• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Pay it forward - Good deeds :)


Diamond Member
With all the crap and negativity in the world, we need random acts of kindness to prevail. It's usually the little things that makes someones day.

Today, I saw a Japanese girl struggling to get her luggage almost the size of her, onto the train and the door was about to close.I helped her. She was grateful ;). It gave me a warm fuzzy lol ;)~

So do you have any small random acts of kindness you would like to share to give the rest of the forum members warm fuzzies> b

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Today I fell out if the sky and landed on my feet and casually helped an old lady across the road followed by a perfect smile with pearly white teeth. Then I looked up and flew away.

Hang on.......that was Clark lol

The other night I was in Northbridge outside one of those places that sell average pizza to drunk people to get a slice. Two ladies went to get some pizza and presented a credit card to which it was turned down. They were to be turned away hungry because they did not have $10 cash.

So I did the right thing and filled their tummies.



Hi ;0 ,
I have Noticed quite abit that people in general find it so hard to smile these days ...let alone a good pay it forward.... why is it so hard ??????


Old Pirate...
Legend Member
Ohhhh eye;- I helped out a student a few weeks back, good looking lad who was having conflict issues with his Uni studies, he needed to get home and did not have a lift or money , so I gave him $20.00 and got him a cab. I did the right thing for the lad and hence myself. The reality of life though, is this lad would never remember this gesture from an old Pirate, who spent his time sorting out his issues and spending $20.00. I suspect in his world, "we the mature ones “are here to take care of his needs. I have shared this comment and my life experience to highlight the fact, that most of us do help others in need. We all do it in many ways, from giving a smile, to buying some pizza, giving money to charities, handing over old cloths to charities etc. I hope one day, someone will help out an old Pirate, give him a hand to help him walk across the street, so he can have a Rum in a watering hole and share a few sea adventures with other old Pirates.

Perth boy

I was getting out of a taxi at Clark air port Manila. A girl walked passed and dropped all her stuff. I gave her a hand to pick up her belongings. She thanked me and I went on my way feeling great. I lined up at a long check in que and when I got to the counter it was the same girl. She smiled and thanked me once again. As I walked away from the check out I noticed she upgraded me to business class.

It pays to be nice.

Perth boy

With all the crap and negativity in the world, we need random acts of kindness to prevail. It's usually the little things that makes someones day.

Today, I saw a Japanese girl struggling to get her luggage almost the size of her, onto the train and the door was about to close.I helped her. She was grateful ;). It gave me a warm fuzzy lol ;)~

So do you have any small random acts of kindness you would like to share to give the rest of the forum members warm fuzzies> b

Also this is a great movie. Before I watched it all our friends kept telling me to watch it as the lady in the movie looks and acts like Perth girl. When I watched it I laughed my head off because its exactly like her.

Tania Admin

Occasionally us receptionists are given a tip for being friendly and helping the gentleman in question find the right girl. I always make sure that I pay a chunk of it forward by adding it to our fundraising for The Children Under The Bridge.

The Children Under The Bridge is a fund Mary-Anne set up on her return from one of her trips Manilla. This money is used to feed approx 60 children, some are now even receiving schooling and from my understanding some of the older ones are going to be taught building skills so they have the chance to earn money and further their lives.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Acts and thoughts of unconditional kindness are rare in this rhealm as humans are influenced take and possess. However for the few that understand at any level that giving kindness to others is only giving to one self, it is a means of pursuing happiness.

I have had a bad hand dealt to me of late. But I am always ok. No matter what someone will always turn up and care for me and assist me. In some cases saved my life.

So a big thank you to the universe


Legend Member
Hi ;0 ,
I have Noticed quite abit that people in general find it so hard to smile these days ...let alone a good pay it forward.... why is it so hard ??????

That is one thing I miss when I get to Perth Just the simple act of smiling. Everyone seems so busy or angry


Legend Member
Thing is sydney is grumpy compared to Perth Perth is grumpy compared to say Bunbury and Bunbury is grumpy compared to Northampton and on it goes


I give every time I do a 30 minute booking for $160-200 or private strip at the peeps for $40 for 10 minutes.


Today I fell out if the sky and landed on my feet and casually helped an old lady across the road followed by a perfect smile with pearly white teeth. Then I looked up and flew away.

Hang on.......that was Clark lol

The other night I was in Northbridge outside one of those places that sell average pizza to drunk people to get a slice. Two ladies went to get some pizza and presented a credit card to which it was turned down. They were to be turned away hungry because they did not have $10 cash.

So I did the right thing and filled their tummies.


So how did you fill their tummies Yoda? Tut tut! You shoulda used a condom.:nono:


I've done many, many, many random acts of kindness long before it became a bumper sticker. Sure, I've paid it forward not expecting anything in return but I will say one thing... no one's even ATTEMPTED to pay it back.


Legend Member
Cant remember But I do have a caring nature So if he had a sore throat I would have bought menthol


I used to have a caring nature myself until I stopped giving a f@#k.


Ok so you want to be Mr Smarty Pants. Yeah I'm a punter and bloody proud of it too.

Farm Boy

Ok so you want to be Mr Smarty Pants. Yeah I'm a punter and bloody proud of it too.

Right Col and be sure the young ladies put your thrice weekly $180 towards Uni Fees, or in the case of the not so young recipients of your
largeness food for their kids.


The nice girl a the peeps I give a $10 tip to. She feeds her cat with that plus uni stuff.
The other nice peepshow girl doesn't except my tip because she regards me as her friend.

2 w/l That I know my money goes to the upkeep of the kids.
1 w/l is a uni student so my money for study stuff i.e 2 minute noodles.

Just doing my bit for the community MrB

Farm Boy

The nice girl a the peeps I give a $10 tip to. She feeds her cat with that plus uni stuff.
The other nice peepshow girl doesn't except my tip because she regards me as her friend.

2 w/l That I know my money goes to the upkeep of the kids.
1 w/l is a uni student so my money for study stuff i.e 2 minute noodles.

Just doing my bit for the community MrB

Yay well done Coll you're not a punter but a Foundation for education , protector of little animals and noodle to the needy supplier.


Well MrB when Colzilladrillakilla walks through the doors I like the think that everyone is a winner.


Poor Colziladrillakilla's good deeds go unnoticed. I use my human form and birth name when I punt.


Legend Member
But are the noodle girls like their food Exotic and tasty but somehow not as satisfying as a good european meal