• We are setting up Trans World in the state boards this will take a few days Perth has already been done.these boards will be open to general public and they can also comment without membership. This is a trial only.

Gingers weird thought for the day....


Self-Proclaimed Peach Connoisseur
Diamond Member
I don't expect to make a session about myself. If I get an orgasm, that is great.. I do NOT need to lift my game. The game is the clients to play ;)

While that is true, as a client if I could make the lady cum as well it would be a nice little ego boost.

As I said 20% of the time they are. I'm not exactly hard to make come either. haha

Challenge accepted!

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
I see some couples who are overweight and i wonder 'HOW'? Regret it after
That's a bit judgmental and shallow to be honest. How you every thought there may be health reason as to why some are overweight or medication etc
You can have a person in a smaller body who has health issues the same as some in a larger body completely healthy.
So much is placed on body image and this can lead to very unhealthy body image, poor self esteem, eating disorders and plastic surgery in hope of that perfect body.

And know what other people do in the bedroom is none of my business and nor to I make assumptions based on how people look either. In my real like I look straight and conservative. Other peoples sex life is of no relevance to me what so ever. I more focus on what a person is like more so if they shallow, judgmental and rotten to the core or weather they are decent caring and genuine people. You can have the most stunning looking person but if they a cu*** of a person then the ugliness of their attitude and behavior shines through
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
That's a bit judgmental. How you every thought there may be health reason as to why some are overweight or medication etc
You can have a person in a smaller body who has health issues the same as some in a larger body completely healthy.
So much is placed on body image and this can lead to very unhealthy body image, poor self esteem, eating disorders and plastic surgery in hope of that perfect body
Is the pot calling the kettle black babe you are nor being judgemental. Lets keep weight issues in the health forum plz

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Is the pot calling the kettle black babe you are nor being judgemental. Lets keep weight issues in the health forum plz
You all know me I say what I think.
I will never change for someone and personally find it offensive that someone is looking at a "couples who are overweight and i wonder 'HOW'
I call a spade a spade. I am not here to impress anyone nor upset anyone either.
I was replying to someone else who raised the weight issue
Have a wonderful day off to take grandchildren to the beach :)
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Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
You all know me I say what I think.
I will never change for someone and personally find it offensive that someone is looking at a "couple couples who are overweight and i wonder 'HOW'
I call a spade a spade. I am not here to impress anyone nor upset anyone either.
I was replying to someone else who raised the weight issue
Have a wonderful day off to take grandchildren to the beach :)

We have all made jokes/quips remarks about other people and about peoples size,height, lack of height, etc etc, all human beings have done this during a life time and if we say we have not, then this is right up there with the dreaded question Do you masturbate ? if anyone says no then well what are they ?


Legend Member
That's a bit judgmental and shallow to be honest. How you every thought there may be health reason as to why some are overweight or medication etc
You can have a person in a smaller body who has health issues the same as some in a larger body completely healthy.
So much is placed on body image and this can lead to very unhealthy body image, poor self esteem, eating disorders and plastic surgery in hope of that perfect body.

And know what other people do in the bedroom is none of my business and nor to I make assumptions based on how people look either. In my real like I look straight and conservative. Other peoples sex life is of no relevance to me what so ever. I more focus on what a person is like more so if they shallow, judgmental and rotten to the core or weather they are decent caring and genuine people. You can have the most stunning looking person but if they a cu*** of a person then the ugliness of their attitude and behavior shines through
You only have to go a doctor and they will say oh your overweight that’s why your not feeling well !! Sometimes if someone actually asks are you happy with how you look and see what the answer is !! I’m no male model but I don’t really care what others think how I look !! I guess I come under the slightly over but that’s life I’ve got more important things to worry about !!

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
images (1).png

The same applies your age, gender or how you look, race, culture and skin colour. Nor does not define your sex life either.
It's a bit like judging a book by its cover. Do we value people based on how they look and apply this to what they are doing in the bedroom behind closed doors. Do we take this into our workplace and start discrimination people based on this. As working ladies do we refuse clients based on this. Were does it stop

This second one I love. I am a big supporter of body positivity and when we go around making assumptions about people sex life based of the other body, the visual we can see on the surface this can have a big impact on others and frankly what business is it our ours? Not our life simple. I will start a thread in Adelaide section for this.

images (4).jpg


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Ok.. I was dating a very thin lady right everyone at her work used to give her heaps eg she was Anorexic, starved herself etc etc gave her food , chocolate to try to add weight she was lucky it didn't work, then one over weight lady at her work pushed to far so she hit out at her saying why do I need to put on weight to satisfy you, why can't you loose weight oh that;s right you spend all 8 hours feeding your mouth etc etc, she lost at her and others in her office mostly over weight people that all ate all day and never tried to loose weight, guess who got dragged into HR and the Boss's office to explain herself?

They pushed her daily to make her do this, that's right My girlfriend did, They the overweight gang started it and she gets dragged before HR, not long after that she left the company but the overweight folks are all still there... So before you all go on about overweight folks this happens to Thin girls too, that just happen to be lucky to eat all foods and never put on an ounce of weight.

Miss Monique

Adelaide's original Plus Size Delight
Legend Member
Excuse me phoebe this is not about fat people sorry to busts your bubble princess and its not about thin people either its about having respect for all humans and minding our own business. Other peoples sex life or what they do is no ones business. What the hell has happened to you in your absents. I would be putting the same argument if the comment was about 2 smaller people. The fact that I am a full figured has nothing to fu***** do with it. I don't give a shit what you, or any one things of me. I got over that crap and the put downs fat jokes/abuse years ago. No one should be singled out for how they look. I have always respected you but respect is earned sweetheart. I am happy and accept who I am. What have people become when what others look like, their size or what others are doing in their own bedroom then turned in the sheer nastiness. I expect nothing better then my good old friend Ging I know what she s about in past tactics and fake profile only to get caught out then run Langtrees and Mary Anne down to the ground on another forum. But you I expected better.

I am so disappointing and I am sorry Mary Anne for my rant but gosh how low as humans do we go.
I am taking the remainder of the hear out from here as I am just mortified at what I am reading and the treatment of others. That is not who I am. And clearly to some I am just some fat bi*** who cares what you think. I am who I am the same as everyone else


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
Excuse me phoebe this is not about fat people sorry to busts your bubble princess and its not about thin people either its about having respect for all humans and minding our own business. Other peoples sex life or what they do is no ones business. What the hell has happened to you in your absents. I would be putting the same argument if the comment was about 2 smaller people. The fact that I am a full figured has nothing to fu***** do with it. I don't give a shit what you, or any one things of me. I got over that crap and the put downs fat jokes/abuse years ago. No one should be singled out for how they look. I have always respected you but respect is earned sweetheart. I am happy and accept who I am. What have people become when what others look like, their size or what others are doing in their own bedroom then turned in the sheer nastiness. I expect nothing better then my good old friend Ging I know what she s about in past tactics and fake profile only to get caught out then run Langtrees and Mary Anne down to the ground on another forum. But you I expected better.

I am so disappointing and I am sorry Mary Anne for my rant but gosh how low as humans do we go.
I am taking the remainder of the hear out from here as I am just mortified at what I am reading and the treatment of others. That is not who I am. And clearly to some I am just some fat bi*** who cares what you think. I am who I am the same as everyone else

I was making light of what my ex GF faced as a very thin woman, in a place where she should of been safe from this "work" this is not my views or who I am, I am a very open minded person I just adding another view point of its not just curvy people whom face this but also very thin ones too, I am sorry for how that may of read but it was not my doing or aim to do so, it was what my EX GF faced at work daily until she snapped, I apologize for how this may come over in worded format, I am sorry. MY ex GF was a and still is one of the best people woman you could ever met and she is like me never opens her mouth or anything to anyone so as those wont do the same to her and myself, but doing so people don't like that either. so please Miss Monique please accept my apologies. I am sorry for how this may of came across.

Ally Fox

Oh absolutely, all the time. It’s fun to think. And it’s not limited to people I meet in person either, attached is a picture of one that always gets the mind racing: The actor that played The Mountain and his wife.

The physics alone must be a sight to behold! hehe
Literally me against every guy haha


Gold Member
But his looks like the door slammed a few times in his face in the 1st place... Come on women look at a man and within a few seconds, she thinks nope or yes.... so that reply wont cut it Ginger! LOL
Giiirrlll... We all know those skinny, weird, 4/10 looks guys have those fuckin' 9"+ dongs. Dude gets a hard on and he's gotta be careful he don't pass out from the diverted blood flow.


Gold Member
Oh absolutely, all the time. It’s fun to think. And it’s not limited to people I meet in person either, attached is a picture of one that always gets the mind racing: The actor that played The Mountain and his wife.

The physics alone must be a sight to behold! hehe
Now you KNOW she doesn't walk for a week after he drills her, balls deep. Fucking hell that's a physical mismatch.