• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Things that simply annoy us...

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Hypocrites!!!!!! (oh don't get me started!!!)
Slow drivers in right hand lane
People who talk in groups in the middle of an aisle at shopping centers (or block doors doing this)
People who stop suddenly right in front of me (walking or driving.. either or)
People in large groups who wander slowly, in the aisles at the shopping center (see slow drivers in right lane)
Students who can't turn up to class on time then get pissy at me for lockin the door (yup.. i lock them out)
any product with an "i" in front of it (although i did have to give in and buy an ipad.. but im still in denial bout it)
Hell-stra (telstra)
Opt-arse... (optus)

oh.. and Glee...

How about Voda Fail .


people who spit in public and out of their car windows
litterers. and when they're politely told there's a bin nearby, they get pissed off at you.
bad service - the list is long
good service that goes unrecognised and unrewarded
women on dating sites who lead you on right until making a date and then not turning up and don't even answer the phone or send an apology
women who keep complaining there are no good men around and don't see the answer in the mirror
people who talk in cafes loudly on their phones or let it ring loudly in cafes or cinemas
Americanisms in language e.g. cool, aweswome, hell good, it's all good, awwright, way to go, high fives, fist bumps, low fives... I could go on, the word "grand" instead of thousand or "g"s
people who make stupid and uninformed comments on public policy, court cases, boat people, aborigines
fuckwit talkback radio shockjocks
people who park in spots for the disabled
people who don't have anyone with a disability but abuse the right their disabled parking sticker allows them
couples who are argue in public over the most trivial things - I'm talking about the type of taps in the aisles at a hardware store folks. Really.
Guys and girls who keep using the word(s) "Like" as every third word in their sentence. "And I was like; she was like; we were like".
inconsiderate drivers
drivers who don't know the road rules
selfish people who don't think of others
I can totally understand that sales people have to make a living, we all do, but PLEASE stop the patronizing bullshit and lies - they ALWAYS happen to have a friend or themselves in the same predicament. The market has become a whole lot more sophisticated guys and girls. 2 weeks ago a real estate salesman at a home open gave me a spiel about how he knew my neighbour down the road very well who died recently. Later on went to say he hadn't seen him in almost 4 years. Later on during the conversation, it appeared he didn't even know or recall the deceased's first name!! There are houses going for $725k and haven't moved in the neighbourhood. Best part - this open house was priced at $895k and I said I suspected that was a bit ambitious. He claimed it'd sell for $865k by the weekend. AND THAT WAS TW0 WHOLE WEEKENDS AGO!
Shoplifters of small business (can almost understand if it's a big business but that already is being far too generous)
People who abuse their elderly parents especially in public
Youngsters who are fit enough who watch their mums struggle with the shopping and don't THINK to offer to help
Police-staffed speed radars when the crime level and public violence is unacceptably high. Quite often they put fresh recruits hiding near stops signs in quiet roads issuing warnings or fines. Give me a fucking break!
Cops who think they're above the law
People (I have to confess they're mostly young women) who act like the NOrthbridge nightclubs are trendy places to see and be seen when they're really LOW CLASS dives and warehouses marginally spruced up with a touch of paint. Guys, girls, London, Hongkong and New York, Singapore, Europe have real exclusive nightclubs. I love the air kissing they do with bouncers. Always cracks me up with such pretension.

Langtrees VIP 6

Things that makes me want to pull my dreads out...

Pulling in the at servo and the advertised price on the board is not what your paying for at the pump..
Fuel discount dockets and only saving $2 once you've filled up..
Speaking to pre-recording phone companies to direct yourself to speak to an operator..
Bad customer service.. Cause they cant be bothered serving anyone today attitude.. Quit..!!
People you know are smart, trying to act stupid cause they think its cute...
People treating you like your stupid.. Cause it just makes their day..


Things that makes me want to pull my dreads out...

Pulling in the at servo and the advertised price on the board is not what your paying for at the pump..
Fuel discount dockets and only saving $2 once you've filled up..
Speaking to pre-recording phone companies to direct yourself to speak to an operator..
Bad customer service.. Cause they cant be bothered serving anyone today attitude.. Quit..!!
People you know are smart, trying to act stupid cause they think its cute...
People treating you like your stupid.. Cause it just makes their day..

Fuel discount dockets are complete waste of time...


Why do you say fuel discount vouchers are a waste of time? 8 cents off is still saving. And if you plan your fillup day - wednesdays - when the cycle is lowest, it's a very good deal.

I don't even spend the required amount at the supermart - I just look into the abandoned trolleys or car park and inevitably there's one lying around.

Tania Admin

Pulling in the at servo and the advertised price on the board is not what your paying for at the pump..

Fuel stations by law are not allowed to do that. The service station would have to charge you the price on the board or they can be fined. Everyday they register what their fuel price for the day is and they aren't allowed to change it.


Legend Member
Fuel stations by law are not allowed to do that. The service station would have to charge you the price on the board or they can be fined. Everyday they register what their fuel price for the day is and they aren't allowed to change it.

Spot on Tania last year a servo lowered the price of his fuel to an amount less than he had placed on the sign and got into trouble for that too


Interesting, I didn't know that - but they don't seem to be getting into trouble of any kind. You'd think the likes of ACA and TT would be in their microphones and dumb blondes ablazing.

I think they do say it's a discounted fuel price - no? I must check on Wednesday.


Sorry to say this but I think it needs to be said 'cos we've all heard variations of people saying it whenever someone commits suicide; "If only I'd known I'd have done something". What they should really be saying is "If only I'd bothered to care when the person was obviously in pain."


Smokers who throw their cigarette butts on the ground, in a basin or into a potted plant - even when they're next to a bin. Sometimes I think they should pay an additional $150 tax on each packet to pay for cleaners to pick up after them.


Silver Member
i think i would have to say that my pet hate would have to be lazy people and those who lie...especially when your standing face to face to them and you know full well they are full of it!!!...grr


Legend Member
i think i would have to say that my pet hate would have to be lazy people and those who lie...especially when your standing face to face to them and you know full well they are full of it!!!...grr

Or you meet a person for the first time and you are really interested in what they do and where they have been etc
5 mins later you bump into a good acquiantance and they say Don't listen to him he's full of...

Now you liked the first person but don't know him You know the second person but you are not friends but known each other for a while
Who do you believe Or maybe who do you want to believe


i think i would have to say that my pet hate would have to be lazy people and those who lie...especially when your standing face to face to them and you know full well they are full of it!!!...grr

Yes I'd go along with lies. Liars and the lies that they tell. No one wants a liar in their lives so... Goodbye.

I'm lazy but can afford to be.


the fact that I am currently on holidays.. but still having to do work is annoying me!


Legend Member
Saw my first Xmas fruit mince pies in the shop today and it`s not even the end of July yet.


Legend Member
Saw my first Xmas fruit mince pies in the shop today and it`s not even the end of July yet.

So that must mean the first Hot X Buns are only a month away then BB
Soon to give these one time treats meaning we will just be told to forgo them at Christmas and Easter as it seems they will be around all year soon


Anyone remembers the McDonald's Fur Burger incident?



* Being sexiled. Why didn't I get invited? :p
* People who walk ridiculously slow, then when you try and walk around them they try and walk in front of you.
* People who chew gym like a retarded cow
* People who eat food with their mouth wide open
* People who have huge "carry-on" bags, then refuse to check them in and hold the plane up.
* People who have extended, unnecessary conversations with the person serving.
* People who grunt loudly as if there is an exorcism occurring when lifting 5 kg in the gym.


oh i hear you with the slow drives in the right hand lane
its 100 on the freeway NOT 80!!!!


Gold Member
Happens : everywhere. / Example : life's experiences.

Happens : everywhere. Example: life's experiences.

Happens : everywhere. Example / rationale : For business media and promotion of one's personality sure it's important. But everything else it's just a superficial propaganda of FOMO (fear of missing out).

Happens : everywhere .
Example: including In the gym: (actually this happenned earlier tonight as I courteously held down the entrance doors @ Fitness First balga) - SIX LADIES, FOUR of WHICH didn't even say "Thank you.".... Until when I said it myself. They were good looking for sure, and weren't even chatting to anyone. But that moment I just cannot stand but just non-chalantly smiled and said "Thank You..?"....And miracolously two others did at least return back with a smile.. Maybe I just appeared to be a regular skinny insignificant douchebag before my actual workout.

Happens : in public, expo's, public performances. When I was at Sexpo for the very first time, when the strip stage show was finished (literally when the music stops), and as soon as the lovely host (the beautiful blonde in the blue dress) gently smiled and took over the microphone - EVERYONE JUST GOT UP AND LEFT. There was hardly even any clapping. I stayed for at least five minutes watching the crowd disappeared as the host still speaking.

I could have sworn that there were more 'kids' at Sexpo than there were proper adults.


There's plenty more for sure..but the above are main gripes over my head continuously at the moment.


People with no common sense
Middle lane drivers
Religious hypocrites
Sniffers-Blow your nose n stop touching it too gross!!
Bad manners
Inconsideration for others noise etc
Falseness-speak your mind! This happens way too often
Poor hygiene no excuse.


Gold Member
I reckon I pretty much agree with everything that's been said in the last few posts. I'd like to add -

- Talking animals in adverts. Over it.
- Pirate, Vampire or Zombie related entertainment.
- Rude or just lazy service. Especially from teens/early 20somethings. Grinds my gears more.
- Josh Thomas. Not funny. Fuck that guy.
- People that say "I could care less", when what they really mean is "I couldn't care less".
- People that say Pecifically instead of specifically.
- People over the age of 10 that paint their faces for sporting events.
- When someone refers to large women as a 'real women'.
- Slow walkers (shout outs Jennifer!)
- Vin Diesel. Piece of shit actor that stars in piece of shit movies. Great.
- When somebody has lost something and immediately expects everyone to look for it.
- Shirtless men. If you're not at the beach or pool... Put it back on fuckface.
- People that hold in sneezes. It causes cancer. Pretty sure I read that somewhere. Hmm actually no, I just made that up. But still, it's not cool.
- Grown men that dye their hair.
- People that never ever carry cash.
- People that shhhh at Tennis matches. There's something so goody-two-shoes-ish about it.
- People that carry bottled water with them EVERYWHERE
- People that take more than 0.2 seconds to take off at the traffic lights.
- Tattoo's in Chinese writing. Ooooh... Chinese writing. So deep.
- Fuck it. Tattoo's in general. Sorry 95% of Perth.
- People that are too arrogant to argue.
- People and their fucking phones.
- People that claim to like music but have never taken 40 minutes out of their life to listen to Dark Side of the Moon, just once. Not saying you should like it, it's just that it's basically a fixture at the top end of any 'all time best album' list. Not even fucking curious?
- More on music. People that claim to like 'a bit of everything'. They are dirty rotten liar's that should be avoided.
Sitting on the train - aisle seat. Person next to me is making moves to get up WAY before the stop. But... I'm getting off at the same stop. Keep calm - we're gonna make it.
Edit - Tracy Grimshaw. Fuck her too.


Running out of chocolate. It's a truly horrifying moment.
And it's even worse when it happens and every shop is shut!

Langtrees VIP Perth 3

Diamond Member
all of the above and people that make promises they will never keep especially to kids.
I hate narcissistic people constantly blowing their own trumpets. Get over yourself.


- People that claim to like music but have never taken 40 minutes out of their life to listen to Dark Side of the Moon, just once. Not saying you should like it, it's just that it's basically a fixture at the top end of any 'all time best album' list. Not even fucking curious?

I think Darkside Of The Moon is one the most overrated albums by one of the most overrated bands.

Close To The Edge by Yes or 2112 by Rush and about 3 dozen others would be better than that Pink Floyd dross