• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Ciao Baby

I saved $30 in the sale. RRP is about $70. It is on special now.

East to set up. Plug it into a HDMI port of your TV and a power point and away you go.
Thanks mate I will check it out 👍


Legend Member
I saw the Netflix show Wild Wild Country about the Rajneeshees and Ma Sheela which brought back a lot of memories.

For those old enough to remember they were a cult who took over a lot of buildings in Fremantle in the 80's.

They always wore Orange clothes so they were nicknamed the Orange people.

They used to sing and dance and they practiced free love and held orgies.

I am sure those old enough will remember Ma Sheela and her Tough Titties comment!


Rosie Nuru

Nuru Guru
Legend Member
Currently MKR!! Getting great tips for my cooking which is an absolute pleasure for me! xx Also been watching The Boys which is a great take on superheroes who are not very good at all! Check it out for yourselves. 😳