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Sasha Fabulous. Looking for 'natural stimulants' that dont involve caffiene....


Silver Member
Working nightshifts means I need extra stamina....trying maca its supposed to boost energy, stamina and sex drive! looking for others
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Ginger beer - puts hairs on your chest, lead in your pencil! Lets you do heaps of top burps and no bottom burps!


Perth Escorts
Bronze Member
I use VIG High Potency,and find it highly affective.
It has many goodies in it including Guarana for a natural energy boost and helps fight the fatigue,Ginseng & Ginkgo biloba.
Its very reasonably priced and I find it works well when I take 2 at a time,I am a stickler for a good multi and vitamin C along with H20 a plenty.
It is available from from pharmacy's and some supermarkets and it a very reasonable price at about $13 :)
Try not too overload though as you will have difficultly sleeping which as we no is NEVER fun...thats where a wine or 6 comes in rather handy me thinks :)
Give it a go I am sure you will not be disappointed!!!!

Charlie x


Gold Member
Back in the "Hitler's-boot-camp" days of Cert IV graphic design course at TAFE....(when I had to; technically speaking - only had three hour sleep throughout the entirety of 72 hours of constant work) -lots of small food (even just munching bread on its own), in particular - apples. Many have sworn to it as alternative caffeine.

Now as to "stimulants", there are I believe as I was told (I haven't tried this though) - green-coffee-beans which are supposedly natural boosters as opposed to usual coffee beans.

Apart from ginseng, perhaps another one worthy to also look at - Rhodiola Rosea. One of the next big things next to so called super foods (spirulina, cacao powders, acai berries, chia seeds etc) - a lot of interesting things people notice from positive mood maintenance to stronger immunity against stress. One of the side effects I read that is that yes, it MAY keep you up at night. I only take it within workout and training days.


But perhaps more importantly -there are other small things one can do to keep 'at bay':

- Stretches. Stretch your upper arms and including your legs. Restore blood flow and as a mental reminder this isn't over.
- Brush your teeth (with super strong mint flavour paste) & Floss deeply . I've just recently discovered this myself over last year or two. I swear that even if I'm a zombie reaching for the bed - but once I've brushed and flossed in and out suddenly I was for some reason able to stay up for at least a good 30 to 45 mins before melatonin (the hormone / natural trigger for sleep) kicks in again.
- Eye drops. To me, there's absolutely nothing worse than having to work up late at night on the comp laying out shitty 80page annual report jobs with dry eyes all along. Funnily enough at the gym I recently even take a drop or two after reaching 3/4 of my workout - to realise that for some reason I feel more fresh and 'alert', even though I knew that I'm all knackered in and out.


Hope this helps.


Creature in the Shadows
Legend Member
you need to go into the party pill shop or joint venter in the city. they have so many different energy pills. but stay away from anything blue or green my experience is they'll make you sick


Legend Member
On a day like this? Bell tower...lol. That will sure blow. I dunno maybe go to the museum? state library? My room?


Legend Member
i havent had a proper massage for long long time, would love one good massage non-sexual.


I think they are great! Particularly on my legs and calves when they are a bit sore.

Even hand massages are really nice

Mary Anne PA

I prefer one or the other, not a mix. Next to the food hall in James St is an excellent Chinese massage place, its strictly non sexual and is more like a torture treatment, but works out all the knots and stiffness, $70 per hour.

The AMPs just muck around with their massages (generally) and the sooner the teasing, fun and extras start the better!


I go to get a great massage, the endings are just a bonus.
and always go for 90min.

If its a crap massage I move on.


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- go Sailing, if she do`nt like it, the only way home is to swim, Cheers and Pass the Rum


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ahoy;- massages are very nice, especially with Oils, let us not forget the open Rum bottle, good for me and Her or even better with a double.


Full Member
Foundation Member
...depends on the time of year...but being winter, I'd take her to the casino for....dinner, followed by a couple of bets (nothing serious) and finally drinks with live music.

Dinner to get to know each other a bit more.
Gambling for a bit of excitement.
Drinks & live music to "rock it home"!



Legend Member
I've been to proper massage places in China and Vietnam. The one in Vietnam I went to, has big shower room for guests, spa, dipping pool, when your ready you can go to the lounge and masseuse male/female are ready for you. You can either go for shoulder, hands and feet massages or full body (you in a robe). No nudies. The ladies there were multi-lingual and they really did deep tissue massage on ya. So much that it hurts. lol...With the China one, 1st you go for foot massage, dip your feet in hot herbal tea water, the water was actually hot to burning. But it was hell relaxing.


Legend Member
I've always found the Langtrees room the best place, it's a short walk from the lounge, you get room service, a wakeup call and and can have a friend stay over too! trampoline.gif

Perth boy

I've been to proper massage places in China and Vietnam. The one in Vietnam I went to, has big shower room for guests, spa, dipping pool, when your ready you can go to the lounge and masseuse male/female are ready for you. You can either go for shoulder, hands and feet massages or full body (you in a robe). No nudies. The ladies there were multi-lingual and they really did deep tissue massage on ya. So much that it hurts. lol...With the China one, 1st you go for foot massage, dip your feet in hot herbal tea water, the water was actually hot to burning. But it was hell relaxing.

I have been to these places in Manila and China. Great places and no happy ending. The place in Manila I go every trip. All the staff are Male and you come out feeling so relaxed. Then its off to Makarti to find a girl. haha

I have a regular spot in Perth I go weekly. No expectation of a happy ending just go to relax and have a sleep.


Legend Member
I actually prefer massages to be non sexual as I find them so relaxing, although I must admit on occasions when I've had my neck and scalp massaged in regular massage establishments I've become very arroused - some ladies just have the touch.


Legend Member
Any one else been to that little section in Little India in Kuala Lumpur I think they call it blind massage row There is a whole row of stalls all the masseuses are blind They give unbeleivable massages Whether it has something to do with them having better sensory perception via touch etc I dont know But it is money well spent


Somewhere expensive like Fast Eddy's!


Perth Escorts
Diamond Member
FOR SURE, NOBU ( Japanese, South American Chef) ( owner Robert De Niro) i!!!! The atmosphere, food, service all the way 5 star!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
Depending if we are talking lunch..........or dinner..........dinner? how about a live event (ballet/concert/theatre......etc) and a drink after?



Legend Member
FOR SURE, NOBU ( Japanese, South American Chef) ( owner Robert De Niro) i!!!! The atmosphere, food, service all the way 5 star!

Armada, you have expensive taste...been there before cost an arm and a leg. But i must say they are a tad cheaper than Rockpool and better food. Window seat is best.


I recently went to Kailis Brothers in Leederville for dinner and it was the best seafood meal I have tasted in Perth! Who doesn't love to share some oysters on a date ;)
The cocktails and desert was also amazing - the sticky date pudding is to die for!


The curly one had to appear - when you ladies go on a date to these places; do you ever offer or INSIST on paying your share? :D:tongue8::cya:


Legend Member
For a romantic night when it's clear and moonlit, and nature doesn't pass wind so hard, Coco's in south perth is a dead set location to hook.


If a girl needs me to take her to an overated 5 star restaurant in perth to be impressed, she's not for me.

Maybe indoor rock climbing, go karting or something else fun but not dangerous enough to have an unimpressed date.
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