.

That means she lost more than A$19 million every day in the last 12 months, and takes her out of contention for world's richest woman, a title she claimed in 2012 from Wal-Mart heiress Christy Walton.


Gold Member
I'm 100% straight. I have never had or given anal sex before. It got me thinking surely everyone has a price.
I think to be penetrated by a man I wouldn't do it for less than $10k. By a woman with strap on no less than $5k. Of course theoretical cause no one would pay so much for something they can get cheap as chips from a male escort etc. But I'm just wondering what is your price for something you wouldn't do?

Some doctors get it for free, but it is a check that's necessary, very uncomfortable though, don't know how people do it for pleasure.


Legend Member
That means she lost more than A$19 million every day in the last 12 months, and takes her out of contention for world's richest woman, a title she claimed in 2012 from Wal-Mart heiress Christy Walton.

If she was a guy that would have amounted to 17,337,500 w/l/h (working lady hours) or 1,979 continuous years with a working lady. Such a waste!


But as a w/l would anyone pick her MrD.

Lets face it if she wasn't Langs sprogling she'd be mud.


To be fair about it all, I don't envy her - can you imagine what it must have been like for a poor child growing up with that repulsive Lang Hancock as a father. Seriously!

Lang was a pig of a man. Here's a comment he made some years ago; "Rinehart became famous for her feud with Rose Lacson. Hired to look after her aging father, the Fillipino housekeeper married him. When Gina tried to intervene, her father cruelly rebuked her: “Allow me to remember you as the neat, trim, capable, attractive young lady … rather than the slothful, vindictive and devious baby elephant you have become. I am glad your mother cannot see you now". A few months later he removed her as a director of Hancock Resources.


Legend Member
Nobody would pick her, but I meant that if I had the 6 billion she lost in a year I could get my favourite w/l continuously for 2000 years! I wonder if she'd get bored with an Outcall that long?


Sorry OP, we've gone off topic. I thought I'd add this, in a way vaguely related to your question. This lady has an interesting question and answer prices and what you do with the revenue...


Nobody would pick her, but I meant that if I had the 6 billion she lost in a year I could get my favourite w/l continuously for 2000 years! I wonder if she'd get bored with an Outcall that long?

I'm sure everything seems new and exciting ATM MrD but even hookers get boring eventually.